Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 443: Intimidate

If it is said, the face of the boss of Sha now is like his mouth is full of shit, and he wants to throw it on Lu Yang's face at once, which is more appropriate.

Boss Sha Da stared at Lu Yang, as if he wanted to lose his temper, but he didn't dare.

The two looked at each other for a long time.

Big Boss Sha finally reluctantly squeezed three words out of his mouth: "What's the matter?"

Lu Yang stretched out his hand and held a red rope between his **** that moved the world.

Under the red rope, there is a piece of jade pendant of very good color and shape.

Lu Yang asked: "I just want to ask you, have you seen anything like this before?"

Mr. Sha’s answer surprised Lu Yang.

Because the boss of Sha Da said without thinking: "Of course I have seen it, and it was a gift I gave to the master of Suyun Palace."

Lu Yang was completely stunned.

To him, this piece of jade pendant was an extremely important clue and a very important key.

That piece of jade is related to the ins and outs of a very mysterious murder.

However, he did not expect that Boss Nasha would say it so lightly, and he didn't appear panicked.

However, Boss Sha was more than a little angry, he was almost as angry as a smoking stove now.

Boss Sha Da yelled angrily: "If you say that you want to ask me something like this, you just broke into my room in the middle of the night, then I tell you, no matter who you are, I am afraid it is. It’s hard to walk out of here completely."

Lu Yang could only smile bitterly. He sighed and said: "Then in this situation, I can only ask you one more thing."

Boss Sha, holding back his fire, said, "What's the matter?"

Lu Yang asked: "Is this jade pendant originally yours?"

The boss of Sha Da replied without thinking: "No, I often give gifts to others, and often others give me gifts."

Boss Sha gave Lu Yang a fierce look and said, "Do you still want to ask me, who gave me this jade pendant?"

Lu Yang had to answer: "Yes."

Boss Sha said: "Then if I don't want to tell you, what do you want?"

Lu Yang sighed, "I'm afraid that the situation will be very double."

Boss Sha said: "How bad is it?"

Lu Yang calmly told Boss Sha: "I will say a word,'Now if I let go of my hand, this jade pendant will soon fall to the ground.' When I finish saying this. , I will release my hand."

Boss Sha Da still didn't understand what he meant and said, "What will happen then?"

Lu Yang said, "It's nothing." The jade pendant between Lu Yang's fingers was shaking. "However, when this jade pendant falls on the ground, I can guarantee that you are a dead person."

Lu Yang seldom used such words to intimidate others, but if he said such words, it would definitely not be a threat.

Boss Sha Da understands this of course, how to put it, he also has some understanding of Lu Yang.

The face of Big Sha's boss has already begun to change, and that jade pendant is about to let go.

At this moment, the frozen situation changed.

Lu Yang suddenly heard a woman's voice: "I gave him the jade pendant."

A woman, like Boss Sha, jumped out of Boss Sha's bed without a piece of cloth on her body.

She put her hands on her waist like that and stood in front of Lu Yang.

It seems that she doesn't care whether she is wearing or not wearing clothes. The usual vigor is even more evident here.

She said with a charming look in her eyes: "It was given to me by my husband. I give it to whoever I like. No one except the tortoise husband who left me can't control it, even if I like to steal it. People are beyond the control of others."

She stared at Lu Yang again and said, "Lu Yang, Daxia Lu, Master Lu, I am right, can you control it?"

Before she finished her words, Lu Yang was already gone.

Lu Yang's situation was as if he had seen a ghost, and he was still an evil ghost.

When Lu Yang returned to Wang Dayan's grocery store, it was already late at night.

When he found Wang Dayan, the green cap was higher than the mountain, and the more bosses were actually drunk.

He vomited all over, on the bed, and on the floor. The stench in the whole room was enough to stinks.

Moreover, the shoes on his feet are all mud.

Seeing that he is so awkward and awkward, how could he be the murderer who killed Liu Chengfeng?

Lu Yang really couldn't believe this.

However, the lady proprietress who got out of the bed of Mr. Sha, naked, said that the jade pendant was given by the "husband".

Then, Lu Yang could only ask the boss, and he couldn't wait for him to wake up the next day.

No matter how many green hats the boss lady puts on the boss, there is always only one husband.

And now, if you want the person who drinks like a dead pig to wake up immediately, the best way now is to pour a bucket of cold water from his head.

Moreover, in such a weather, this method is obviously the most effective, and it is guaranteed to be effective.

In fact, Lu Yang couldn't bear it.

He also knows that the boss is also a poor man, and the poor man must have a pitiful part.

And when he sees a poor person, Lu Yang's heart often becomes particularly soft.

Therefore, Lu Yang still intends to try other methods, and that method should be used last.

Therefore, Lu Yang spent a lot of time and effort, and finally awakened the uncle Wang.

When Uncle Wang woke up, Lu Yang felt like fighting a master.

Lu Yang originally wanted to ask him when he was more awake. ..


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