Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 428: Die for face

Jin Qiliang said: "Because I have also heard that there is a big boss here, no matter who it is, as long as it is a friend with a little reputation in the rivers and lakes, when he arrives here, no matter how big the case is on his back, how big he is. He will accept all crimes."

Lu Yang said: "So, you also think that the snake must also hide away from the Sha Dahu to avoid vengeance?"

"No matter who it is, it must be the same." Jin Qiliang said, "I think you must also think that the man and the woman are also the desperadoes taken by the boss of Sha Da."

"That's right, I really have always thought so." Lu Yang said.

Jin Qiliang said: "But this time, you are absolutely wrong."

Lu Yang asked: "Then how do you know that I am wrong, and how do you know that the person we are looking for is not among the desperadoes?"

Jin Qiliang said: "Because they all thought that I really killed Xiao Xiaotian, they all thought that Tian Bataiye must have killed me."

Lu Yang said: "So, they won't avoid you in many things, especially the cases they might carry on their backs, and possible actions?"

Jin Qiliang said: "They have already regarded me as a person like them. No one can think of it. It's just a cover."

Lu Yang remembered that sentence again.

"The person you want to kill is a bastard, you have to make yourself a **** first.

If you want to get into a bunch of turtles to spy on secrets, of course you must first turn yourself into a turtle. "

Jin Qiliang said: "Boss Nasha always has an uncle's temper, and he likes to show off. He likes to tell others mysteriously how many desperate thieves are harboring in his house."

Lu Yang admitted this. He could tell that Boss Nasha would definitely be someone who likes compliments from others.

Jin Qiliang said: "There are indeed a few names he said that really made a sensation."

Jin Qiliang smiled again: "Boss Sha always feels very excited to see the surprise and compliment of others when they hear those names."

Lu Yang also laughed: "It is indeed a very enjoyable thing to be able to hide a few well-known thieves at home."

Jin Qiliang said: "If it were me, maybe I would have the same feeling."

Lu Yang said: "Not only does he think it is good, others also think he has a lot of face."

Jin Qiliang sighed again: "Big bosses are often very face-saving, but the big boss of Shah wants face too much."

Lu Yang asked: "Why is it too much?"

Jin Qiliang said: "He wants face too much, he wants to lose face."

Lu Yang said: "Why?"

Jin Qiliang said, "Because the famous and famous thieves he harbored are actually some fakes."

Lu Yang said, "Oh, isn't it?"

Jin Qiliang said, "Those people all know the temper of Big Boss Sha, so they will do what they want."

Lu Yang smiled: "So they will all claim to be the one who is rampant across the Jianghuai River and the Huaihe River, the murderer is so and so, under the banner of others."

Jin Qiliang said: "They also know that Boss Sha will never verify their identities one by one."

Lu Yang said: "Of course, for people like Boss Sha, even if they know that the other party is a fake, they will pretend not to know."

Jin Qiliang smiled bitterly: "Yes, he knows that exposing the other person's true face will only make him even less faceless."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "People who want to lose face often lose face easily."

Jin Qiliang said: "Those people are actually little thieves who are indiscriminate. Not only do they don't have characters like Snake Langjun, but they don't even have a decent character."

Jin Qiliang asked Lu Yang, "Among those **** who are talking nonsense, eating and drinking, how can there be someone you want to find?"

Lu Yang was completely stunned.

Hearing that such a thing should have been a funny thing, but now he can't laugh.

Those desperate people should be the most suspicious.

However, the little clues that have been hard to find now are now broken.

The murderer who killed Liu Chengfeng seemed to have completely disappeared, even as if he did not exist at all.

Lu Yang's face became gloomy.

Of course Jin Qiliang understood what he was thinking about now, and he would definitely feel very uncomfortable.

Jin Qiliang raised the wine glass, and made a toast by himself: "Lu Yang, you don't have to be sad. If you say that you are sad, I will definitely be more sad than you."

Jin Qiliang poured wine for Lu Yang: "It seems that we are all the same. This time, we all ran for nothing. Why, let's go home together."

Lu Yang laughed suddenly: "This place is so fun, how can I be willing to leave?"

This time, Jin Qiliang was stunned.

Jin Qiliang said in surprise, "You mean, this place is fun?"

Lu Yang said: "Of course it's fun, very fun."

What Lu Yang said was not false.

This is the case, he and Lu Yang are the same person.

The more dangerous the stimulus, the more fun they will find, and the more difficult it is to explain the problem, the more interesting it is.

This is the usual style of Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng.

However, when he said this sentence, he did not expect that exciting and fun things would happen to them.

At this time, Lu Yang was not completely desperate, even though the clues were blurred, he still felt hopeful.

Lu Yang asked, "Except for the group of counterfeit thieves, are they all natives?"

Jin Qiliang thought for a while and said, "It seems like this, there seems to be someone who is not here."

Lu Yang asked: "Who is it? Who is not from this place?"..


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