Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 447: Strange hint

Because, Xu Xiangu's fame, martial arts, and status in the arena, most of the princesses are unworthy to wash her feet.

No one thought that someone who had been restrained in seven deadly acupuncture points and forced into a goldfish bowl would be able to rescue her.

Gong Ping was really dead, but Gong Susu didn't kill her, just wanting to make her suffer more live crimes.

But what about that little beggar? Where did that little beggar go? Could it be the same as Gong Ping's being restrained and left there?

Lu Yang asked: "Then have you seen that little beggar?"

Of course Gong Ping saw him: "But I never thought he was such a person, he was willing to risk me to save me!"

Lu Yang was obviously moved, and after a long time, he said: "Then has he already been murdered?"

Gong Ping sighed sadly: "Even if he is still alive now, I am afraid he will not live long."

Lu Yang asked: "Why?"

"Because he also seems to know a secret that is absolutely unwilling to let others know." Gong Ping said, "He seems to have seen something that he shouldn't have seen."

That matter, those secrets, must have a lot to do with Liu Chengfeng.

Otherwise, Xiao Biaohua and Gong Ping would not be in danger.

And often only the dead can better keep secrets. Therefore, Gong Ping and Xiao Biaohua would suffer this bad luck.

This is of course a matter of course.

So Lu Yang didn't need to ask either, just asked, "Where is that little beggar now?"

Gong Ping said: "He has been taken away. He was taken away by Gong Susu and Mrs. Xu."

Lu Yang asked: "Why did they take the little beggar into custody? If they want to kill the little beggar and Huamiekou, why didn't they just kill him here?"

Gong Ping asked Lu Yang, "If you want to kill someone, would you like to kill someone in your own home?"

Lu Yang said, "Of course I wouldn't want it."

"Isn't it easier for a person to go elsewhere than to carry a dead person out?" Gong Ping said.

Lu Yang said: "This is indeed the case."

Now Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng understand that Xiao Beggar was taken to another place by Gong Susu, killing others.

And that place is of course not found by others, because no one knows where it will be.

Lu Yang didn't know the same.

Lu Yang can do many things that others cannot.

He drinks like tea, and his life is like playing cards.

And when his **** clamped the deadly weapon of others, it was as easy as a naughty girl pinching the nose of his beloved object.

At the time of life and death, he was still able to say one or two jokes about birds not laying eggs.

However, he is just a person, after all, there are still many things that he cannot achieve.

Just as he didn't think about what a kite would enlighten him.

In the cold morning breeze, in the dark white sky, suddenly a kite flew over.

It was a big kite, as big as the big eagle soaring over the snow-capped mountains.

In the interweaving moment of night and morning, eight characters suddenly flashed on the kite:

"Find the culprit and break the fish tank."

Those eight characters are written in Bilin, so they are so eye-catching.

These eight characters are also like a joke that a bird does not lay eggs.

If you say "Find fish seedlings and break the fish tank." That's still a sentence.

Even if there is no water in the fish tank, there is no fish shadow, but that sentence still makes sense.

But "find the disaster and break the fish tank" is completely outrageous.

However, it is not easy to make a kite of that size.

It takes a lot of Bilin to write such eight characters.

Biphos is not a cheap thing.

Who is willing to spend so much effort to play such a damaging **** joke?

Lu Xiaofeng looked at Lu Yang, but he was also uncertain.

The expression on Lu Yang's face is even more strange.

Lu Yang not only didn't even mean anything funny, but his expression became more serious.

This joke is definitely not a simple joke.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng walked over at the same time, looking at the row of fish tanks.

The size, shape, material and color of the eight goldfish bowls are exactly the same, which is no different from the goldfish bowls they often see in Beijing.

There is only one difference, and that is that these goldfish bowls have been made to look like old women's faces.

It seems that those tanks are already wrinkled.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng looked at the eight goldfish bowls carefully several times inside and out.

However, the only thing they found was sand and dust.

Other than that, there is nothing.

Gong Ping didn't look at it like Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng did in the past.

She just picked up a stone from the ground and threw it directly at one of the goldfish bowls.

In some aspects, those women tend to do things more directly and effectively than men.

"When" the ground rang, one of the eight goldfish bowls was smashed.

After an empty goldfish bowl is smashed, what will be discovered?

The only thing that can be found is the goldfish bowl fragments in that place.

Moreover, you will regret it in your heart, and you shouldn't have smashed that goldfish bowl.

Lu Yang smiled bitterly and shook his head and said: "Women often do things like this. They always think that they are smart and brave. If there is a woman who can really do something that a man admires. Come, then in the eyes of the world, that woman is no longer a woman."

Gong Ping did not refute Lu Yang's words. ..


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