Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 463: Holy things

Sikong picked up the stars first, because he had already drunk beef soup, which is often not for free.

The most important thing is that although he and the beef soup are not very good friends, they are also a kind of friends.

"Of course you know what kind of person Ximen Chuuxue is." He asked Miss Niu: "Will others see his letter?"

Miss Niu said: "No."

"So, I didn't even see the so-called engagement letter you mentioned." Sikong Zhanxing said, "I just saw a monk, an honest monk who is not honest."

Miss Niu also laughed: "That monk seems to be really dishonest."

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "But that monk is much smarter than you."

Miss Niu said: "Is he smarter than me?"

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "Because he knows that as soon as Ximen Chuuxue sees that letter, that letter will immediately become like a woman who wants to commit suicide."

"What does that mean?" Miss Niu asked.

"Why does a woman want to commit suicide?" Sikong asked the star.

"That must be because her heart was broken, and it was torn apart by a man." Miss Niu said.

Sikong picked the stars and said, "That letter is the same. That letter will definitely be torn apart by a man, and that man is Simon."

Miss Niu also laughed, she couldn't help but laugh.

"That monk is sure that the Great Swordsman at Ximen will never make an appointment with an unknown boy, because the eyes of that Great Swordsman are always on the top of his head."

"If that great swordsman often goes to this kind of battle, then I am afraid that there will be no time to have children."

Sikong starring with a smile.

Miss Niu said: "Since he is not coming, so you are here. But why are you here?"

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "Because I am also a friend of Lu Sandan, if Ximen Chuuxue doesn't save him, of course I will go, not to mention that Brother Lu is also there. I can't help but go."

"Lu Sandan?" Miss Niu felt very strange, "Whose Lu Sandan belongs to?"

"Lu Sandan belongs to Lu Xiaofeng." Sikong picked up the stars and said, "Because he is not only a big bastard, but also a pauper, even in many cases, he will be a big idiot."

Miss Niu wanted to laugh, but there was no way to laugh.

Sikong picked up the stars and said, "Brother Lu is probably also anxious, and we should share the worries for him."

Miss Niu asked Sikong seriously and said: "This time, you are wrong again. Lu Xiaofeng will definitely not be an egg. No matter what he is, it is possible, but I can guarantee that he will never be an egg. "

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "Why?"

Miss Niu laughed again: "Have you never seen an egg with eyebrows, and an egg with four eyebrows?"

Sikong never surrendered when he picked up the stars, even if he wanted to steal against Lu Yang or somersault against Lu Xiaofeng, he would definitely not.

But this time, he surrendered.

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "This time, our troubles are not small, but we are not afraid of trouble."

The beef soup smiled and smiled even more sweetly: "If you take me with you, then I can guarantee that you can eat the beef soup you want no matter what."

Sikong Zhaixing looked at the bowl and sighed: "The beef soup is really good, but if you and Brother Lu are kissing, I want to eat beef soup?"

The beef soup blushed.

Ximen Chuuxue has never blown blood.

No matter when or where the snow fell, he wouldn't blow it.

In this world, probably no one will blow snow.

Ximen Chuuxue was blowing blood.

What he blows is the snow on his sword, the blood of the enemy, the blood of the opponent.

The water in the basin is still warm, and the water still has the scent of mastiff.

Ximen Chuuxue has thoroughly cleaned every inch of his body.

Now he is changing clothes, tying his hair and trimming his nails.

He has prepared a new set of clothes for himself. From underwear, pants, and gowns outside, they are all white as snow.

He has even fasted for three days. During those three days, he only ate the purest and simplest food and only drank pure white water.

Because he felt that the thing he wanted to do was the most sacred and the most holy thing.

But because he was going to kill.

In his heart, killing is sacred and holy.

Therefore, you must fast for three days before killing.

Zhuangyuan Building is the largest restaurant in this place. The business is very good, there are many people, the most lively, and of course the loudest.

Especially now it's time to eat.

It’s time for everyone to eat.

It was time to eat, and the top champion was noisy like a big pot of boiling porridge.

The excitement is like a big pot of mixed vegetables.

However, in that instant, it suddenly became quiet.

Because at this time, two people have already come up on the stairs.

The first person to walk up was a girl with infinite wildness in her beauty.

The girl is healthy and strong, full of elasticity and wildness, but so wild that she looks so terribly wild.

Such a woman should have received special attention, no matter when or where she appeared.

But today is different. The people in the restaurant didn't even look at her.

Because the second person following up caught everyone's eyes in that instant.

The man's face was pale and thin, so indifferent and so proud, and he was dressed like snow in white.

That person seemed to carry a colder air than ice and snow, which could freeze the smile and voice of everyone present.

Those two people, of course, were Miss Niu and Sikong who had just met. ..


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