Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 543: Despair and hope

Because Lu Yang is not a fate, no matter what kind of difficulties he encounters, he will always find some solutions first.

Regardless of whether that method works, he will definitely try hard.

No matter how you say it, as long as you hold hope, you will definitely think of ways.

As long as there is such a little hope, he will definitely hold on tightly and will never give up.

Lu Yang's toleration of the pain of chanfeng and the force of strain will always be much stronger than those people.

The most important thing is that the more twists and turns he has, the more dangerous he is, and the more he is in a situation of stress, the more he has a strong will.

In this way, he was able to survive so many crises time and time again and achieve today's glory.

You must live, you must find a way to get out of the predicament, you must complete this task, and you must go home and watch your baby born.

It's just that he heard the sound of water before the methods he thought were implemented.

In the distance, a dark shadow fell from the boat.

With the starlight, Lu Yang could see clearly that it was actually a life-saving boat.

It seemed that the man who attacked him suddenly and knocked him off the boat seemed to not want him to die in the sea.

That person's purpose was just to get him off the boat.

That's very clear. Among the people in the boat, who else would not want him at the same time?

Yue Yang, besides Yue Yang, who else would do such a thing?

The technique is quite good.

The boat fell into the water from that height, but it didn't turn over. The power was used so skillfully.

And that throw, let Lu Yang see the boat, let the boat have a long distance from the sea boat, and let Lu Yang chase and overturn the boat.

Lu Yang boarded the boat and was even more sure that the person who attacked him was Yue Yang.

Because, the boat also has a pot of water, ten boiled eggs, and a heavy burden.

Lu Yang had seen that burden, and it was the money from the boat that Yue Yang put on his table that day.

Yue Yang did things really well, not only caused people not to hide, but also deliberately dropped these things.

It seems that I was telling Lu Yang deliberately: "I just don't let you take this sea boat, what can you do?"

Lu Yang sighed, but smiled again.

Suddenly, he liked this young man even more, and he liked his approach.

Not only did he not have the slightest resentment towards Yue Yang's behavior, but he liked it even more.

If you can see him again, you will definitely thank him.

Thank him for what? Thanks to him, let himself enjoy the sea view.

Under the night, those radiant in the sea, appear so bright.

However, it is very likely that he will never see him again. Now, hasn't Lu Xiaofeng aware of his disappearance? Isn't Niu Xin planning to find herself today?

Lu Yang couldn't help smiling bitterly. The more you look forward to it, the less likely you will be to come. The more you don't want to come, but you can't get rid of it.

The sea is so vast that you can't see the edge at a glance, and the night is deep. Should you return to the coast or continue to work hard to catch the old fox's sea boat?

The answer is yes, of course, he is desperately chasing the old fox's sea boat.

It's only three or four hours for the ocean ship to go out to sea. If it is to chase desperately, plus a little luck, after dawn, he can comfortably drink chicken soup and drink wine in the room.

Unfortunately, he forgot two points.

The first boat went out to sea with a tailwind, and after spreading its sails, it traveled quite fast.

Second, the power of two oars can never be compared to that of a sail.

The worst plan is that Lu Xiaofeng won't know until the next morning that Lu Yang is missing, and he has to search again.

After searching, you will find that the lifeboat is missing.

Perhaps they will be anxious then, where did Lu Yang go? Then Lu Xiaofeng and Niu Xin must also be a little anxious, and they will definitely return to the ship to find Lu Yang.

After all, in the vast ocean, falling into the ocean, how do you know where you are and where will the big boat row?

It would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

How slim is the chance of finding it? However, there is a glimmer of opportunity to try.

In fact, during this period of time, his luck was not good, it was just self-comfort.

Seeing that there was a little light on that day, the sky was about to light up.

Lu Yang already felt that his arms were stiff and numb, because rowing hard, the monotonous and easy movements, was more tiring than anything else.

Lu Yang felt that he could no longer continue and he needed to rest.

He just ate a few eggs with white water, and only felt that the water and eggs were really bland.

After finally eating, he was so tired that he wanted to lie down and rest for a while, but he didn't expect that when he fell down, he fell asleep completely.

The sun was so dazzling that Lu Yang suddenly woke up, but it was already bright, and the sun had already risen, shining on the sea.

Lu Yang looked at it from a distance, but it was connected to the sea that day, and the sea was connected to the sky, without seeing the shadow of the land at all.

However, it was more exciting than seeing the land.

Because at this moment, there was a little sail shadow, which was driving towards Lu Yang.

And that ship shadow is so familiar! That is the old fox’s big sea boat!

Lu Yang was so excited that he almost turned seventy or eighty somersaults on the boat to show his celebration.

That [Yiyong, even if the little beghua suddenly saw a big ingot fall from the sky, he was not as happy as he is now.

The ship approached soon, and the ship was so familiar, and the people standing on the bow were also more familiar.

Those belonged to the old fox, Lu Xiaofeng and Niu Xin.

They stood on the bow of the ship, both with sharp eyes. All of a sudden, they spotted Lu Yang and the lifeboat. ..


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