Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 399: Ambition

Indeed, he wouldn't be angry anymore, because Sam Mei became a dead person.

He suddenly pierced his throat with a backhand sword, and he didn't give anyone a chance to shoot.

Failure means death, and Sammy is the same.

Night, so late at night.

When Lu Yang went out, Lu Xiaofeng, Lone Pine and Withered Bamboo walked slowly beside him.

The long alley was still so dark, still so quiet, and the cold mist so sad.

The rare stars on the horizon are gradually sinking.

Their hearts are even lower.

Although this matter has come to an end and seems to be perfect, success has not been exchanged for happiness.

And the occurrence of all this makes them extremely sad. For this reason, how many people have lost their lives are their lives.

But anyway, success is at least better than failure.

After walking out of the long alley, it was still dark outside.

Gu Song sighed and asked suddenly: "You knew it a long time ago, then there must be a sword stabbing you behind?"

Lu Yang nodded.

Lone Song said: "Could it be that you have already seen that he and Fang Yufei are in collusion?"

Lu Xiaofeng laughed: "I have long since if, if anyone regards Big Brother Lu as a fool, then he himself is the biggest fool in the world."

Lone Song just sighed.

Withered bamboo said: "What did he do wrong?"

Lu Yang said: "They all did one thing wrong."

Lone Song said: "What's the matter?"

Lu Yang said: "That day, Sammy shouldn't have forced me to fight Zhao Junwu, he seems to have deliberately created opportunities for Fang Yufei."

Lonely snorted in his nose.

Lu Yang said: "When a person's secrets are revealed, the situation is exhausted. At that time, Fang Yufei was still so confident, unless he had another hand."

Lone Song said: "So, you deliberately put yourself to death first, that is not a good thing either."

Lu Yang said: "Everyone should really be confident, but if you are too confident, it is not a good thing."

Lone Song said: "It is because they think you will die, so you are not dead."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "When a person is closest to success, it must be when he is most interested. There will always be some flaws exposed."

Gu Song said: "It is precisely because he believes that success is already within easy reach, so the vigilant heart will not be so full. He will naturally become arrogant and arrogant, but he does not know that he has fallen into the trap of others.

Lu Xiaofeng smiled: "However, I know that everything is under your control, because you are also a cautious person, and you will never let yourself be in the Jedi."

Lu Yang also smiled: "So, there are not too many people in this world who can really succeed."

Lone Song was silent for a long time, and he didn't understand these truths.

After a while, he suddenly asked, "I have one more thing that I can't figure out." Lu Yang asked, "You said, what can't you say now?" There was already a little smile on Lu Yang's face.

Lone Song said: "Have you ever seen a real Rakshasa card?"

Lu Yang said, "Of course I don't."

Lone Song said: "But you can tell its true and false at a glance."

Lu Yang said, "Because it was made by the big boss Zhu Ting. Boss Zhu is my friend, and I know his fault."

Lone Song asked, "What's the problem?"

Lu Yang said: "When he is making a copy, he will deliberately leave a trace and let people find it on purpose."

Lone Song said: "What kind of trace is that?"

Lu Yang said: "For example, if he imitated Han Gan's horse, he would draw a small caterpillar in that horse."

Lone Song asked: "Then what traces did he leave when imitating the Rakshasa card?"

Lu Yang said: "On the reverse side of the Raksha card, there are statues of gods and demons carved, and one of them is a goddess who scatters flowers."

Lone Song said: "Yes."

Lu Yang said, "On the imitation, I can see the face of the girl with scattered flowers."

Lone Song said: "What do you see?"

Lu Yang said, "Because the face of the lady-in-law’s face is the face of the lady boss. I really see too much of the lady boss’s face, no matter how far away, I can see it. Not to mention the closer look. ."

Lonely Song said: "The boss?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Of course the lady boss is the wife of Big Boss Zhu."

Gu Song's face was so blue, he said coldly: "So of course you have already seen that the Rakshasa card that Fang Yuxiang took out of Blue Beard's body will of course be fake."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "I didn't want to go to see it, but I couldn't help but take another look, so..."

Lone Song said: "So what will happen?"

Lu Yang said: "So I should be out of luck soon."

Lone Song said: "Unlucky? What's the bad luck?"

Lu Yang said, "That kind of mildew from the cold plum."

Lonely Song's face was even more ugly.

Lu Yang said, "Hanmei did that because she didn't want to accept the old, didn't want to be angry with you, and didn't want to be lonely, but what about you?"

This was far beyond Lu Xiaofeng's expectations. Although he did not fully understand what was going on, he still knew a little bit.

Gu Song closed her mouth and didn't want to answer Lu Yang's question.

Lu Yang said: "If you are really the kind of hermits who are indifferent to fame and fortune, how can you join the Raksha Sect? If you really don't want to be the leader of the Raksha Sect, how can you kill Jade Tianbao?"

Withered bamboo's face changed drastically, and he shouted sharply: "What are you talking about? How dare you say such a thing?"

Lu Yang smiled calmly: "I'm just talking about a very simple truth."

Withered Bamboo couldn't help asking: "What kind of truth is it?"

Lu Yang sneered and said, "If you are truly loyal to the Raksha Sect, then why don't you kill me to avenge your leader's son?"..


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