Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 461: People who changed suddenly

"What kind of reason?" the white-clothed boy asked, "for what?"

"Because although you are not a man, you are a woman, and you are the beef soup, brown sugar, Miss Niu that Lu Yang recently liked, and I am not Ximen Chuuxue." This humanity said.

The beef soup was startled.

The man said, "From head to toe, from the top of the head to the bottom of my feet, from the inside to the outside, from the outside to the inside, all over my body, there is no place where Ximen Chuuxue is."

The drum is dumbfounded, the embroidered shoes are dumbfounded,

The beef soup is even more silly, regardless of whether she is beef soup or not. Besides, she is really beef soup.

Of course she knew what kind of person Ximen Chuuxue was, and what this person looked like just now was exactly what Ximen Chuuxue looked like.

It was so lonely, so lonely, so cold.

It makes people completely cold to the bottom of my heart.

If you think these are not enough to describe Ximen Chuuxue, you can add: pride, pride, ruthlessness, and ruthlessness.

And this person, who just looked at him, looks like that, but now, it seems to be completely different.

Above and below, the unique Ximen Chuuxue, above and below, the unique sword god.

How could such a person say such a thing.

If Ximen Chuuxue wanted a person to die, how could this person live as he is now?

"I know, now I understand, you are definitely not Ximen Chuuxue." Miss Niu stared at this person and asked, "If you are not Ximen Chuuxue, who are you?"

She believed that this person was Ximen Chuuxue.

Because she had already felt the unique loneliness of Ximen Chuuxue from this person.

Most importantly, she also felt his unique sharp sword spirit.

Apart from Ximen Chuuxuezi, who else can give people such a feeling?

"Simon Chuuxue's face was originally pale, like a dead man, without a trace of blood or expression."

Miss Niu stared at this humanity: "The most important point, most people as long as they see a long and narrow scabbard sword dressed in white clothes like snow from a distance, his legs are already weak. Now, why dare to look at his face?"

Miss Niu concluded that, in theory, it is not difficult to pretend to be Ximen Chuuxue.

But there is a distance between theory and fact.

In fact, it is quite difficult to pretend to be Ximen Chuuxue.


Because of the sword and murderous aura on Ximen Chuuxue's body.

No matter who it is, as long as you see Ximen Chuuxue, you can immediately feel his aggressive sword aura and murderous aura.

Immediately he will be oppressed by his aura.

"So, in this world, there are not too many people who can dress up as Ximen Fuxue. In my opinion, there are definitely not more than four people."

"Which four."

"Lu Yang, the Western Jade Raksha, Lu Xiaofeng and Sikong have the stars." Miss Niu said.

"Since the incident at the Silver Hook Gambling House, the Western Jade Raksha seems to have never appeared again." The white-clothed human said: "He rarely appears in the arena."

Miss Niu said: "It seems so."

"So of course I am not." Bai Yi said.

Miss Niu said: "It doesn't seem to be possible."

"Of course I can't be the two super **** Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng." Bai Yi said.

"I don't think you look like it." Miss Niu said.

"So, I can only win the stars from Sikong." The white clothed humanity.

"I'm afraid it is." Miss Niu said.

The white-clothed man sighed for a long time and said, "It is true that you have good eyesight, but unfortunately you still made a mistake."

Beef soup asked: "What's the matter?"

Sikong picks the stars and said: "Sikong picking the stars is not a thief, it is a thief, a super thief, not only a super thief, but also a king of stealing, even Lu Xiaofeng is as big as a bull when he sees it."

Miss Niu said: "The one who can make Lu Xiaofeng crawl in the mud to dig for earthworms is indeed him except Lu Yang."

Sikong Picking the Stars laughed, the oppressive and chilling murderous aura just disappeared completely.

Until now, Miss Niu believed that this king of stealing was indeed a genius, and he was like what he wanted to play.

Lu Yang once told her that he had seen someone pretend to be a dog, but that person said that he was not as capable as one-third of Sikong’s star catching.

The drum and embroidered shoes were also dumbfounded.

Of course, they are not ignorant of Sikong's reputation as a star.

In the arena, the reputation of the king of stealing kings is not much worse than that of Simon Chuoxue.

But they never thought that the king of stealing the king could pretend to be a sword god, and he could fool them who were extremely masters.

Of course they also know how to disguise, as the top killers in the arena, there is no one who does not understand disguise.

This is one of the most basic conditions a professional killer has.

However, they did not expect that one person could completely change their aura and voice into another person at that moment.

It is not difficult to change a person's appearance, but it is even more difficult to change their voice.

He must learn the legend that can control the muscles of his throat.

Therefore, Dagu didn't say anything, but took out a stack of silver tickets from his body and sent them to Miss Niu with both hands.

Seeing that Miss Niu did not stretch out his hand to pick it up, he placed the silver bills on the ground and flew away like a fat butterfly.

The embroidered shoes did not speak either, and followed them. The sound of footsteps when they left was naturally much lighter than when they came.

Sikong picked the stars with a smile, watching the embroidered shoes leave, and suddenly he asked Miss Niu: "Why don't you keep her?"

Miss Niu asked back: "Why should I keep her?"

Sikong Xingxing smiled and said, "Because she seems to have one thing that she forgot to return to you."


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