Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 341: The Secret of Rakshasa

Of course, Lu Yang would not say these words. But Aunt Dingxiang saw it.

"I said she was wrong, not because she stole the Rakshasa card." This is the first time she showed a look of grief and anger," a woman abandoned by her husband, no matter what means should be used for revenge. "

This is what women think, and most women think like this.

And Aunt Ding Xiang is a woman, and a very charming woman, these are more than other women.

Therefore, Lu Yang can only express his agreement with her point of view.

Aunt Dingxiang said: "I said she did something wrong, because she shouldn't have agreed to sell the Rakshasa brand to Jia Leshan."

Lu Yang said in surprise: "Jia Leshan in the south of the Yangtze River?"

Lu Yang knew this person, and he was as familiar with him as Lu Xiaofeng.

Jia Leshan is a well-known rich family in Jiangnan, and of course a well-known good gentleman.

But only a few people know that he was a big pirate who was rampant all over the world!

Among those Japanese pirates in the East, more than half were directly under his rule.

The Japanese pirates have always been cruel and vicious, and they are not afraid of death at all.

Moreover, they are still capricious by nature, but Jia Leshan can make them submissive. From this point of view, we can see that he is a very powerful person.

Aunt Ding Xiang said: "I already know that Li Xia has had a close talk with the messenger Jia Leshan sent to the Central Plains, and even the price has been negotiated. They made an appointment on the'Lahasu' website, and they paid the money and delivered the goods."

Lu Yang asked: "Since they negotiated in the Central Plains, why did they agree to trade in the extremely cold town over there?"

Aunt Ding Xiang said: "This is also one of the conditions for Li Xia to come. Of course, she also knows that Jia Leshan has always been cruel, for fear of being swallowed by him, so she insisted on trading in Lahasu."

Lu Yang asked: "Why?"

Aunt Dingxiang said: "Because it is my father's old home, she has lived there for more than ten years, and the people there are quite familiar with her, so even Jia Leshan dare not do anything to her there."

Lu Yang said: "That looks like this, she must be a pretty shrewd woman."

Aunt Dingxiang sighed and said: "She has to be shrewd, because she has been pawned by many men. People like her will lose their lives if they are not careful."

Lu Yang said: "However, she told you this secret."

Aunt Dingxiang said: "That's because she came to me first after she got the Rakshasa card."

Lu Yang said: "Oh."

Aunt Dingxiang said: "She also promised me that if I can collect 200,000 taels of gold before the end of the year, she will change her mind and sell me the Rakshasa brand."

Lu Yang asked: "Then why do you want that Rakshasa card?"

Aunt Ding Xiang said: "Because I want to retaliate." She gritted her teeth and said, "I already knew that Fei Tian Yuhu had another woman. It was because I was in the way, and of course that woman hated me even more. I live for one day, and she will never be able to justify her being the wife of the Black Tiger Hall."

Lu Yang said: "Could it be that they still want to kill you?"

Aunt Dingxiang said: "If it weren't for me to be smart and vigilant, I'm afraid I would have died in their hands long ago, but if the Rakshasa card was in my hand, they would definitely not dare to deal with me."

A woman is willing to spend two hundred thousand taels of gold to buy something, and the reason is certain.

Lu Yang said: "Why?"

Aunt Ding Xiang said: "Because if I had the Rakshasa card, then I would be the leader of the Raksha Sect. Even the Flying Jade Tiger, the leader of the Western Demon Sect, must be jealous of him, and he is also afraid of him. "

Lilac Demon's expression was very sad, and her eyes were full of tiredness, but now, she is so radiant.

Aunt Ding Xiang told another very surprising secret: "The Western Jade Rakshasa is dead. He died suddenly when his son first entered the customs."

"After I die, whoever passes the Rakshasa card is the successor leader of this sect. If someone is disobedient and disobeys, he will cut his body through a thousand swords, and the poisonous ants will be divided into ghosts forever. !"

Of course, the Western Jade Rakshasa is a very shrewd and powerful person, for fear that after he died, those disciples under his clan would kill each other in order to compete for fame.

Then, the foundation he created will be ruined soon.

This is the last thing he wants to see.

Therefore, when Jade Luosha started the mountain and established the sect, he personally laid down this law.

It was also because of this that he passed the Rakshasa card to his son.

However, he never thought that his precious son was like the sons of the rich and wealthy, and he was also a prodigal son.

Moreover, this prodigal son is even worse than those spoiled children. He is an out-and-out chaos.

Aunt Ding Xiang said: "If Jade Luosha knew that his precious son had already bet that Rakshasa card to someone else, then he would definitely be vomiting and bleeding out of anger and his life would be lost under Jiuquan. Half a strip."

Lu Yang now understood why so many people would fight for the Rakshasa card unscrupulously. He let out a long breath.

"In order to chase down the Jade Rakshasa, and also secretly to worship the new leader, the elders and deacon disciples of their churches decided to gather all important disciples of the church at the Great Bright Mirror in Kunlun Mountain on the seventh day of the first lunar month of next year. "

"As long as anyone can rush there with the Rakshasa card on that day, then you are the new leader of the Western Demon Cult. From then on, no one will dare to be rude to you."

The power of the Western Demon Sect is not only quite entrenched, but also spread all over the world.

No matter who can succeed the leader, he can immediately become the most powerful person in the arena.

Once you have power, that fame and fortune will naturally follow. Who wouldn't want such a result?

This temptation is irresistible to anyone. ..


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