Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 508: Invisible person

Gong Xiaoxiao said: "Yes, there must be."

Lu Yang said: "Why? His martial arts is very high, has the light power become a state?"

Gong Xiaoxiao said: "I don't know."

Lu Yang said: "I don't know? Why?"

Gong Xiaoxiao's face showed such a sense of fear and said: "He is everywhere, he is nothing, he is everything. When he wants to kill you, you lose your life and you don't even know."

Gong Xiaoxiao said: "Sometimes, he is just an old man, sometimes he is a big man, sometimes he is a graceful woman, sometimes he is like a child."

Gong Xiaoxiao's voice was so frightened: "So, you can't guard against what he will appear in front of you."

Lu Xiaofeng couldn't help but interject: "If he is really so powerful, then he has really become a god."

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "Maybe, it's just that his disguise skills are brilliant."

Gong Xiaoxiao said: "You don't understand, you haven't seen him, haven't dealt with him, haven't dealt with him, so you don't understand at all."

Lu Yang said: "Do not understand what?"

Gong Xiaoxiao said: "You don't understand, it's not a disguise at all, changing from one person to another, but, he is like a god, you clearly see him here, and he wants to kill The dead are already dead in his hands."

Lu Xiaofeng curled his lips and said, "That can only show that there are countless masters under his hand."

Gong Xiaoxiao sighed and said: "You don't understand, you don't understand at all. He is everything and nothing, just like now, we seem to be safe, in fact..."

Lu Yang asked: "How is it actually?"

Gong Xiaoxiao said: "Maybe, he is already staring at us in a corner. As long as we say a word about his identity, appearance and experience, we will immediately become a dead person."

Lu Xiaofeng sneered, "Who in this world would dare to kill under our noses?"

Indeed, no matter who it is, it is impossible to believe this.

You know, now in this hall, there are top players from all over the world.

Except that Baili Changqing, who was tied to the pole, couldn't fight back, it seemed that everyone had forgotten him and let him be tied there.

In this hall, there are Lu Yang, Ximen Chuuxue, Lu Xiaofeng, Sikong Picking the Stars, Zhang Mu, Huo Xiu, and honest monks.

There is also a beef soup, but she can ignore it, but she still has the ability to protect herself, at least the average master can't help him.

Under such circumstances, there are still people who kill people, unless they are telling a joke.

Gong Xiaoxiao said: "Do you really believe it?"

Beef soup said: "How can it be believed that there are so many masters here, how can it be possible for a person to kill under their noses."

Gong Xiaoxiao said: "In this world, there is nothing possible that he can't do, Lu Yang, you are the most powerful and intelligent person I have ever seen, but compared with him, I dare not. Say, who will you be stronger?"

Lu Yang's face changed a little, and the breath of other people became heavy.

Of course they knew that what Gong Xiaoxiao said was at least 100% true.

Under such circumstances, she has no need to lie at all.

If this is the case, then this time, Lu Yang has encountered an unprecedented opponent.

Lu Yang just smiled lightly and said, "This time, it's getting more and more fun. I didn't expect that there are such masters in this world who can fight me. It is definitely a blessing in life."

Gong Xiaoxiao sighed and said: "I know you are great, but now, he must be looking at us, like an eagle looking at the prey in its paws, everything is under his control. So, if we just export it carelessly, then our life will end here."

Lu Yang sneered: "Well, you can give it a try. I want to see if he is really like what you said, with three heads and six arms."

Jin Peng also smiled bitterly: "Although I don't know as much as the palace owner, I still believe in her and believe that."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "What is it that makes you feel so scared."

Jin Peng said: "Do you know, how did the six-finger demon fox die?"

The beef broth doesn't know, but other people understand it incomparably.

Lu Yang sighed and said, "I only know that the six-finger demon fox was killed by someone, and I don't know the specific situation."

Jin Peng looked at Sikong Zhanxing and said, "If you are compared with the six-finger demon fox, what do you think is your chance of winning?"

Sikong picked up the stars and pondered for a long time before slowly saying: "50%."

Everyone feasted.

Seeing the incomprehensible gazes of everyone, Sikong Xingxing smiled bitterly: "In the world of stealing the king, there is a northern demon fox and a southern star picking. Being involved in a case, being chased and killed, the two of us ran away together. We ran away for a whole day and night. Actually, I couldn't get rid of him."

Everyone's complexion changed again, and they were able to catch the stars with their boss Sikong for a day and night without being shaken off. At least, this person was able to fight with Sikong for the stars.

Jin Peng said, "Because he was too arrogant, and driven by silver, he lost our master's most beloved jade pendant."

Lu Yang said, "As a result, he was killed?"

Jin Peng said: "It's not as simple as being killed, then we shouldn't be afraid."

Lu Yang said, "What is going on? What are you afraid of?"

Jin Peng said: "When he was killed, he did not resist and was killed by the knife. It is said that someone witnessed him walking on the street. Suddenly, a middle-aged woman walked towards him. He was completely unprepared. , As a result, the middle-aged woman, with just one knife, ended up with his name."

Lu Yang asked: "Then what kind of relationship does his middle-aged woman have with him?"..


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