Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 377: Insidious woman

However, although her shot was quick, Chu Chu was faster than her.

As soon as Chen Jingjing struck out a move, she heard a "ding" sound, and two ox-like black lights came out of Chu Chu's sleeves.

Chen Jingjing only felt that her legs were numb on her knees, as if she had been bitten by a mosquito, so light.

But her legs softened, with a "boom", she knelt down and knelt in front of Chu Chu.

Chu Chu smiled like a silver bell: "We have been good sisters for many years. Why do you have to be so polite?"

Amidst Chu Chu's crisp laughter, another cold star flew out and hit Chen Jingjing's laughing point.

Chen Jingjing also laughed and kept laughing, but there was no smile in her eyes.

Chen Jingjing's beautiful face was distorted due to pain, and the cold sweat was as big as a bean, rolling down one by one.

Chu Chu blinked and smiled and said to Chen Jingjing: "I know, you must also know that you are a little sorry for me, so come to make amends to me, but if you pay for the sins, why should you kneel down? Take things out and I might be able to forgive you."

Chen Jingjing smiled, sweating coldly, and struggling to say: "What is it?"

Chu Chu said: "You don't know?"

Chen Jingjing shook her head, her whole body was laughing soft now, it turned out to be very difficult even to shake her head.

Chu Chu sank his face and said, "Brother, it's clear that the accounts are settled. Of course our sisters are the same. Jia Leshan is willing to spend 400,000 taels of gold on the Rakshasa brand, but you promised me that as long as I put out one hundred thousand taels, you can do it. I promise to give the Rakshasa card to me, isn't it?"

Chen Jingjing reluctantly nodded: "But, isn't the Rakshasa card already taken by the man you brought?"

Chu Chu immediately took out a jade medal from his body: "You said this jade medal?"

Chen Jingjing reluctantly nodded again.

Chu Chu suddenly came over, gave Chen Jingjing a big slap, and said with a sneer: "You think I'm a fool, don't you see that this jade medal is fake?"

Chu Chu suddenly slammed the jade card on Li Shentong's head, smashing his head.

Chu Chu sneered: "You treat that stinky boy as a treasure, thinking that the fakes he made can deceive others. It's a pity that the gods and gods he engraved are like pigs."

Chen Jingjing bit her lip vigorously, trying to stop smiling, but her lips were bitten, but she couldn't stop smiling.

Chu Chu said: "Actually, I suspected you a long time ago. You clearly know that the Rakshasa brand is a priceless treasure. How could you be willing to sell it to others, and your heart has always been darker than anyone else. It’s a bone spit, so I let the second child Xin stare at you closely, even if you go to the sky, I can get you out."

Chen Jingjing said, "Do you really think I stole the Rakshasa card?"

Chu Chu said, "When Li Xia didn't hide the Rakshasa card in the glacier, you must have adjusted it with a fake Rakshasa card, although we were originally..."

They had planned to pay for the gold, so Chu Chu only had to pay a quarter.

Of the twelve boxes, as long as three are filled with real gold, the remaining seven can be filled with stones.

Because the person inspecting the goods was Chen Jingjing, after she accepted the twelve boxes, she notified Li Xia to deliver the goods.

She was the person Li Xia trusted the most, and Li Xia would never think that there was a ghost in it.

It was originally planned to open the river with explosives the next day, and just take out the Rakshasa card and hand it to Lu Yang.

What Li Xia wanted was gold and men, and had no interest in the throne of the Western Demon Cult.

Chu Chu said: "But, you know that if she finds out that the Rakshasa brand has changed the bag, she will definitely think that you did the trick, because besides her and you, there will never be a second person who knows this secret, so you I killed her that night, and deliberately frozen her and the old goat in ice to divert the attention of others, because no matter who it was, I would never have thought that someone like you could do such crazy things. "

Chen Jingjing bowed her head silently.

Chu Chu continued: "Look, you can't hide your secret from me. Why should you continue to pretend to be confused?"

Chen Jingjing's whole body was already twisted, and she was still convulsing constantly.

Not only did she shed cold sweat and eyes, even her pants were soaked.

The knees of her two legs seemed to be pierced by sharp needles and scraped by steel knives.

However, she also happened to laugh as if she had just picked up a big ingot from the ground.

Chu Chu sneered and said, "You still refuse to take out the real Rakshasa card? Do you know if you continue to laugh, what will be the consequences?"

Chen Jingjing desperately tried to grit her teeth, but she couldn't even close her mouth.

Chu Chu said: "When you started, you just sweated and wept, but when you laugh, you will laugh with your urine and bowels. After an hour or two, all the joints of your body will laugh loosely. It's like a pile of slime, no matter who it is, just tap on your joints and I promise you will howl like a pig."

Chen Jingjing wanted to get angry, but she couldn't help her: "You, you..."

Chu Chu said: "You think I will never endure such a poisonous hand, then forget it, it's like Jia Leshan thought I would never kill him."

Chen Jingjing said: "Did you kill him?"

Chu Chu said: "Although he is rich and powerful, although he is very old, he is well maintained. Many things are still like a young man, and even more than a young man in many places, he is more gentle and considerate to me,"

"But you still killed him." Chen Jingjing reluctantly said.

Chu Chu said indifferently: "But I still killed him. Since I can kill him, what else can I do?"..


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