Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 419: Sha Dahu

Lu Yang asked: "Then you said, among those flies, will there be some top players in the world?"

The lady boss said: "Probably there will be."

Lu Yang said, "Don't you think that among those who came here to take refuge in the big households in Shah, some of them could kill Liu Chengfeng?"

The lady boss’s eyes closed: "I don’t know this anymore. If you want to know, why don’t you go to Shadahu’s house to take a look?"

When he finished speaking, the lady boss' eyes couldn't open.

She was already drunk and a little sleepy.

Facing a drunk and sleepy woman, Lu Yang couldn't help it, and many men couldn't help it. unless……

There is no other way except to find Sha Da Outdoor directly.

Early in the morning, Lu Yang called Lu Xiaofeng up, but Xue Bing and Ouyang Qing hadn't gotten up yet.

Standing outside the window, seeing their sleeping faces and sweet breathing, they felt relieved.

They told the proprietress: "If they both wake up, let them not go anywhere, and stop in the shop until we come back."

The lady boss looked at Lu Yang with watery eyes: "Of course, I will take care of the two beauties and wait for you to come back."

Wang Dayan seemed to know nothing, and was still busy at the counter.

The name of Sha Dahu is certainly not a Dahu.

It's just that his name is indeed Sha. His father, grandfather, great grandfather, and Xuanzu all had the surname Sha, and they were all named Sha Dahu.

In this desolate small town, it is true that only the big household of Shah looks like a big household.

Moreover, the big household was barely resembling a person. Compared with the other people in the town, the name of the big household was the most suitable for him.

Sharman Pavilion, word-reading, eager to learn, enters the library at the age of thirteen, holds high school at the age of seventeen, and is high school at eighteen.

If you want to be Hanlin, popular, and young, you can't get it if you don't want to be romantic.

But romance also has a price.

Shamanyan's love, in exchange, is to send people from the Sha family to the frontier for a lifetime.

However, the refugees of their Sha Family lived a very aristocratic life in Huangshi Town.

Because Shamange was a scholar, less than a year after arriving in Huangshi Town, he dug up gold in a nearby mountain pit.

Is there anything in the world more tangible and precious than gold?

Traffickers, pawns, women and children, and savage villagers, they may not know the preciousness of pearl and jasper calligraphy

But what about gold?

If there is anyone in this world who does not know the value of gold, unless he is a fool.

Since the Sha family became rich, there has been a frenzy of gold hunting near Huangshi Town.

The prosperity didn't last long for wanting to make a fortune, because there were very few people who could find gold except for the big Shah.

The vast majority of people left in disappointment. Only the big sand households are still big sand households, and Huangshi Town still fell like this. Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng visited Sha Dahu early in the second day after they arrived in Huangshi Town.

At this time, Sha Dahu was drinking morning wine.

For this morning meal, he drank some soft wine.

What he drank today was a good wine specially brought from Shaoxing.

This wine has a good mouth, but it has great stamina.

Accompanied by Sha Dahu for drinking was the nearest clear guest Sun, who was said to have served as a magistrate.

Mr. Sun looks gentle, gentle and gentle, he is a scholar.

When they came in to disturb them drinking, it was Yang Wu who was on duty in the concierge to report that there were guests.

Sha Dahu held a wine glass in one hand and chopsticks in the other, looking at a chicken foot in a plate of Fengji.

He asked Yang Wu coldly: "Do you know that I never meet foreign guests when I am eating?"

Yang Wudao: "I know."

Sha Dahu said, "Since you know, why don't you tell the people outside to get out?"

Yang Wudao: "I didn't just want them to get out, but I also wanted to hold the neck of the person who insisted on coming in and throw him out."

Sha Dahu said, "Then why didn't you throw him out?"

"Because of this person, I can't throw it out." Yang Wudao: "He didn't throw me out. I already feel very lucky."

Dahu Sha had been watching the wine, but he didn't even look at Yang Wu. He turned his head and squinted at Yang Wu.

Sha Dahu said coldly: "I always thought you were a very kind person, how come you have become so weak?"

Even though he was in front of his boss, Yang Wu didn't speak very politely: "I am not weak at all, but I don't want to mess with them. Especially the person who wants to push hard."

Mr. Sun interrupted: "So, who are they? Have you recognized them?"

Yang Wu deliberately said coldly: "They are not very remarkable, but one is Lu Yang, who is said to be the husband and the horse, and the other is Lu Xiaofeng with four eyebrows."

Sha Dahu's shelf had always been big, so big that he could fly into the sky. No one in Huangshi Town put it in his eyes.

But now, hearing the names of Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng, he immediately seemed to have become another person.

These two names have a special charm.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng also understood that, although they were standing outside the concierge and waiting, they were not angry and worried.

They believed that as long as Sha Dahu heard their names, they would definitely come out to greet them in person.

And they will definitely prepare the best wine and food to entertain them, and there will even be the best-looking women waiting by the side, pouring wine and food.

Otherwise, he is not a big deal. They have such confidence.

Sure enough, Dahu Sha came out to greet him personally, welcoming Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng in.

The banquet hall was full of people.

They all seem to be famous all over the world, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng, how many heads and arms they have. ..


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