Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 354: destination

That section of the river is not wide, only twenty or thirty feet. When the river was closed, the ice was over ten feet.

People who have lived in the old house for a long time have a strange premonition for the moment of Fengjiang.

They seem to be able to feel the message of closing the river from the wind, and they can see the moment of closing the river from the waves.

Therefore, a few days before the closure of the river, the people in the old house would throw the prepared wooden shelves into the river and tie them firmly with ropes.

It's like in ancient times when immigrants drew out their own territory in the wilderness.

After the river was closed, that section of the river became a long and wide crystal road, bright and dazzling.

At this time, the wooden frame floating on the surface of the river was so cold that it took root.

At this time, the beams and rafters are added to build a wall with water, soil and water. As long as it is overnight, it will freeze as hard as a rock.

In this way, all kinds of houses, large and small, were built on the ice.

It won’t take three to five days before this place becomes a very lively town.

By that time, even a cart with eight horses can drive on ice.

At that time, shops of all walks of life were also opened at the same time. The outside of the house was dripping into ice, but the inside of the house was warm as spring.

Lu Yang sounded like a myth.

He had never before, and he did not expect it to be like that.

"How can the room be warm like spring in a place where dripping water turns into ice and even the nose will freeze?" Lu Yang said in surprise.

"Because there was a fire in that room, there was also a fire under the kang." Chu Chu smiled.

"Make a fire on the ice?" Lu Yang said in surprise.

"Yes." Chu Chu said.

"What about ice?" Lu Yang asked.

"Ice is still ice, it won't melt at all." Chu Chu said.

The ice club did not melt until the Qingming Festival of the following year, and by that time, people had moved their homes to the shore.

There were only some empty wooden shelves and some unused waste, which rolled down the river with the ice cubes.

So, at that time, the bustling small town on the ice had disappeared in an instant, like a dream that had never appeared.

Now, it has not yet reached the time of Fengjiang, but in fact, this is the coldest time.

Lu Yang arrived at Lahasu at this time.

Of course he will not come alone. Now, his identity is no longer Lu Yang.

Now even his appearance is different. In addition to the original moustache that looked a little like eyebrows, he has a little beard on his chin.

This change will not be too big on the faces of others, but it is a little different on Lu Yang's face.

His original characteristics were concealed by this extra beard.

Now he seems to have completely become another person, Jia Leshan's richest man in Jiangnan.

Everyone knows Jia Leshan's style, it's not small. Now he is leading a large group of followers, holding a valuable mink coat, sitting in a cart with a heater.

Now his situation looks like he is indeed the one of Jia Leshan, an unparalleled millionaire.

And Chu Chu, wearing a thick silver sable robe, nestled beside him like a pigeon.

That girl is crazy sometimes, but sometimes she is so behaved.

Many times, it looks like you can take her to the bed and let her sleep with you, but when you want to be so, you can't even touch her.

Lu Yang is the same, so now his mood is quite bad these days.

He is a normal man who has been pestered by such a girl all day long.

But at night, only one person was left staring at the roof in a daze.

Under such circumstances, who can feel better?

The three friends of Suihan still followed them far behind and did not interfere with their actions.

Because they only have one purpose, that is, hope that Lu Yang can find the Rakshasa card for them.

Whether Lu Yang becomes Jia Leshan or Zhenleshan, even if he becomes the emperor, they will not care about it at all, nor will the dead.

Looking far outside from the car window, one could already see a white jade crystal avenue so bright.

Chu Chu sighed softly and said: "This section of the road, we are finally finished."

Lu Yang also sighed, although he also knew that no matter how hard and long the road, how happy the broad road, there will be time to finish.

However, seeing the destination just ahead, he still felt very happy in his heart.

The driver also raised his spirits, and the whip speeded up.

White mist sprayed from the nostrils of the horse pulling the cart, and thick white foam flowed along the corners of the mouth.

From a distance, you can already see the houses in the ice town.

Then, night had fallen on the earth.

In this extreme bitter cold place, the night will always come faster.

It was very sudden. It seemed that it hadn't reached dusk just now, but suddenly the night was over the whole land.

On the dim crystal avenue, the lights were on.

The small town that had disappeared into the darkness suddenly became brightly lit.

The light shone on the ice, and the light reflected on the ice, which looked like crystal palaces.

Those crystal palaces stand on the glazed world. Seeing such a situation, no matter who it is, the first time you see it, you will definitely be fascinated.

Lu Yang is no exception.

On the way, he suffered so much, and on several occasions he almost lost his life.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt it was worth it, and all the hard work was worth it.

If you go back in time and ask him to go back to the Silver Hook Gambling House and choose again, he will definitely want to do it again.

Lu Yang is such a person, the more strange he is, the more interested he is to participate. ..


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