Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 441: Same attack

Listening to the Palace Master's words, Lu Yang blushed.

"Really?" Lu Yang said.

Gong Susu said: "As soon as he got here, he already knew about mine, and that day happened to be my birthday, so he gave me some gifts, and I also invited him to drink. Wine."

Gong Susu smiled at Lu Yang and said, "People who come to me for the first time often bring some gifts. It seems that there are very few exceptions."

Not only was Lu Yang speechless, he even blushed.

Not only did he fail to give gifts, he also ate others, and he also kidnapped people from them.

Isn't this a rude thing?

Even a thick-skinned person would feel a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, at this time, someone rescued him, and Gong Ping seemed to want to say something nice for her.

Unfortunately, Gong Ping's words have not been said yet, because at that time, a dozen cold lights flew in from the window.

The dozen or so points of cold light used different powers, in different places and from different angles, to hit a dozen different vital points on his body.

And those hidden weapons, gloss and shape are also different.

That kind of situation is almost exactly the same as what happened in Zhao Xiazi's coffin shop.

The difference is that this time, Gong Ping's situation is even more dangerous, because she has been restrained and can't even move.

Fortunately, there is another difference in their situation, that is, they have Lu Yang by their side.

Gong Ping also knew that Lu Yang would never watch her die.

But the current situation is so dangerous, she doesn't know how Lu Yang will save her.

At this time, Gong Ping felt that a strong wind swept past her, but she did not see clearly what weapon it was.

It was indeed a soft weapon with a peculiar shape. Not only did Gong Ping have never seen it, she only knew that the weapon was very useful.

With an extremely sharp sound of piercing the air, among the hidden weapons that entered through the window, there were thirteen or four pieces that were caught by the strong wind.

It may even be crushed by that peculiar soft weapon.

For the remaining three or four, I saw that Lu Yang just stretched out **** and clamped it, like a fly.

The situation was more like magic, and the hidden weapon reached Lu Yang's fingers.

At this time, she heard Lu Yang's sneer: "Sure enough, it was the old rebuttal of the coffin shop. It was these pieces of broken copper and iron that were playing.

Gong Ping didn't understand, and asked: "You already know who is the one who is plotting me?"

Lu Yang said, "I probably know a little bit."

Gong Ping said, "Did you plot against the two blind Zhao Zhao?"

Lu Yang said: "Probably so."

Gong Ping said: "You have been chasing their whereabouts. Now that they have appeared, why didn't you chase them out?"

The question that Gong Ping asked was very reasonable. No matter who it was, it would be quite strange.

Lu Yang seemed to have a good reason to answer, but he just said indifferently: "Anyway, even if I chase it out now, it's too late." That sentence can be regarded as a good answer.

However, it would definitely not seem to come out of Lu Yang's mouth.

Lu Yang is definitely not such a person, as long as he catches a little clue, he will definitely get to the bottom.

He just wants to do things that are obviously impossible, and the more people don't want him to do things, he just wants to do them.

Lu Yang didn't know how many times he had done this kind of thing, so what would stop him this time?

Gong Ping didn't think about it anymore, she suddenly widened her eyes and looked at the object in Lu Yang's hand.

Gong Ping couldn't believe it, "You...what are you holding in your hand?"

Of course she had already seen clearly, what was in Lu Yang's hand, how could a woman not recognize her belt.

Lu Yang looked like an idiot, and actually explained: "This is a silk belt, which was tied to your body just now."

Gong Ping also seemed to have become an idiot, as if he hadn't figured it out yet. The peculiar weapon that had been rolled up just now belonged to this belt.

Gong Ping's face became flushed, and Lu Yang's face actually seemed a little red.

Anyway, this belt was always taken off Gong Ping's body just now.

Regardless of the reason, this incident has already happened.

At this time, the relationship between the two of them suddenly became somewhat delicate.

Unexpectedly, Gong Ping screamed again at this time because she suddenly discovered that there was one person missing in the house.

Gong Ping exclaimed in surprise: "Where is the palace lord?"

Lu Yang said: "She seems to have left."

Gong Ping asked: "When did she leave?"

Lu Yang said: "Just now."

Gong Ping said: "When was it just now?"

"Just now..." Lu Yang looked at the belt in his hand and said, "It was at that time."

This answer is a bit vague, but it's clear that it was when the belt was removed at that time.

At that time, Gong Ping was in the moment of life and death.

"Did you see her leave?" Gong Ping asked.

Lu Yang said: "Yes."

Gong Ping asked: "Do you know why she is leaving?"

Lu Yang smiled bitterly: "How could I know, why would you suddenly ask me, you may know better than I do."

Gong Ping sighed softly, "Of course you don't know, but I do."

Gong Ping looked at Lu Yang, her eyes suddenly became so gentle.

After a while, Gong Ping said softly, L: Now, I already know everything. "

What did Gong Ping know? Or does she understand it completely? ..


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