Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 465: Very "poor" Steal King

Although the expression of beef soup was not as surprised as the guy, it was not as miserable, but it was almost the same.

She couldn't help but ask Sikong Zhanxing: "What did you just order for us to eat?"

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "Are you deaf?"

Beef soup said: "I am not."

Sikong picked up the stars and said, "Then I just called something, you didn't hear it?"

"I heard." Miss Niu said, "I'm just a little skeptical."

"What do you suspect?" Sikong picked up the stars.

"I'm suspicious of you." Miss Niu said: "I wonder if you are the king of stealing kings who spend money like dirt."

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "Oh?"

Miss Niu said: "It is said that although the stealing king said that he never steals valuable things, he has more money than anyone else."

"Because the things he stole were asked by others to steal." Beef soup said: "No matter who it is, if you want to ask him to steal things, you have to pay a lot of money. It is said that once, a person Ask him to steal a toilet for him, and that person actually gave him fifty thousand taels."

Miss Niu asked Sikong the King: "Is there such a thing?"

Sikong Zhaixing sighed and said, "If such a nice and lovely girl must say something like this, how can I lie?"

The beef broth laughed.

Her smile looked neither like a cow, nor meat, let alone soup.

If you say, someone must say that she laughed like a bowl of soup.

Then she is definitely not a bowl of beef soup, but a bowl of very sweet red dates and lotus seed soup.

"If he can earn fifty thousand taels by stealing a toilet, then shouldn't the stealing king be very rich?" Miss Niu said.

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "It stands to reason, it should be."

Miss Niu said: "The rich people are usually stingy people, but this person is an exception."

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "Oh?"

"Not to mention that he spends the same money as Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng, sometimes much faster than them."

"It's not the ability to make money, it's the ability to make money and spend money," Sikong said, "It's a big bastard, a big **** who can spend or not."

Miss Niu laughed: "Being a **** is always better than being a bastard."

Sikong starring smiled and said, "That's for sure."

Miss Niu said: "So you are a bastard. You are neither a **** who can spend money or not, nor a stealer who makes a lot of money. You are just a **** who can make money but cannot spend money, a super bastard. of."

Sikong picked up the stars as if she was stunned by her.

Indeed, he has never been scolded like this in his entire life.

He is the king of stealing, the king of stealing, like the Great Sword God of Ximen Bluffing Snow, like Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng.

People like them are already quite polite not to scold others. How can they be scolded?

Is that Miss Niu already drunk?

"Are you drunk?" Sikong asked the star.

"This is white water. How can white water make people drunk?" Miss Niu said, "I'm just wondering, how can someone who can make fifty thousand taels of silver by stealing a toilet? When a nice and cute woman eats, her only name is Bai?"

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "White?"

Miss Niu sighed and said, "White vegetables, white tofu, white steamed buns, and white water. I think that the dishonest monk must eat better than you."

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "Why?"

"How can you have the strength to give birth to a young monk if you only eat such things?" Miss Niu smiled.

Sikong picked the stars without smiling, but sighed: "Now, I know why Brother Lu likes you, and the tone of your speech is completely imprinted with him."

"And that little chicken, fortunately, I didn't mix with you, otherwise, I would be just like you assholes." Sikong Qiexing sighed.

Beef soup asked: "Is he Lu Sandan or Lu Xiaoji?"

Sikong picked up the stars and said, "He is both. Sometimes he is also Lu Xiaofeng and Lu Xiaoxiao."

"Of course I know what Lu Xiaofeng means. When he flies, he doesn't look like a phoenix, but like a bird." Beef soup said.

"Yes?" Sikong picked up the stars.

"But I don't understand Lu Puppy. Why do you call him Lu Puppy?" Beef soup asked puzzledly.

"Because his nose is better than a dog, there is a pile of stool eight thousand miles away, he can smell it." Sikong picked the stars.

Miss Niu wanted to laugh, but couldn't help it anymore. She sullenly looked at Sikong Zhanxing and said, "Then what about you? Are you Sikong Zhanxing or eating shit?"

Sikong Zhanxing was stunned and said, "How can people eat **** all over the floor?"

Of course, Miss Niu has her reasoning: "Everything can match Sikong, starring is good for eating shit." Miss Niu said, "What's more, you can't eat these things. Much better than shit."

"This time, you are wrong again." Sikong Picking Stars was not angry and said, "I told these things to eat, just because I am not Sikong Picking Stars at all."

Miss Niu said: "Then who are you now?"

"Ximen Chuuxue." Sikong picked up the stars and said, "all the floor is to Ximen, and eating **** is to blowing snow. Isn't that better?"

"Yes, it's really right," said one person, "it's enough to be qualified to eat a lot of **** and get a knife."

Sikong Catch the Star and Miss Niu glanced around.

In the corner of the restaurant, there is a table, and on that table, a couple sits.

They are all very old, the old man is thin and dry.

That old woman was fat and white.

The old man frowned, and the old woman smiled.

This is how this world is, and many couples are like this.

If both husband and wife are very enthusiastic to "do one thing", then the husband will always suffer. ..


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