Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 334: Be wiped out

They seemed to disappear so suddenly, leaving no trace.

At this time, a gust of wind came.

Lu Yang frowned suddenly. In the wind, besides the smell of wine, meat and rouge, there seemed to be a special smell.

And that smell is usually only smelled in the slaughterhouse.

Lu Yang deliberately made a little noise, those people are masters, I believe they will be able to feel it.

However, there was still no movement in that room. Lu Yang was thinking about whether to go in and take a look.

At this time, Lu Yang suddenly heard a scream. The scream was so sharp and piercing that it almost didn't sound like a human voice.

If you want to say that this call must be made by a person, then that person must be a **** monster.

Lu Yang immediately thought of the person who was missing half.

Could it be that Suihan's three friends were one step faster than him this time?

Lu Yang flew over the ridge of the roof, his figure swept toward the backyard like a puff of smoke.

The scream came from the backyard.

There are two rooms in the back. The lights are much dimmer than in the front yard. The two windows and one door are all hidden.

Coming here, the **** smell is even stronger, making people feel uncomfortable.

Lu Yang flew down and flew towards the room. He stopped outside the door and gently opened the door.

Inside the door, someone immediately grinned: "You really came, I know, if the box is delivered, you will definitely come, please come in."

Lu Yang didn't go in and opened the door, but the situation inside was like hell.

Lu Yang didn't dare to go in, but he couldn't bear to go in.

The situation in that room is even more terrifying than that of the slaughterhouse! It is even more disgusting!

By the bed, there were three young girls who were immature, hanging there diagonally like white sheep.

Their pale and slender voices, with blood flowing down, flowed down their soft legs to the ground.

A person who was missing half of the person stood on the head of the bed like a devil, holding a knife in his hand, and the tip of the knife was still dripping blood.

"Come in." The voice of the person on that side was so sharp, "If I let you in, you have to come in quickly, otherwise, I will unload these three stinky girls into seven or eight yuan."

Lu Yang gritted his teeth and barely suppressed vomiting.

Yin Tongzi grinned: "Although these three stinky women have nothing to do with you, you have always been a pitiful person, and you will never bear to watch them die in front of you."

This evil thing was extremely vicious, he grasped Lu Yang's weakness, and Lu Yang could not watch him kill these three young girls in front of him anyway.

Lu Yang's heart sank a little.

He couldn't bear it. He really couldn't bear it. His heart was definitely not as hard as he thought.

He clearly knew that the three girls would die sooner or later, but he would never allow them to die in front of him.

Lu Yang could only bite the bullet and walk in.

Yin Tong smiled grimly: "We actually didn't want to kill you, but you shouldn't."

His words stopped suddenly.

From the window, three cold stars broke through the window. The light flashed, but it was so fast that it had already penetrated the throats of the three girls.

That Han Xing was so fast, accurate, and ruthless, right at the point. It's already silent.

Yin Tong roared and flew up, but instead of rushing towards Lu Yang, he wanted to chase the man who put the hidden weapon outside the window.

He bit his teeth with hate, this man broke his good deeds, how could he let him go.

However, Lu Yang didn't want him to leave.

Since the girls are dead, then Lu Yang doesn't have any scruples, where else can he escape!

Yin Tong's body turned halfway, the iron hook of his left hand hung on the beam, and his whole body turned.

In his actions, there was a fierce wind, and the artificial legs were also made of stainless steel.

Once that weird move came out, no matter who it was, he couldn't get close to him.

Like a spinning spiky ball, no one wanted to get close, and Lu Yang didn't want it either.

Lu Yang watched the Yin Tong constantly spinning like that.

Suddenly, as soon as the hook of the yin boy's left hand was loosened, his people flew out like a stringed arrow by the force of that rotation.

The yin boy didn't make a move, but just wanted to get away.

He was self-aware, knowing that he was definitely not Lu Yang's opponent, and that he was lucky to escape.

However, he still underestimated Lu Yang.

His talent was worthy of flying out of the window, then Lu Yang suddenly raised his hand and tapped his **** lightly.

He heard a "boom" sound, and his man fell heavily under the window, the iron foot hit the ground, sparks splashed everywhere.

Lu Yang didn't cause him to die, but just touched his acupuncture points with lightning.

Lu Yang wanted to stay alive and find out their purpose from him.

But at this moment, another cold star flew in from outside the yard and pierced the Yin Tongzi's throat.

Lu Yang didn't expect it, so he could only sigh and looked at the remaining Yin Tongzi's eyes that he refused to close.

"Who?" Lu Yang roared.

The night is so deep, the stars and the moon seem to be dull.

In the distance, there was a boundless darkness.

Where can I see the figure now? Since I can't see it, how can I chase it?

Lu Yang sighed and murmured: "Fortunately, they have seven people here, and there are six others who live."

Just after he finished speaking, someone behind him sneered and said, "It's a pity that there is now half alive."

There was only one person talking, but there were three figures on the ground, dragged long by the light in the window.

They seem to be one, the figure is so familiar.

"Suihan three friends." Lu Yang turned around and smiled bitterly: "Aren't the other six people alive?"

The old man said, "If they are still alive, then you might not have walked out of this room so easily just now."


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