Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 450: Far-fetched thing

Xiao Biaohua sighed, "At least in my opinion, it's true."

Lu Yang said, "Why does she have to do this?"

Little Beggar looked at Lu Yang and said, "Because she said that you are the best man she has ever seen, so it is worth doing something for you."

Lu Yang suddenly felt a little vomiting.

Little Beggar looked at Lu Yang and said timidly, "Brother Lu, can I go now?"

Lu Yang glared at him: "Who said that, I haven't finished asking."

Little Beggar accompanied a smile and said, "Big Brother Lu wants to know what, Beggar will know everything."

Lu Yang asked: "Have you seen this jade pendant?"

Lu Yang took out Liu Chengfeng's jade pendant.

"I have seen it." The little cried Hua said.

"You sold this jade pendant to Wang Dayan for a couple of silver?" Lu Yang asked.

Xiaojiahua actually admitted very happily: "Yes."

Lu Yang asked, "Where did you get the jade pendant?"

The little beggar said, "I stole it from the lady boss."

Lu Yang didn’t understand, he seemed to be completely stunned: "You mean you stole the jade pendant from the lady boss, and then sold it to Wang Dayan for a couple of silvers, and then Wang Dayan gave the jade pendant. To the proprietress, the proprietress gave it to the big Sha, and the Sha big to Gong Susu, and Gong Susu to Gong Ping?"

The little beggar said, "It seems that this is how things are."

Lu Yang said, "Do you believe in such a thing?"

The little beggar said: "I quite believe it."

"Why?" Lu Yang asked.

The little cry said: "This is how things are."

Lu Yang smiled bitterly. It was so ridiculous, but he couldn't find a reason to refute the petty beggar.

Little Beggar looked at Lu Yang: "Brother Lu."

Lu Yang asked: "Then do you know, how did that jade pendant get to the lady boss?"

Xiaojiahua actually answered the same as Gong Susu: "A woman always has some inexplicable things on her body. Those things are often given to her by men. Maybe Liu Chengfeng gave him. maybe."

Lu Yang said with a calm face: "Nonsense!"

Xiao Biaohua laughed: "After getting into someone's bed, it is normal to give someone one or two things."

Lu Yang suddenly wanted to vomit again.

This matter can't be pulled like this anymore, and if it goes on, the matter will become more and more unclear.

Lu Yang suddenly took the little Beggar's hand and said, "Go, let's drink."

When the little beghua heard the wine, he immediately smiled happily than anything else: "Okay, I also want to drink well and eat Fengji."

Lu Yang said: "Good."

Lu Xiaofeng looked at the dishes on the table with a smile on his face.

Gong Susu smiled: "Daxia Lu, you are satisfied with these things."

Lu Xiaofeng nodded: "Very satisfied. But, why on earth did you do this?"

Gong Susu sighed and said, "It's not that everyone wants to find the real murderer for Liu Daxia, and it is also a little anxious." The lady boss laughed with him: "But now, since everything is clear, everyone will drink and eat happily. Come, Daxia Lu, my respect You have a cup."

The lady boss poured a glass of wine for Lu Xiaofeng.

Lu Xiaofeng picked it up and drank it.

Just between Lu Xiaofeng's cups, suddenly, a wind hit!

That is the hand of the lady boss! I don't know when, the lady boss wore five knuckles as thin as a blade!

The five fingers grabbed Lu Xiaofeng's Xiaoyao point straight.

If this move is caught by her, it will be uncomfortable.

Gong Ping's legs also attacked Lu Xiaofeng, Gong Susu waved his hand, and a pair of chopsticks flew straight toward his eyes.

It seemed that Lu Xiaofeng was about to die under this sudden attack, because the attack was so sudden, but he was drinking with a cup.

The raised wine glass had blocked his sight, and the chopsticks flying in front of him could not be seen.

However, there was a flower in front of their eyes, but they didn't know what kind of method that Lu Yang used, and suddenly he jumped five or six feet away.

The lady boss actually grabbed Gong Ping's waistband.

Gong Ping's waistband has been torn open, revealing a pair of legs.

It is a pair of slender and strong legs full of elasticity!

It is a pair of legs that a man will never forget after seeing it once.

Both Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng have seen those legs!

In the backyard of Zhao Xiazi's coffin shop, under the flying purple dress.

They saw these legs! That can't be wrong!

Lu Xiaofeng was dumbfounded!

Every man would be in a daze when he suddenly saw such a pair of legs, suddenly exposed from the torn pants.

What's more, things that Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng have been pursuing, suddenly have an answer here.

However, this answer is unknown.

And this time, Lu Xiaofeng was stunned because he had never thought of the legs of the old woman who wanted to kill Lu Yang.

That would actually be Gong Ping's leg!

At this time, if you have a blindfold to cover your eyes so that you cannot see what you should have seen, it might be a good thing.

But when I saw it, everything was cleared up, but unfortunately I saw it again.

Between lucky and unlucky, there is often a blank time.

When it is blank, it is often in a daze.

When in a daze, it is often someone else's opportunity.

Suddenly, those who should move moved, and those who shouldn't move.

Dahu Sha, Zhao Xiazi, Wang Dayan, Gong Susu, and Xu Xiangu all moved in that instant!

Moreover, their actions are extremely fast! Extremely accurate! Extremely vicious!

This kind of quickness and accuracy will definitely not be what people who grow up in such a desolate town can do.

If a person's shots can be so fast and accurate, then he can definitely be ranked among the top players in the world.

If a number must be given, it should be included in the top fifty. ..


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