Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 374: Not jealous

When Lu Yang opened his eyes, Chu Chu was looking at him at the door: "I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Lu Yang rubbed his eyes and said, "What are you waiting for me?"

Chu Chu said: "Waiting to say goodbye to you."

Lu Yang said: "Farewell? Are you leaving now?"

Chu Chu said indifferently: "Since you have found the Rakshasa card, I will have paid off your debt, and now you are going to drink, and I still don't want to be jealous, so why don't I stay here? What?"

She did not let Lu Yang speak, and continued to ask: "It's just that I find it very strange, how did you become so familiar with her? It seems that you must have a leg."

Lu Yang laughed: "The reason is very simple, just because I am a normal man and she is also a normal woman."

Chu Chu said: "What about me? Am I not a woman? Am I not a normal woman?"

Lu Yang said: "Of course you are a woman, a normal woman, but you are a little too normal."

Chu Chu stared at Lu Yang, suddenly rushed over and got into his quilt.

Lu Yang said, "What do you want to do?"

Chu Chu said: "I just want to tell you, as long as I want, I can do what she can do, and will do better than her."

Her body kept moving: "I was very willing, but now you are going to accompany that little fairy. Have you already regretted it?"

Lu Yang sighed, he had to admit that this little fairy was really terrifying.

The default is to prove and acknowledge.

But Chu Chu jumped up and rushed out the door without looking back. When she rushed out of the door, she still shouted loudly: "Then you are lying on the bed by yourself and slowly regret it. Right!"

Lu Yang didn't lie in bed for long, because Chu Chu just left, but Chen Jingjing came again.

She also took two small wine glasses and a jug of wine into Lu Yang's room.

Chen Jingjing smiled and said, "Why did the girl who likes to be jealous but afraid of stomachache and distressed leave again?"

Lu Yang smiled bitterly: "Because if she doesn't leave, my head will be worse than her stomach, and her heart will hurt even more."

Chen Jingjing said: "It's best for her to leave. I have already finished over there. I originally wanted to come to you. No

Wouldn't it be better to have her?

Lu Yang laughed: "Unfortunately, the wine you brought is only enough to rinse my mouth."

Chen Jingjing said softly, "You don't have to have too much wine, as long as it's genuine, isn't it enough for a glass?"

Lu Yang said: "Okay, you pour it, I drink it."

Chen Jingjing poured two glasses of wine slowly, and sighed quietly: "I toast you a glass, and I will walk for you. I wish you a smooth journey in the future, you should also toast me a glass and walk for me. From then on, we will Separate things."

Lu Yang sighed, "Are you leaving too?"

Chen Jingjing sighed and said, "We originally came from five people, but now I am the only one left. Why am I staying here?"

Lu Yang said, "Where are you going?"

Chen Jingjing said: "I have a place to go."

Lu Yang said, "Since we are all leaving, why don't we go together?"

Chen Jingjing grinned reluctantly and said, "Because, I know, you didn't really want to take me away. I also know that there must be quite a lot of women around you, and there is no woman who is not jealous, so am I. Woman, and I’m more than any other woman..."

Chen Jingjing didn't say any more, but drank the wine in the glass, then slowly put down the wine glass in her hand, turned her body slowly, and walked out slowly.

She didn't look back, so determined, she seemed to be reluctant to leave if she was afraid of turning her head.

Lu Yang did not stop her aloud, but watched her go out silently, leaving only one back.

The expression on Lu Yang's face was like having just drunk a glass of bitter wine, the bitterness from his mouth to the bottom of his heart, the bitterness to the bottom of his feet, it was so bitter.

At this moment, Lu Yang heard someone say from outside: "Congratulations, you finally did a great job."

That voice was so old, of course it came from the three friends Suihan.

Lu Yang hadn't seen their people, but saw their hands first.

"Get it." The old man Lonesong has not walked in the door, but he has already stretched out his hand from a distance. "You can give us something and you can go. The grievances between us can be wiped out. That's it."

But Lu Yang didn't speak or move, he just grinned at them and smiled. The smile seemed silly and incomprehensible.

Old Lone Song's face changed: "Don't you understand what I said?"

Lu Yang said: "I understand."

Lone Song said: "What about the Rakshasa card?"

Lu Yang said: "It's gone."

The old man Lone Pine's face changed drastically, and he roared angrily: "What are you talking about?"

Lu Yang was still smiling, "I understand what you said, but why don't you understand what I said?"

The old man Lone Song said: "Could it be that the Rakshasa card is not on your body?"

Lu Yang said, "It was originally on me."

Old Lone Song said: "What about now? It's no longer on your body?"

Lu Yang said, "Yes, it has been stolen now."

Old Lone Song asked, "Who stole it?"

Lu Yang said, "I was hit by someone who just rolled on me."

Old Lone Song said: "Is that the woman you brought here?"

Lu Yang said, "Of course it's a woman. If a man rolled on me, I'm afraid I would have passed out a long time ago."

Lonely old man said: "You know that she stole your Rakshasa card, so you watched her steal and leave?"

Lu Yang said, "Of course I must let her leave."


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