Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 384: fight back

Although Lu Yang did not blame him, he was not angry with him and forgave him for his recklessness.

But can he forgive himself? Although Lu Yang didn't make a move, he had already taught him a profound lesson.

However, Lu Yang himself did one thing wrong.

He shouldn't have left Chen Jingjing, let alone the room.

When Lu Yang hurried back to the house, the place almost turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Fortunately, in the freezing season, there was snow everywhere, so the heat did not spread, and not many people were burned.

However, there must also be many innocent people involved, because of Lu Yang's negligence, their homes or family members are gone.

And that beautiful face of Chen Jingjing, I am afraid it has burned to pieces of withered bones and pieces of dust.

The fire burned Lu Yang's face and his eyes.

However, his hands and feet are cold, as well as his heart.

The alley was chaotic and noisy, men were running and shouting for the fire, and women were screaming in fear.

The children were crying, but some were still barefoot.

Originally, they lived a simple and peaceful life here, and did not harm other people, nor did they think about hurting others.

However, they have suffered such injuries for no reason. I don't know how many people have lost their wives and lost their families.

Lu Yang suddenly turned around, stared at Sam Mei, and screamed, "Have you seen it?"

Han Mei said: "What do you see?"

However, he had already seen the fire in Lu Yang's eyes. The fire was so terrifying that it seemed to burn everything down.

Lu Yang said: "This is the disaster you have caused. Have you not seen it yourself?"

Sam Mei didn't speak, but his face changed a bit, obviously not feeling well in her heart.

Lu Yang said, "Do you still want to see my Kung Fu?"

Han Mei said: "I've seen it just now."

Lu Yang said: "It was just a beating effort, but don't you want to see my beating effort?"

This is a challenge! It is a challenge to the opponent!

He had never been like this before, had never shown such anger to anyone.

But today he is angry!

His attitude looked like a boulder cold on the surface, but his almost cruel calmness was more terrifying than anger.

Extreme calmness was originally another manifestation of the anger that was about to break out.

Han Mei still had a cold face, but under the flashing firelight, his face and lips were so pale.

No one has ever dared to face and challenge him like this! And it doesn't take him seriously at all!

"What I just saw was the kung fu of being beaten, do you want to see my kung fu beating people?" does it mean that he is the target of his beating and will not let himself down?

The young man in the eyes suddenly exuded an invisible pressure from his body.

Han Mei was not afraid of this Lu Yang, he had never feared anyone.

But when Lu Yang said the skill of beating people, it was so cold, like snow, without showing any emotion.

At that moment, Han Mei felt a kind of tension and anxiety that he had never experienced before, and almost stopped his breathing.

Because he has always been at the top, standing at the top of the arena, he has become accustomed to oppressing others with his reputation and status.

All the time, in his eyes, he is supreme, and he can force the other person to fear without having to do anything.

However, now he felt the pressure for the first time, and it was pressure from Lu Yang.

Lu Yang was pressing harder and harder, and the pressure was catching up: "Do you want to watch?"

Han Mei hadn't spoken yet, but Withered Bamboo suddenly said, "He doesn't want to!"

Lone Song continued: "The only thing he just wants to see is the Rakshasa card, and I am the same."

He stood in front of Lu Yang and asked Dry Bamboo to pull the Hanmei away, before slowly continuing: "So, you must never let us down."

Lone Song did not move, but backed away facing Lu Yang. With a wave of his sleeves, his figure swept backwards and suddenly disappeared.

Lu Yang didn't move or stop him. After a while, he breathed out.

At this time, he felt that he had given way to the three old monsters for too long, and he should have made them take a few steps back.

Otherwise, always let them put on the predecessor's pretensions.

This was the first time he fought back. Although he didn't really make a shot, it was a small victory.

But he also knew that they would never retreat very far, and no one knew what the situation would be when they came back.

After all, the three of them are all famous players in the world, and Lu Yang is not too dare to despise them.

Lu Yang didn't think anymore.

The fire hasn't gone out yet, so he absolutely can't stand and watch like this.

Even if there are so many questions, you still need to think about it, but you can think about it later. Now you have to fight the fire first.

Lu Yang rolled his sleeves, grabbed a bucket of water from someone else's hands, jumped up, stood on the wall next door, and poured down the fire.

Of course, Lu Yang's movements were much faster than other people, and the effort of one person could be more than that of five ordinary people.

But there is another person who is actually much harder than him, and his movements are not much slower than him.

On another occasion, he stood on a dangerous wall destroyed by fire. The dangerous wall fell, and the man was almost buried in the fire.

The ice and snow had melted, soaked the combustible wood, and everyone worked together, and the fire was finally extinguished.

Lu Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief and wiped his sweat with his sleeves. Now, he feels more comfortable.

Objectively speaking, many of this fire was caused by him.

His contribution is what he should have done, whether he made atonement for his sins, or lived well for his conscience, he should have been like this. ..


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