Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 391: True and false

In such a dark and silent room, everyone can hear the heartbeat of themselves and others.

They have already felt that the hearts of several people are beating faster and faster, and they seem to be really nervous.

However, the room was too dark to see in any light.

No one can see the expression on other people's faces, nor can anyone guess who that person belongs to.

That man's heart beat faster and faster!

Lu Yang's mantra was chanted faster, repeatedly, without knowing how many times he chanted it back and forth.

Lu Yang suddenly shouted: "Open!"

The fire flashed, and a light was already on.

Under that light, that table, a jade medal actually appeared!

Under the light, the luster of the jade brand was so soft and smooth.

But the person's face was pale when reflected on it, and there was iron blue in the white.

Everyone's face is the same, but there is a common look-surprise!

No one of them could have imagined that such a thing would actually happen, and that Rakshasa jade card appeared in front of everyone so strangely, on the table!

This is really something that everyone can't figure out.

Lu Yang smiled triumphantly, looked at them, and suddenly said, "Are you now able to believe my nonsense?"

Fang Yuxiang sighed and said, "Actually, I should have believed you. You are a ghost, a living ghost, and a ghostly person."

Gu Song sneered and said, "But that jade medal is not a ghost, let alone alive, and will never appear out of thin air by itself."

Lu Yang said: "Of course not."

Lone Song said: "Then how did it fly?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Then it has nothing to do with you. If you ask too much, maybe it will suddenly disappear again."

It certainly wouldn't fly away suddenly by itself, just like it wouldn't fly suddenly.

But Lone Pine did not ask any more, and there was no need to ask.

This is what he wants, and since he has got it now, why bother to ask?

Gu Song stared at the jade medal on the table, but never reached out his hand, as if he didn't even want to touch it.

The jade medal was handed over to Lan Beard from Wang Tianbao's hand, and it was stolen from Lan Beard's hand by Li Xia, and was later transferred by Chen Jingjing.

Later, after passing the hands of Chu Chu, Lu Yang and Aunt Ding Xiang, who did it finally fall into?

Under the light, although it was still so crystal clear and white, it shone coldly.

In fact, it has long been stained with blood. With the blood of ten people and ten lives, is their sacrifice worth it?

Gu Song sighed suddenly and long: "The death of those people is really not worth it."

Blue Beard asked: "Who are they?" Lone Song said: "Those who died because of it."

Blue Beard asked: "So is this jade medal true or false?"

Lone Song said: "This jade medal is fake."

Gu Song sighed and said slowly: "The carvings on this jade plate can indeed be faked, but the quality of jade is much worse."

Blue Beard was silent for a long time, then turned to look at Lu Yang and said, "Is the jade medal you snatched from Chen Jingjing's hand?"

Lu Yang nodded, and he nodded to admit that no one doubted this.

Lanhu sighed and sighed, secretly hurt: "She is still so young, very smart, and talented. She should have a good future, but she sacrificed for such a worthless fake. After all, why bother?"

Lu Yang said: "She did this because she didn't know that this jade medal would be fake."

Blue Beard agreed with him.

Lu Yang said, "She is a very cautious person. If she had a little doubt, she would never take such a risk."

Blue Beard agreed with this: "She has always been very cautious in doing things."

Lu Yang said: "And this time, she didn't doubt it at all. It was because she knew that this jade medal was indeed stolen from you by Li Xia, and it was very likely that she was watching it."

Blue Beard sighed, "But Chen Jingjing has forgotten that Li Xia is also a very shrewd and careful woman."

Lu Yang asked: "Do you think Li Xia stole the Rakshasa card?"

Blue Beard said: "Don't you think so?"

Lu Yang said: "I only know that Aunt Ding Xiang and Chen Jingjing have followed her since they were young. No one knows her better than them, and they can never be wrong about her."

Blue Beard said: "How do they look at her?"

Lu Yang said, "Except for gold and men, she won't be interested in other things anymore, and she will never take the risk to cause such trouble."

Blue Beard said: "So, is the Rakshasa card stolen by Li Xia already fake?"

Lu Yang said: "Yes."

Blue Beard asked: "So what about that real jade medal? Where did it go?"

Lu Yang suddenly laughed and asked, "There is a steamed bun on the plate, and there is a bun. I have eaten one, but the steamed bun is still on the plate. What do you think is going on?"

Blue Beard also laughed and said, "What you eat is steamed buns, and of course the buns will be on that plate."

Lu Yang said, "Look, isn't this simple?"

Blue Beard said: "It's of course very simple to say that."

Lu Yang said, "The Rakshasa card stolen by Li Xia is fake, and what Chen Jingjing replaced is also a fake. So, where did the real Rakshasa card go?"

Blue Beard said, "I can't figure this out either."

Lu Yang smiled again: "In fact, the truth is the same as the steamed buns on the plate."

Blue Beard said: "Oh, isn't it?"

Lu Yang said: "If you didn't suddenly become stupid, then you should have thought of it."..


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