Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 382: Trouble

Lu Yang wouldn't be surprised when he saw that hand. He had been accurate a long time ago, and Sui Han's three friends would definitely be waiting for him outside. They had never left him.

Mr. Lone Pine said coldly: "Bring it."

Lu Yang blinked his eyes and looked at him, "Do you want money or food?"

Mr. Gusong's face was calm, and his tone became even colder: "Perhaps, I want your life this time."

Lu Yang smiled, "I have no money or food, but there is a life."

Gu Song said angrily: "Could it be that I must interrupt your leg before you are willing to hand over the Rakshasa card?"

Lu Yang said: "Even if you break my leg, I won't hand over the Rakshasa card."

Lonely Song's face became ugly: "What do you mean?"

Lu Yang said, "I was just about to ask you. When did I say that I want to give you the Rakshasa card? What do you mean?"

Lonely screamed: "Who are you going to give the Rakshasa card?"

Lu Yang said: "Blue Beard."

Lone Song asked: "Must give it to him?"

Lu Yang said: "Definitely."

Lone Song asked: "Why must it be given to him?"

Lu Yang said, "Because I want to exchange the Rakshasa card for something."

Lone Song asked: "What for?"

Lu Yang said: "Change my innocence."

Lonely stared at him and slowly said, "Don't you ever think about taking the Rakshasa card as your own?"

Lu Yang said: "I thought about it."

Lone Song said: "What about now? Do you still want to?"

Lu Yang said: "I think."

Gu Song's face changed again.

Lu Yang calmly continued: "I think about a lot of things. Sometimes, I want to be an emperor, but I am afraid of trouble. Sometimes I want to be a prime minister, but I am afraid of many things. Sometimes I want to get rich and I am afraid of stealing. Sometimes I want to give You slap, and you are afraid of getting into trouble."

Before Lu Yang had finished speaking, Lone Song couldn't help laughing.

However, he quickly turned his face back: "So, you think a lot of things, but you haven't done anything."

Lu Yang sighed, and said with a wry smile: "Don't everyone in this world think more and do less? How can I be the only one."

Looking into the distance, Gu Song seemed to be thinking about something.

A person living in this world must be constrained. If everyone does what they want to do, what will the world look like?

After a long time, Lone Song sighed and waved: "You go."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "I thought you wouldn't let me go. I didn't expect that you actually believed me this time."

Lonely Song sternly said, "This is the last time."

Lu Yang smiled: "As long as you want to get drunk, you can come to me at any time, and I will definitely be by your side."

Lu Yang waved his hand as well, preparing to walk past them.

Han Mei suddenly said, "Wait a moment."

Lu Yang could only stop: "Is there anything wrong?"

Sai May said: "I want to see you."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Just watch it. I heard that many people think I'm pretty good."

There was no smile on Han Mei's face, and no expression, she just said coldly: "It's not you who I want to see."

Lu Yang said, "Then what do you want to see?"

Han Mei said: "It depends on your skill."

Lu Yang's smile turned into a wry smile: "I advise you to not look at it. It doesn't matter if you look at me, I can guarantee that my kung fu is definitely not as good as my people."

Han Mei didn't look at him, and suddenly just turned around: "You come with me."

Lu Yang hesitated for a moment, but the withered bamboo and the lonely pine were expressionless.

Lu Yang sighed, and had to follow in Sammei's footsteps: "Where did you want to take me? I will accompany you when you drink and bet. If you say you want to fight desperately, then forget it, and I'm going to go. ."

However, Han Mei ignored him, just walking in front, as if he knew that Lu Yang would definitely follow him behind.

Han Mei turned around three times and walked to the street. There was a big restaurant on the street, and there were a dozen carriages parked in front of the restaurant.

In front of the restaurant, a flag was inserted diagonally, and the flag was fluttering in the wind. There was a dragon embroidered on it, with a big "Zhao" dial in the center.

Lu Yang certainly recognizes this flag. Although the Golden Dragon Escort is outside the pass, most of its customers are visitors to Changbai Mountain to gather ginseng, but it is also quite loud inside the pass.

If it can be compared with the Skywalk Escort, this Golden Dragon Escort is a rival.

And now, Zhao Junwu, the head of the Golden Dragon Escort, the "Black Xuantan", was a very famous **** in the Central Plains.

He was hired heavily by the Golden Dragon Escort not long ago.

And now, Zhao Junwu is drinking in this restaurant, and of course he has such a reputation and status as a person.

After Han Mei walked to the restaurant, she walked straight to Zhao Junwu, looked at him coldly and said, "You are Zhao Junwu of the Black Profound Altar?"

Zhao Junwu was stunned, and looked up and down at the strange old man, who was neither monk nor vulgar.

He has always had good eyesight, but now he can't see the origin of this old man, so he nodded and said, "I am."

Han Mei said: "Do you know who I am?"

Zhao Junwu shook his head and said, "Ask seniors?"

Han Mei said: "I am the top Kunlun, Great Bright Mirror, Mr. Han Mei among the three friends of Sui Han, and also the elder protector of the Western Demon Cult."

He spoke every word quite slowly, as if he was afraid that Zhang Jun would not be able to hear it clearly.

When he heard the "Three Friends of Suihan", Zhao Junwu's face suddenly stretched like noodles.

When he heard the "Western Demon Cult", Zhao Junwu's forehead and face were filled with cold sweat.

Han Mei said: "Now, do you already know who I am?"

Zhao Junwu stood up immediately and bowed and said: "The younger generation has eyes and no beads, I don't know that the immortal is coming here."..


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