Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 565: Bet red

It's just that I lost the game too unjustly.

However, if he could gamble again, Lu Yang would definitely be able to see it.

As long as he pays attention, as long as he doesn't relax his vigilance, he is absolutely impossible to lose. He completely confirms this.

He still has absolute certainty, but he has no capital now.

The only knife reached Sharman.

He has no capital anymore, and the polite, courteous, and cute-looking little old man has disappeared.

It seemed that he was afraid that Lu Yang would ask him to borrow money for gambling, and he seemed to see that Lu Yang didn't have anything worthwhile.

At this time, another man who looked very young but also had a moustache suddenly smiled and said, "We all have a moustache, and we are also destined. Let's make a friend."

Lu Yang touched his beard, and he looked a little like him.

There is also Lu Xiaofeng, who also has the same two-handed moustache, but compared with Lu Xiaofeng, the person in front of him has his own, which is far worse than Lu Xiaofeng.

The man was actually a little righteous, and he really took out a five hundred taels of silver.

Lu Yang was overjoyed and said, "Thank you." He was going to pick up his five hundred silver bills.

However, that mustache retracted his hand and said, "Where is the knife?"

Lu Yang said: "What kind of knife?"

The man said: "The knife that made the chamber pot."

Without a knife, there is no silver.

Lu Yang smiled bitterly: "If you search the world for a knife like that, I'm afraid there will only be one."

The mustache sighed, "That's a pity."

He pressed the bank note again.

The banker's dice had already been rolled, and it was actually one, two, three, the smallest, and the total compensation.

Lu Yang could only smile bitterly, forget it, let's find some wine to drink first.

It seems that today is not the day for gambling.

He looked at Lu Xiaofeng, but he looked attentively.

However, Lu Xiaofeng was not looking at the table, not at the dice, but at everyone in the casino.

It seemed that Lu Xiaofeng had already realized that and wanted to find out that person.

It's a pity that the person didn't resort to tricks, and for a while, there was no way to find it.

Lu Yang sighed and left the gaming table.

Unexpectedly, when he just turned his head, he saw the little old man at the table with wine and vegetables, looking at Lu Yang with a smile.

On the table, there are all kinds of wine and exquisite dishes.

Lu Yang found a pot of Zhuyeqing, picked up a cup, poured the wine and drank it by himself, without going to see the little old man.

But the little old man didn't let him go and asked: "How about? Is luck?"

Lu Yang said indifferently: "It's not too bad. It's just that what should be won didn't win, and what shouldn't be lost is lost again."

The little old man sighed and said: "In this world, there are many things like this. If you say that you are too sure about one thing, you will often be careless, and if you care about it, you will often be fooled. However, Just give it one chance and you won’t make the same mistake again."

This was exactly what Lu Yang had in mind, and was once again taken by the little old man.

It seems that this little old man really has a pair of sharp eyes, able to see through everything.

Lu Yang's eyes lit up and said, "If you are willing to invest in such a person, you will definitely make a lot of money."

The little old man said: "How much can you earn?"

Lu Yang said: "If we win, we are each half."

The little old man said: "But what if you lose again?"

Lu Yang said: "I am responsible for the compensation."

The little old man said: "How are you responsible for compensation? The knife made with your chamber pot? It's a pity that that unique chamber pot knife already belongs to someone else."

Lu Yang said: "However, no matter what, I will definitely not lose. If you are willing to lend me ten thousand taels of silver, after this bet is over, I will definitely return you fifteen thousand taels of silver."

In fact, Lu Yang is not that kind of gambler, he does everything for gambling.

However, he was really unconvinced in losing.

Besides, in his eyes, the mere ten thousand pieces were no different from one or two pieces of silver.

Lu Yang has always regarded money as dung, never had the concept of money, and never regarded that wealth in his eyes.

Of course, there must be a reason to show off.

Of course Lu Yang did, because he didn't even know how much silver he had.

In fact, he had a little thought just now, he wanted to bet on those two things, but he didn't dare.

As soon as those two things appeared, the result was completely different.

If he did that, then he would be a vicious gambler.

However, it is also very strange that the more such a person, the easier it is to borrow money.

Because everyone who mixes in that casino knows that the more such a person, the more credible they tend to be.

Unless you lose so much that you can't even lose your life, you will often not rely on gambling.

However, it is often such people, and in the end many lose even their lives.

The little old man was very excited and hesitated, "Then what if you can't afford the money?"

Lu Yang said: "Then, I will pay you all of me."

The little old man didn't say anything anymore, and immediately took out ten thousand taels of silver notes from his pocket to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang was overjoyed and said, "I will definitely not let you down."

The little old man sighed and said, "I'm afraid you will regret it."

But Lu Yang didn't hear him anymore, because as soon as Lu Yang got the silver ticket, he disappeared.

He already rushed to the gaming table so eagerly.

The dealer hasn't changed, it's still the fat dealer.

After Na Lu Yang left, he tossed a few big points in a row, and actually won back a little bit.

Looking at the banknote in front of him, the fat dealer smiled from ear to ear. ..


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