Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 372: The whereabouts of Rakshasa

She saw the black bear again. For her, the black bear this time was a symbol of death.

The strange thing is, why did that hungry black bear leave her body and flesh? Didn't even touch her?

There are no traces of teeth on her body.

Obviously it was not dragged up by the black bear, and it was climbed by himself.

Why should she struggle, using all her strength to climb this section of the road?

Although she was curled up, her hands stretched straight forward, and her fingers had been pierced into the hard glacier.

What kind of secrets will there be under the glacier?

The last few cold stars on the horizon suddenly disappeared. The whole earth is shrouded in darkness.

Then this is the darkest moment of that day,

But when Lu Yang raised his head, his eyes glowed, as if he saw the light ahead.

The light is here.

The darkest hour of the day is also the closest to the light.

Isn't it the same in human life?

If you can survive this hard and dark moment, then life must be full of light and hope.

After the first rays of sunlight broke through the darkness, it was so warm when shining on people.

The eyes of Chu Chu and Chen Jingjing were so gentle, their eyes staying on Lu Yang's body.

It's just that those looks are filled with worry and doubt. They did not understand why Lu Yang wanted to find them here.

Now, Li Xia is dead, and no one knows the whereabouts of the Rakshasa card except her.

Lu Yang should have jumped up in a hurry.

In the sun, the glacier looked so soft and so magnificent.

Leng Hong'er's body has been removed, and even the blood stains are not visible.

But they have all seen Leng Hong'er's death, and it is absolutely unforgettable for life.

Chen Jingjing has been leaning against Lu Yang, her face so pale.

Only at this time did she breathe out and seemed a little more relaxed.

Chen Jingjing murmured: "I've heard about black bears here, but I didn't expect them to be so fierce."

Lu Yang said, "You can see that she died in the paws of a black bear?"

Chen Jingjing replied: "Only the most ferocious beasts can have such great strength. She looks like she is standing and being attacked. Among the beasts, there can be such great strength, and can stand up and use it. The only one who attacks people is the black bear."

Lu Yang said: "It is indeed reasonable."

Chen Jingjing said sadly: "If it weren't for you to just rush here, I am afraid that she now has no bones. Among so many sisters, she is the only one I can talk to most."

Chen Jingjing's voice choked, her eyes were red, she suddenly leaned on Lu Yang's shoulder, sobbing softly.

Lu Yang couldn't help but put his arms around her waist.

After a man and a woman have a special kind of intimacy, it is like dust in the sun, and it can't hide from others' eyes.

Chu Chu stared at them, and suddenly sneered: "Call me here to see your play. Goodbye."

She did what she could say, turned around and prepared to leave.

But her footsteps hesitated for a while, but she didn't see Lu Yang shouting to her, and she could only walk forward slowly.

After she walked far away, Lu Yang calmly said, "What do you want to see? Do you want to see the Rakshasa brand?"

Hearing the Rakshasa card, Chu Chu's body froze all of a sudden. This sentence was like a rope tied with a slipknot, which immediately caught Chu Chu's feet.

Chu Chu said anxiously: "Raksha cards? You already know the whereabouts of the Raksha cards? Found the Raksha cards? Where? Didn't it mean that only Li Xia knows where the Raksha cards are hidden?"

Lu Yang said, "It's right here."

This is where Lu Yang and Chen Jingjing found Leng Hong'er. That is where Leng Hong'er dug on the ice with both hands.

However, the ice was so thick and hard as steel, let alone digging with her hands, even with a shovel and shovel, she could not even dig half a minute.

Chu Chu said, "You mean, the Rakshasa card is under this glacier?"

Lu Yang said, "Moreover, it's within ten feet of this radius."

Chu Chu said, "Could it be that your eyes can see through and see the river under the ice?"

This place is very close to the river bank. The color of the ice is darker than other places. How can a mortal eye see it through?

However, what can be seen is a section of dead branches exposed on the surface of the river. Presumably, that would be when the river began to be closed. I don't know who cut the dead branches flat.

A small half of that stick was exposed on the surface of the river, like a long stool.

It happened to be facing a distant mountain with snow and a temple on that bank.

Lu Yang said, "Although I can't see it, I can feel it."

Chu Chu sneered: "This is a matter of unconvincing evidence. Even if the Rakshasa card is really underneath, you can't dig it out."

Lu Yang smiled: "When I was very concerned, I heard two useful words."

Chu Chu sneered and said, "Unfortunately, no matter how useful it is, it can't be said to be frozen, nor can the river flow."

Lu Yang ignored her, and just continued: "The first sentence is that there is nothing difficult in the world, I am afraid that the people with the intention. The second sentence is that if you want to work well, you must first sharpen your tools. Of course you should understand these two sentences. What it means."

Chu Chu said, "Unfortunately, I don't understand or understand whether these two sentences can be used as boiling water or as a shovel in such a situation."

Lu Yang said: "The meaning of those two sentences is that as long as there is firm determination and effective tools, there is absolutely nothing that cannot be done in the world." ..


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