Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 359: Old goat

Listening to the question of the old goat, Lu Yang just smiled bitterly: "I have grown up so big. This is the first time I have seen such a big water tank."

The old goat asked again: "Then have you seen me?"

Lu Yang said: "Neither has it."

The old goat said: "But I seem to have seen you before."

Lu Yang said: "Oh."

The old goat glanced at Lu Yang, smiled suddenly, shook his head, and said with a smile: "You are not."

Lu Yang said: "I'm not Jia Leshan?"

The old goat said: "Absolutely not."

Lu Yang said: "Then, who am I?"

The old goat said: "It doesn't matter if you are Zhang San or Li Si, it doesn't matter to me, but I only know that you will definitely not be Jia Leshan, because I have seen that old Wang Ba Lao once before."

Lu Yang also laughed.

Originally, he didn't want to laugh, but he couldn't help but laugh. He knew that this smile meant acknowledging the old goat's statement.

But he thought this old man was so funny, he couldn't help laughing.

The old goat also looked at Lu Yang up and down, and seemed to think he was a very interesting person.

Anyone who has met Lu Yang will find him very interesting.

Lu Yang said: "I want to ask."

The old goat suddenly interrupted Lu Yang's words: "Li Xia is a weird person, and Boss Ding is even more weird. In order to like to drink rootless water, he did not hesitate to sell the house. It took more than two years to make this. These two large water tanks are just for catching rainwater in the summer."

Lu Yang said: "Boss Ding is Li Xia's husband before?"

The old goat nodded and said, "Now Li Xia has disappeared, but she never left this place. I can guarantee that she must still be hiding in this small town. If you want to ask me where she is hiding , But I also don't know."

Lu Yang said: "How do you know that I'm here to inquire about these things?"

The old goat said: "Aren't you for this purpose?"

Lu Yang said: "You already know who I am?"

The old goat said: "I don't know, I don't need to know, I don't want to know, because no matter who you are, you have nothing to do with me."

The old goat squinted again, with a weird smile in his eyes, and then said: "I don't think you are a very annoying person, so I will bring you here and tell you these things. If you want to know other things, then you'd better find someone else."

Lu Yang was very curious about this big water tank, and asked: "You mean there are two such water tanks?"

The old goat said: "Yes."

Lu Yang said: "What about another water tank?" The old goat said: "I don't know."

Lu Yang said: "Don't you know anything about other things?"

The old goat sighed and said: "I am old, so old that I have forgotten many things, even my own surname and name have forgotten. There are many young people in this town, and so are young girls. Quite a lot. No matter what kind of news you want to inquire, you should go to them."

The old goat closed his eyes, took another gulp of wine, and lay down comfortably.

With that look, he seemed to have made up his mind to never look at Lu Yang again, and never say a word to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang laughed again: "You know that I am not Jia Leshan, but you know that I recognize you. The eldest daughter, so when I mentioned her name, you were not surprised at all. But you still keep talking. Say you don’t know anything."

Lu Yang shook his head, and said with a smile: "It seems that the second wife of Xin really made no mistake. You really shouldn't be called an old goat, you are indeed an old fox."

The old goat also laughed and squeezed his eyes towards Lu Yang and said, "It doesn't matter if you meet me, an old fox, but I hope you don't meet another fox."

And the wine shop opened by Tang Keqing is called a small restaurant that is neither drunk nor return.

Although the sky has been dark for a long time, the night is not too deep.

When Lu Yang went back, the streets were still brightly lit, and the small restaurant that was not drunk or returned was still open.

The wine shop looks pretty good, and the proprietress looks so beautiful.

But I don't know what the reason is, it is so deserted there, there is no one guest.

The first thing Lu Yang saw was the big girl with a charming smile but not too beautiful.

She still stood under the wooden signboard of Taibai Relic and looked at Lu Yang with a smile, her expression seemed to be waiting for him here.

And her smile is not only very seductive, but also makes people look like a sincere invitation, making you unable to take a step.

In any case, Lu Yang regarded this as an invitation, and an invitation that could never be refused.

The most important thing is that he always thinks that girls who can laugh must also talk, and they are also fun to talk.

But such girls must be easy to reveal other people's secrets, so you need to be careful when dealing with them.

Lu Yang also smiled and walked over slowly, not knowing how to talk to her.

Tang Keqing smiled and said, "I heard that you have bought the Tianchanglou liquor."

Lu Yang really laughed this time: "This place, news spreads quite quickly."

Tang Keqing said: "This is a small place. It's not common for big people like you."

Tang Keqing laughed so sweetly, as sweet as a vixen.

Lu Yang coughed softly: "If you don't get drunk, you can't go back. Do people who come here to drink must be drunk?

Tang Keqing smiled sweetly and said: "Yes, those who come here to drink, who are not drunk are tortoises."

Lu Yang also laughed: "Then what if you are drunk?"..


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