Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 481: Wait and hope

Gong Susu hesitated to speak and then stopped: "At that time, we were on the edge of a cliff. I suddenly shot and hit him completely. He was severely injured and fell off, and the cliff was bottomless. It is immortal, and it should be just a dead person living a life under that cliff."

The lady boss was relieved: "In this way, Lu Yang's little villain should be considered dead."

Gong Susu said: "Yes, but I still don't understand a bit."

The lady boss said: "Don't understand what?"

Gong Susu's figure was so fast that he hit the lady boss with such a blow.

With that blow, Gong Susu actually used four or five points of true power.

The lady boss cried out in pain, and yelled: "What are you doing? Why are you making such a heavy shot?"

Gong Susu thoughtfully, did not answer her words: "Strange, really strange?"

The lady boss didn't understand: "What's strange?"

Gong Susu said, "If it is injured, how can there be no sound at all?"

The lady boss seemed to understand: "You mean, he took a blow from you and didn't make a sound at all?"

Mong Susu nodded: "I just tried four or five points. You are already in pain, but he didn't respond half way. Are you weird?"

Sha Dahu laughed, "Then don't worry about it."

Gong Susu said: "Why?"

Sha Dahu smiled and said, "Because we all believe in your skill, you can't make a sound with your full blow."

Indeed, Lu Yang had already seen Gong Susu's physical and physical skills and gave her a high evaluation.

Lu Yang once said. Gong Susu's martial arts, placed in the arena, is definitely a top-notch master.

The full blow of the first-class master, I am afraid that many people do not even have the opportunity to scream.

Because their bodies have been completely shattered.

The real attack of the master will make people even have no chance to react and scream for mercy.

Gong Susu's expression relaxed: "So, we are all ready now, we don't need to worry about anything anymore, just wait to get rich."

"Yes." Everyone nodded together. Their eyes were already glowing with extremely blazing light.

The little beggar ran in three steps and did two steps. As soon as he came in, he said something like this: "Do you know what we are talking about?"

The boss said: "What's the matter?"

Beggarhua: "We said good things."

"Are they here?" Gong Su's face suddenly glowed brilliantly, and her noble temperament completely disappeared. At this time, she was like a demon girl.

Xiao Biaohua nodded and said, "They are here."

they? Who are they referring to?

In Yellowstone Town, what are they waiting for? What will they usher in?

The little old man seemed to be quite familiar with the route near Huangshi Town.

He deliberately turned around and came to the outside of Huangshi Town, just when the sunset was about to go down.

"Look, I didn't make a mistake." The little old man looked at the sunset and said: "I said, when we came to Huangshi Town, it happened to be dusk. Didn't you lie to you?"

"At this point, you did not lie to me, but you lied to me other things." The little old woman said.

"Other? Yes? What else did I lie to you?" the little old man asked strangely.

"You lied to me for a long time wrong." The little old woman curled her mouth, as if she was about to cry when she was all wronged.

"I didn't lie to you on this point." The little old man said: "I just told you that when walking through Huangshi Town, at least when the sun is going down, you said it should be when the sun is in the middle of the sky. ."

The little old woman said nothing, because she had seen a tent.

The tent is like white snow.

That was Ximen Chuuxue's tent, everyone knew this.

The tent is open.

They saw there, the servant girl holding the sword, and four servant girls.

Seeing the little old man and little old woman walking through the tent, they didn't seem surprised.

The little old woman asked, "Where is Ximen Chuuxue?"

The waiter said: "I've gone to the palace master's appointment."

The little old woman's face suddenly changed: "We are still a step late."

Everyone looked at her in surprise: "What?"

The little old woman just looked into the distance without answering their words.

In the distance, the setting sun was like blood, gradually sinking.

The dart flag of the Central Plains Escort swiftly flew against the evening wind.

The dart flag, printed in the sunset, looked even more dazzling as blood.

Baili Changqing sat on the horse with piercing eyes.

He looked at the small town in front of him and said, "Jinpeng, is the Huangshi Town you mentioned before?"

Jin Peng immediately rushed forward and said, "General Darthead, this is Huangshi Town."

Baili Changqing asked, "Is it absolutely safe here?"

Jin Peng said: "Yes. Our people have checked it out once in three months. The people in the town are all natives, and there is only one big sandman."

Baili Changqing said, "A big householder in Sha?"

Jin Peng said: "Dahu Sha is an exiled aristocrat from a foreign area. He suddenly dug up gold on the mountain outside Huangshi Town and settled here."

Baili Changqing said: "Oh?"

Jin Peng said: "Because he is rich, occasionally he will take in some desperadoes."

Baili Changqing frowned and said, "The desperadoes?"

Jin Peng said: "This, don't worry, those desperadoes' martial arts, we can knock them down with just one finger."

Baili Changqing's expression relaxed, "Then we can sleep peacefully tonight."

Jin Peng said: "I think so too."

"What do you think?" the little old man asked.

"I'm thinking, if they sleep peacefully, this is the only situation." The little old woman said. ..


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