Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 558: Bizarre change

They would have been excited and happy when they saw someone on the island.

However, when they saw the first person, it was like swallowing ten rotten duck eggs, ten rotten eggs,

The kind of feeling that can't be said.

The first person they saw was Yue Yang!

This is something they never thought of.

Not only did Na Yue Yang not die in the sea disaster, but he was full of spirits now, dressed in luxurious and gorgeous clothes.

He seemed to be much more proud than on the big ocean boat.

On that hillside, the green grass and the trees are like forests, it looks so comfortable.

Among the green grass, there was a path made of stones, and Yue Yang stood on the path and looked at Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng coldly.

Seeing Yue Yang, Lu Yang jumped up, and Lu Xiaofeng looked even more like a living ghost.

Lu Yang stood up and said, "Yue Yang? Why are you here?"

Yue Yang sneered and said: "Even you are here, where will I be if I am not here?"

Lu Yang asked: "Where did you go when the ship capsized? Why can't we find you, nor the shadow of other people?"

Yue Yang asked, "Where did you go when the ship capsized? Why can't we find you, nor the shadow of other people?"

His question was exactly the same as Lu Yang asked.

Indeed, when the ship capsized, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng both struggled in the sea for a long time before they floated to the surface.

When they floated to the surface, they didn't see anyone.

Lu Yang had no choice but to ask other things: "Who saved you?"

Yue Yang said: "Who saved you?"

Lu Yang asked, "Could it be that you have always stayed here these days?"

Yue Yang asked, "Could it be that you have always stayed here these days?"

He was still the same as Lu Yang, and he asked Lu Yang again without changing a single word.

Lu Yang laughed, and Lu Xiaofeng laughed too. If Yue Yang was not like this, it would be a strange thing.

However, Yue Yang did not smile, he still had that cold expression.

In the beginning, everyone can survive a catastrophe, and that should be a very happy thing.

And after a catastrophe, it should be a happy thing to be able to meet again in these Jedi.

However, that Yue Yang's face did not show a half-happy look.

It seems that he hates Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng very much, and doesn't want them to appear in front of him alive.

However, Lu Yang and Lu Bo would not care about this, because they were not dealing with Yue Yang for the first time.

Yue Yang has always been like this, like a hedgehog covered with thorns, making it impossible to approach him. Lu Yang originally wanted to ask him: "Did you originally go to this place? You don't want to go to Fusang Island at all."

"But why would you tell us that you have reminded us long ago not to take this boat."

"Do you know that the old fox's boat will be killed here?"

"How did you come here?"

He had many questions that he wanted to ask Yue Yang, but he didn't ask a single question.

Because he knows that if he asks it, he will ask him for nothing. Those questions will definitely not get a useful answer.

Yue Yang would never pay attention to them, so it would be better not to mention it at all.

Now Lu Yang is most concerned about: "Who else is here? Isn't it the old fox, Niu Xin, and those so-called distinguished guests, who are all here just like you?"

Listening to Lu Yang's questioning, Yue Yang said coldly: "You'd better not ask about these things, and know less about some things, which is good for you."

Lu Yang said: "Since we have come here, how can we not ask to understand?"

Yue Yang said: "You can still go back to your original place, if you want to go, it is still too late."

Lu Yang laughed and said, "Now, even if you want to kill us, we have to stay here and find out."

Yue Yang's expression changed and said, "Okay, then I will kill you now!"

Yue Yang stepped forward and faced Lu Yang.

Lu Yang was also ready to move, but Lu Xiaofeng stood in front of him and said, "Brother Lu, let me deal with such a role."

Yue Yang sneered and said: "Well, since you want to die so much and you are rushing to die, then I will fulfill you."

Yue Yang took a step forward, turned his right palm up, and made an oblique circle with his left palm, but his right palm passed through the circle and hurriedly cut towards Lu Xiaofeng's left neck.

Lu Xiaofeng was taken aback. He was not frightened by Yue Yang's martial arts.

He was also quite clear about Yue Yang's martial arts. He didn't expect that Yue Yang's martial arts could be so diligent in just a few days.

Yue Yang's attacks were urgent, fierce, accurate and ruthless, as if the martial arts had undergone earth-shaking changes.

There is absolutely no fluke in martial arts.

However, Yue Yang's progress is really amazing, it is a miracle, it is really hard to believe.

If it is said that Lu Xiaofeng had not received Lu Yang's guidance these days, perhaps, facing the attack of Yue Yang, he would be in a hurry.

With this move, Lu Xiaofeng was forced to step back a few steps, and he forgot to fight back.

Lu Xiaofeng has also experienced many battles and has seen countless martial arts, but he has never seen such weird martial arts.

If it weren't for Lu Yang's guidance, he would not have much confidence in his attack on Yue Yang.

Lu Yang's expression also changed drastically, and Lu Yang did not expect that Yue Yang would become like this.

This has made him completely unexpected. Fortunately, he gave Lu Xiaofeng some guidance. Otherwise, Lu Xiaofeng must be ugly.

Yue Yang saw Lu Xiaofeng retreating, but he did not pursue it either. Instead, he stopped there quietly and looked at Lu Xiaofeng mockingly.

Lu Xiaofeng's face changed drastically and said, "I didn't expect it."


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