Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 410: Liu Chengfeng

Zhao Blind sighed for a long time, his expression seemed to lift a heavy burden from his shoulders.

Zhao blind said: "You follow me, I will take you to find him."

Zhao Xiazi sat in the shady place under the eaves outside the coffin shop. There was an inner room inside the door, and there were two new coffins that had been painted.

There are five or six new coffins that have not even been painted.

After passing through that room, it was a small yard full of wood, and the small yard was full of bent iron nails.

Among the iron nails, there are still some broken wood flowers.

On a very peculiar large wooden shelf, a very large saw was leaning diagonally.

The saw looked like it was used by a giant.

And beside the saw, there was still an unfinished coffin.

Lu Yang's curiosity moved, and he couldn't help but ask the blind Zhao: "For such a big saw, it must be a person with great strength to be able to use it."

Zhao blind said: "Probably so."

Lu Yang said: "So what about that person? Why didn't I see that person?"

From the time I got up, I only saw Zhao blind man alone.

"You have seen him." Zhao Blindman pointed to his nose. "That person is me."

Zhao Xiazi said indifferently: "Every coffin sold here is made by me, one by one, one by one."

Only then did Lu Yang realize that although the owner of the coffin shop was sitting there like a dead person all day.

However, he was a tall man, completely different from his lifeless face.

Although he looks a little hunched, in fact, he is more than a head taller than ordinary people.

And looking at his muscles, it seems to be very elastic, and only a person who always keeps working can have such elasticity.

When I first saw him, I might think he was a dead person, but after a long time, it became less and less like.

In the backyard of the coffin shop, there are two rows of houses, two in each row.

The row of rooms on the left looks like a kitchen maid’s room.

The row of rooms on the right is dark, even the paper pasted on the window is dark.

Those two houses seemed to be shrouded in a dark atmosphere of death.

That kind of hue, even in the daytime, seems to make people have a gloomy feeling.

"Here is the place where we stopped the spirit position before the funeral." Zhao Xiazi started a fire. "After the people here die, the bodies will be sent in this room before the funeral. So, I Just call these two houses a haunted house."

"Haunted house?" Lu Yang asked, "Which house has ghosts?"

Zhao Xiazi's face seemed paler under the shining of the light, and it seemed that he himself was like a ghost.

Zhao Blind shook his head: "There will be no ghosts in the coffin shop. The coffin shop is here to take care of the dead. People become ghosts when they die. They take care of the dead and take care of ghosts. How can they come here to make trouble? ?"

His words seemed quite reasonable, and it was impossible for Lu Yang to admit it.

Lu Xiaofeng's expression was also a bit heavy.

But as soon as they walked to the front of the two rooms, they felt a gloomy chill from their heads to their feet.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng are not cowardly people. They seem to have never been afraid since they first started in the arena.

No matter what kind of environment they face, no matter how terrible people they face, they all face it with a smile.

In this world, there is nothing they dare not do.

Their courage may already be described by the word "daring".

Even their enemies can only admire them. There is absolutely nothing in this world that they dare not do.

Not only them, but also Sikong Reaching the Stars, and Ximen Chuuxue.

But Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were led by Zhao Xiazi's Huo Zhezi and walked to the left of the two rooms.

They actually felt cold sweat coming out of their feet.

The light from Huozuozi was much dimmer than the candlelight.

This room looked like the interior of a tomb under the light of such fire.

They felt that walking into this room was like walking into a grave.

There was a coffin in that room, and the coffin was placed on a low platform made of dark purple bricks.

In front of the platform, a wooden sign was offered to become a spiritual position. On the spiritual sign, there were just a few simple words: "Old friend Liu Rufeng."

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng really lost their hearts when they saw that spiritual card.

No matter who sees that spiritual card, he can be sure that Liu Chengfeng is indeed dead.

It is strange that it is because of the bleak light here or the atmosphere of death, which always seems so mysterious and strange.

Perhaps after walking into this place, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng had a mysterious feeling in their hearts.

In fact, no matter who they are, they will feel this way when they come to this place.

But they are different.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng felt that Liu Chengfeng seemed to jump out of the coffin at any time.

Lu Yang said, "Please open the lid of the coffin."

Blind Zhao cried out strangely: "What are you talking about, you let me open the lid of this coffin? Why did you let me do that? Why should I do that?"

He really didn't understand. He was unlucky when he saw the dead, and it would be even worse if he wanted to open the coffin to see the dead.

Lu Yang threw out a fifty-two silver ticket and said coldly, "Because we have come here and have told you that we are not looking at a coffin, but a dead person."

When the blind man Zhao saw the bank note, his face suddenly lighted up.

That kind of expression changed to the little beggar, and Wang Dayan felt the light when he saw Yinzi.

When the coffin was opened, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng saw the familiar Liu Chengfeng. ..


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