Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 453: Sudden visit

Miss Niu’s tone was very urgent. "He originally went with Lu Xiaofeng, Ouyang Qing, and Xue Bing, but now he has sent them all back. It is said that Lu Xiaofeng has disappeared. He is the only one left there. He will definitely be there. Quite dangerous."

Miss Niu was anxious to cry.

"Originally, I wanted to go with him, but I didn't expect that he actually gave me a false departure time. When I knew he had gone, many days had passed, and now there is no news from him. , You say you are not anxious."

The honest monk slowly said: "Don't worry, don't worry, the monk has done the fortune for him, and he will not die."

Miss Niu said: "In such a dangerous place, Lu Xiaofeng is also missing. No matter what, you have to go to find him, to find Lu Xiaofeng."

The honest monk said: "Why?"

"Because you are his girlfriend." Miss Niu said: "Everyone in the world knows that the honest monk is a good friend of Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng. They are in danger. If you don't go to them, you won't be a laughter. Is it?"

This monk turned out to be an honest monk, the first ranger in Buddhism, and an honest monk who is famous all over the world.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng's good friends are honest monks.

It is said that he has never said a word of dishonesty in his life.

But if someone has to force him to tell the truth, then that person may soon be unable to speak.

There are indeed many anecdotes about this monk, and they are also quite interesting.

Miss Niu wanted to move someone, she could really say that a dead person is a living person.

But the honest monk seemed to not even hear a word.

The honest monk said: "Whatever you say is of no use. Anyway, the monk is the **** who has eaten the weight this time.

"Really?" Miss Niu said.

"It's true." The honest monk said.

"No?" Miss Niu said.

"Really can't be fake." The honest monk said.

Miss Niu sighed and said, "Then I will tell you a story."

"Whatever you say, I won't go anyway." The honest monk said.

Miss Niu began to tell the story: "There was a monk in the past. Everyone who knew him said that he was terribly honest, never touched on meat, never close to female, and when he met a woman, he dared not even look at it. , Because if he looks, he has to look at at least seven or eight hundred eyes."

"But once, he actually had a love affair with a woman, and a little girl named'Xiaodou'."

"The little girl's life experience is quite pitiful. She grew up in Lehu. She is weak and sick, so our honest monk sympathizes with her."

"It doesn't matter to sympathize with pity. The most important thing is to have love because of pity. When you love it, it's endless."

"The only regret is that he is a monk, and a poor monk, he can't steal thousands of taels of silver to redeem a happy household girl, and it is even more impossible to blatantly **** her out."

"So, the amorous monk had to go away with hatred, hide in a place he thought no one could find, repent and think about it."

At this point in one breath, Miss Niu stopped and stared at the honest monk and said, "Monk, do you say this story sounds good?"

Hearing this, the face of the honest monk who was already panicked became a little bloodless. It took a long time for the honest monk to answer slowly, "It’s not good."

Miss Niu said: "I also don't think it sounds good. I actually don't like to listen to such sad stories."

Miss Niu sighed again: "However, this story has real people and real things, it's true."

The honest monk said: "Oh?"

Miss Niu stared at the honest monk for a long time, and then suddenly asked, "Do you know, whose monk belongs to this story?"

The honest monk murmured: "I...I know."

Miss Niu said: "Then tell it, who is he?"

The honest monk began to sweat on his face, but he still struggled reluctantly and said, "That monk is me."

Miss Niu sighed and smiled: "Sure enough, an honest monk is an honest monk. As expected, she never lied."

Miss Niu suddenly pulled another girl in a black cloak to the honest monk.

Miss Niu took off the felt hat for her, and under the felt hat, a delicate, thin and charming face suddenly appeared.

There were tear marks on that cheek.

Miss Niu said: "Who is she now?"

The honest monk was completely stunned.

Of course the honest monk knew who she was. Even if the sky is old and the moon is sparse, it is impossible for him to recognize her.

"Xiaodouzi, how could it be you?" The honest monk exclaimed.

Xiaodouzi's tears were like the name, dripping down like a bean.

Seeing the expressions on their faces, Miss Niu originally wanted to smile, but in this situation she couldn't smile.

She even wanted to leave a bit, she wanted to go far, so that they could get together alone and talk to each other.

Unexpectedly, the honest monk stopped her: "I have something to show you too."

Miss Niu turned around and said, "What do you want me to see?"

The honest monk did not answer her, but slowly lifted up the tattered and generous monk's robe he was wearing.

After the monk's robe was lifted up, his legs were immediately exposed.

Miss Niu was completely stunned, and Xiaodouzi was also stunned.

The legs that Miss Niu saw didn't look like a pair of legs anymore.

It was more like two dead branches that were broken, not only incredibly thin, but also shriveled.

Those legs are too much to look at.

But what is even more unimaginable is that an extremely thick chain is still locked on the ankles of those legs.

The honest monk said: "The lock is the crystal of Qiqiaotang. The key has been thrown into the valley by me. In this world, no one can open this chain."


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