Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 350: Cunning fox

In his eyes, he looked at Chu Chu, Chu Chu, Chu Chu, and his eyes were full of appreciation and enthusiasm every time he looked at Chu Chu.

However, Jia Leshan's eyes were full of anger and doubt: "Because she? Is she suggesting you?"

Looking at Jia Leshan’s expression, Lu Yang smiled more happily: "It doesn’t matter if you have to think this way, it is indeed because she is here. If she is not here, I would never think that you are Jia. Leshan."

Jia Leshan's hand supporting Chu Chu suddenly pressed hard, and a painful expression suddenly appeared on that Chu Chu beautiful face.

Lu Yang sighed secretly in his heart. Until now, he was finally able to confirm their relationship.

The ferocious and cunning old fox, the gentle and beautiful little white rabbit,

A greedy vulture, a canary that has lost its freedom.

Lu Yang really does not look down on women suffering, especially beautiful women.

Lu Yang sighed and explained: "A beautiful girl like her, no matter where she goes, will make a man's heart move, and can't help but look at her more."

Jia Leshan snorted in his nose.

Lu Yang said: "However, the men here have never seen her before, and are afraid to even glance at her secretly. As long as they are women, especially those who are naturally beautiful, they like to be seen by men. They dare not look at her. Of course, they are not afraid of her being angry, but afraid of you, so."

Jia Leshan said: "So how?"

Lu Yang said: "I just asked myself, every man here is a nasty person, why should they be afraid of you, unless you are the murderer Jia Leshan."

Jia Leshan stared at Lu Yang and laughed loudly: "Okay, well thought and well said."

Lu Yang said: "You didn't come to listen to me, but to take a look at me. You want to see what kind of person I am."

Jia Leshan said: "Yes."

Lu Yang said: "Now, haven't you seen it?"

Jia Leshan said: "Yes."

Lu Yang said: "What kind of person am I?"

Jia Leshan said: "You are a smart person."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Okay, you said so well."

Jia Leshan said: "You are not only smart, but also very strong-willed. No matter what kind of thing it is, it is difficult to impress you. I think if you really want to do something, no matter it is encountered No matter what kind of difficulty, you must be persevering and go all out."

Lu Yang said: "Okay, I thought too well. I didn't expect that you know me so well."

Jia Leshan said: "You are indeed a very good friend, but also a terrible opponent."

Jia Leshan stared at Lu Yang, his eyes full of hostility: "Unfortunately, you are not my friend, but my enemy, so you only have to die."

Lu Yang said: "Only dead."

Jia Leshan said coldly: "Of course it must be dead."

The night became deeper, and the wind seemed so cold.

The man in black was still standing there like a javelin, and the old white-haired family took out a handful of frustrations from their pockets and was frustrating their fingernails.

And the person who was hanging upside down on the roof beam fell down at some point, and made no sound.

Jia Leshan said: "You really didn't misunderstand the person. The three of them are indeed ugly people. Just now I caught the third child's killer sword, and the second child's hand was full of flowers and rain. As the boss, the situation is naturally different."

Lu Yang looked at the gray-haired old family and said, "Are you the boss?"

The gray-haired old family sneered and bent his fingers. The three-inch nails on his **** were actually soft as cotton.

Now the nail curled up into a ball and suddenly bounced out again.

He heard the sound of "zi", a gust of wind rang, and the window paper seven or eight feet away was pierced by the blast of wind from his nails!

If that nail really pierced a person's body, what would it be like?

Lu Yang couldn't help but applauded, "Okay, it's a great trick, it's Huashan's stunt!"

The old family said coldly: "Your eyesight is really good."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "Kongtong Killer Sword, the flood of flowers and rain under Xin Shiniang's gate, plus the magical power of Huashan's fingers, it seems that I must not escape death today."

Sikong starring suddenly laughed and said: "Others said, your eyesight is indeed not bad, but I want to say that your eyesight is not good."

Lu Yang said: "Oh."

Sikong picked the stars and said: "Although you can see the martial arts origins of the three of them, and know their terrible, you forget that there are two more terrifying people here."

Lu Yang said: "Of course I didn't forget."

Sikong picked the stars and said: "You didn't count me?"

Lu Yang said: "No."

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "Why?"

Lu Yang said: "Because in my eyes, you are not only not scary at all, but cute."

Sikong starring laughed.

Lu Yang said: "You never thought I would call you cute."

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "I didn't expect that you have already seen how terrible this Chuchu girl is."

Lu Yang laughed: "I can also see that she is cute."

Lovely people, isn't the passage usually scary?

Many people don't understand this sentence, but as long as you really fall in love with someone, you can understand the meaning here.

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "There is a sentence you must have never heard."

Lu Yang said: "What are you talking about?"

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "Chu Chu is moving, and he is chasing his soul."

What Sikong Picking up the stars said was exactly what Chu Chu had been silent from the side. ..


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