Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 479: Big thing

In fact, Baili Changqing has not personally bet a dart for 17 years.

No matter how big the dart is, the vice president Jin Peng will bet on it.

Over the past seventeen years, Baili Changqing has been handed over to Jin Peng to deal with events of all sizes.

Jin Peng has become his most powerful and trusted right-hand man, and he has never made a mistake.

Therefore, when Jin Peng reported to him that everything had been set up, he should have been very relieved.

Logically speaking, he should be nodding, smiling, holding his beard, and smiling happily.

But this time, he didn't laugh.

Not only did he not smile, but he still asked with a rather solemn expression: "Has everything been investigated?"

"Absolutely safe." Jin Peng said, "For this dart, we have been preparing for almost a year. All the safety measures have been taken along the way. Please don't worry about the head of the dart."

"Thanks to you for more than ten years, you have never made any mistakes. On this point, I am quite relieved, but the relationship between this trip is really too big." Bailichang Qing sighed, this was the first time he looked solemn.

This was also the first time he felt that he was not completely sure, and felt extremely ethereal.

"I know that 35 million taels of gold, the money you can do for many things, you can use it for eighty generations, it will never be used up." Jin Peng also said solemnly.

Baili Changqing said: "Yes, so this dart definitely cannot be missed by a small gunboat. Otherwise, don't say you and me, I am afraid that the entire career of the dart will be ruined. Moreover, This is also a matter of copycats."

Jin Peng said: "Yes, I also know that, so, the Beijing Master also specially sent Liu Beifeng Heroes. Seven months ago, they had already started to arrange according to the route we set."

Li Changqing asked, "Is there any news from Liu Chengfeng?"

"Every fifteen days, there will be a message." Jin Peng said: "Each message has only two words."

Baili Changqing asked, "Which two words?"

Jinpeng said: "Safe."

Since it's safe all the way, it's time to go on the road.

During this trip, Baili Changqing of the Central Plains Escort was personally escorted.

The beef soup was really anxious. In her life, she had never been as anxious as she is now.

She would rather be killed by someone else with a single knife. It's better to be held in this prison and wait for the execution.

Because waiting only brings anxiety, and anxiety is often even more sad.

She couldn't bear it anymore.

She slapped the surrounding walls desperately and shouted loudly.

However, apart from the echo in the prison, only a pair of eyes responded to her.

It was a pair of cold eyes, like the eyes of Wannian Bingshan.

Of course, those eyes are not necessarily looking at her, those eyes are just facing her direction, staring into the void in front of her.

Ximen Chuuxue has always been such a person, seemingly indifferent to everything around him.

Even if things fell to his head, he seemed unaware, maybe he just said he didn’t care.

For him, everything has no root and no result.

Don't care, just do as you want.

The beef soup suddenly stopped shouting and tapping, because she also knew that it was in vain.

The beef soup stared at Ximen Chuuxue's cold face with an almost desperate look.

The beef soup trembled and said: "Will they kill us?"

Ximen Chuuxue didn't even look at her, maybe he didn't hear her, it seemed that the question was not worth answering at all.

"Will they kill us?" Beef soup asked again, this time she shook Ximen Chuuxue's shoulder vigorously.

"No." Ximen Chuuxue's tone was still so calm.

These two words didn't seem to be spoken by Ximen Chuuxue, but were shaken out by beef soup.

Rolled from the belly to the mouth, and then shaken from the mouth to the outside.

Such an answer that didn't bring the slightest anger, but it made the beef soup see incomparable hope.

The look of despair disappeared from her eyes, but a bright brilliance rose.

She said, "Really? They really wouldn't kill us?"

Ximen Chuuxue did not nod or shook his head, still looking at the void so coldly.

The beef broth was so happy again.

Beef soup went on by himself: "I understand what you mean. You mean, since they are just taking drugs in the wine, not poisoning them, it means that they don't really want to kill us. ,right?"

Before Ximen Chuuxue reacted, she also knew that Ximen Chuuxue would never react and would not answer.

So, she went on to say to herself: "No, no, if they say they don't want to kill us, then why do they keep us here again?"

This seems to be a question worth considering. And the question seems a little weird.

why? Why did they just lock up the beef soup and Ximen Chuuxue instead of killing them all?

Don't they have no value at all?

Lu Yang is missing, perhaps also dead, Lu Xiaofeng is already dead.

They are here to take revenge again, and if they don't kill them, it can only increase the danger of the murderers.

More importantly, they already knew the true face of the murderer, leaving them behind would not do the murderer the slightest benefit.

This question, beef soup is absolutely impossible to know, and absolutely impossible to figure out.

Even if she wants to break her head, it is absolutely impossible to know.

Because the answer is only in the heads of those murderers in Huangshi Town. ..


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