Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 336: Sudden change

She sneered: "You didn't think it was me."

Lu Yang admitted this, he did not expect it.

"I didn't expect that you are really a bad man who is merciful everywhere. You will fall in love with one when you see one."

She finally turned her head, her face was so pale, her nose was straight, her eyes shone like a cold autumn night.

Lu Yang sighed and said with a wry smile: "This time, I didn't think of climbing the iceberg. Could it be that the iceberg wanted to climb my mound instead of it?"

If Fang Yuxiang is really an iceberg, then the iceberg will definitely not blush unless she melts.

And she actually melted, and her face was red now.

She stared at Lu Yang fiercely with big eyes, and said bitterly, "Do you never know when you should speak human words?"

Lu Yang smiled: "I will say a few words occasionally, but that is only when I see people occasionally."

"Am I not a human?" Of course, Fang Yuxiang wouldn't say this. Her eyes widened,

Lu Yang smiled again: "A few days ago, I heard others say that although you look fierce and cold, you are actually a very enthusiastic person, but I can't tell it now. "

Fang Yuxiang said: "Who said that?"

Fang Yuxiang sneered: "Did my amorous little cousin Ding Xiang tell you about it?"

Lu Yang sighed softly and coughed again, which was an answer.

Suddenly, he felt that his face seemed a little hot and red.

His heart is really not as dark as he thought, and his face is not as thick as he thought. As long as he does a little guilty thing, his face will be a little red.

Fang Yuxiang looked at Lu Yang coldly: "That is to say, she has been inseparable from you in these two days."

Lu Yang nodded slightly and admitted.

Fang Yuxiang asked: "What about her current person?"

Lu Yang was stunned: "She? Don't you know where she went?"

Fang Yuxiang said: "I just came, how do I know where she has gone."

Lu Yang sighed: "I think she was afraid that when I came back, she would become that monster, lacking a nose and eyes, and she didn't want to see my appearance, so she had to leave first.

Fang Yuxiang sneered: "She is indeed very soft-hearted. When killing people, she always closes her eyes, as if she is afraid of seeing blood."

Suddenly there was a grinning voice outside and said: "It is true that my eldest cousin knows me best, because I closed my eyes when I killed someone last time, so I got blood all over my body."

The laughter was like a silver bell, and Aunt Dingxiang flew in like a light swallow.

Although her laughter was so sweet, she looked embarrassed.

The skirts of her clothes were ripped apart, like a swallow hit by a hunter's tail with a slingshot.

Fang Yuxiang said with a stern face: "I didn't expect that you would come back."

Aunt Dingxiang smiled: "I know, the big cousin is here, so of course I will come back."

Fang Yuxiang also laughed, smiling very sweetly: "Sometimes, although I may be angry with you, but, anyway, I know that you are still my good cousin, or the best cousin to me."

Aunt Ding Xiang said: "It's just a pity that we don't have many opportunities to meet. You always like to be with your big cousin, and you leave me alone and alone."

Fang Yuxiang smiled so sweetly: "You just said so nicely, in fact, I know that you have forgotten us a long time ago."

Aunt Dingxiang asked: "Who said that?"

Fang Yuxiang smiled at Lu Yang and said, "Could it be that when you two are together, will you still remember us?"

Both of them laughed so sweetly and so nicely.

However, Lu Yang felt something was wrong.

Amidst the laughter like silver bells, I suddenly heard a "boom" sound.

The comb in Fang Yuxiang's hand suddenly turned into a row of crossbow arrows!

That comb has four or five cards, and that one comes to the door like four or five sharp arrows, hitting Aunt Dingxiang like a rainstorm.

However, Aunt Dingxiang’s hand shot out a seven-point cold star, striking seven key points on Fang Yuxiang’s chest.

When the two of them shot, they were both killed!

They all seemed to put each other to death in an instant!

Neither of them closed their eyes, but Lu Yang closed his eyes.

When you don't understand what's in front of you, it is best to watch the changes. This is what Lu Yang is thinking at the moment.

When Lu Yang opened his eyes, he saw seven cold stars pinned to the opposite wall.

Fang Yuxiang's people have fallen on the bed, but Aunt Dingxiang is seven or eight feet away.

Just listening to Aunt Dingxiang’s voice, coming from afar from the darkness, the voice resented so much: "You remember, I will never spare you!"

Before she finished speaking, her voice suddenly changed to an exclamation, but the exclamation stopped, and there was no sound.

The autumn mist has dispersed, the wind is still blowing, everything is so silent.

Fang Yuxiang was still lying on the bed motionless, looking at Fang Yuxiang and her body.

Lu Yang laughed suddenly: "I know, you are not dead yet."

The dead are never so attractive.

But she was still like a dead person, without any reaction.

Lu Yang looked at her for a while, but suddenly stood up, walked over, and lay down beside her.

Then, Lu Yang suddenly seemed to have become another dead person, motionless.

However, another dead man came alive.

Fang Yuxiang started manually, and his legs moved.

Lu Yang didn't move.

Fang Yuxiang chuckled: "I know you are not dead either."

Lu Yang finally had a reaction, he grabbed her hand, her hand has been moving dishonestly.

No man can maintain his composure under such dishonest hands. ..


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