Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 581: Strange people

Lu Yang flew towards the house, and in front of the house, he saw a window open.

Looking far from the open window, you can see nine people in the room.

Of the nine people, one was sitting, and the other eight were standing behind him.

The man who was sitting had a pale face and a slight beard.

He looked graceful and luxurious in his brocade robe and beaded crown, looking at a painting under that lamp.

The eight people standing there were so obedient, standing there, their faces flat.

They are obviously servants of that man.

Lu Yang hadn't seen the nine people in this room now.

It seems that they did not participate in this banquet.

And their nine uncle's costumes and the revealed demeanor seemed far more noble than the people there.

But Lu Yang could not see the origin of these nine people at all. Especially the person who looks like the owner.

If you do not see the origins of others, it is best to be cautious.

Despite the boldness of art masters, there is no need to take risks in vain.

When he approached the house, Lu Yang saw that there was a small yard in front of the house.

There is a pool in the yard, and the clear water in that pool has bottomed out.

The light shone and the water shone, and Lu Yang realized that there was a man lying motionless at the bottom of the pool.

Lu Yang couldn't help but walk over and take a look, and there really was someone under the water.

The man rolled his eyes and looked straight up.

Except for the dead, no one would look at people this way.

When he saw the dead man, Lu Yang was startled first, then he was relieved.

The person who lay down like this is of course a dead person. How could a living person lie down like this?

Lu Yang secretly said in his heart: "Who is he? How could he die here?"

When these questions came to mind, Lu Yang had already found that something was wrong.

What's wrong? If you sink underwater, like a dead person, then it must be a dead person.

He has watched it for a long time, and the person hasn't moved at all, only dead people will be quiet.

However, when people die, shouldn't they float?

Isn't this a particularly strange thing? How could it keep sinking to the bottom of the water?

However, since stepping into this place, Lu Yang felt that a mysterious and strange atmosphere enveloped this desert island.

After seeing so many weird things, Lu Yang didn't feel a little strange.

Although it is strange, there is no need to go into it.

There are too many weird things in this place, let alone this one?

However, whether he is a dead or alive, it doesn't matter if he is, it has nothing to do with him.

Seeing such a situation, Lu Yang also felt weird. Forget it, here he has caused enough trouble.

There are so many weird things that can't be managed, and it's better to stay away.

Just when Lu Yang turned around and was about to leave, he suddenly heard a "pounce".

Something flew past from a distance and fell into the pool.

Lu Yang turned around to look, but saw a black cat thrown into the swimming pool.

The black cat just fell into the pool, and the water splashed, and the dead person under the pool actually moved!

That speed is so fast! It's like a swimming fish!

The man still held a thin knife in his hand, and it didn't cause any ripples.

The man cut through the water wave and saw that the knife flashed. The man had already pierced the black cat's abdomen with the knife.

The cat had not had time to call, but it was already dead.

The man sank to the bottom again, and lay there motionless again.

He now looks completely like a dead man again.

At first, killing a cat is not surprising, it seems that it should be a very common thing.

But that person's shot was so fast! quasi! ruthless! And that deed is too weird.

Seeing his shot, even Na Lu Yang couldn't help but change his face.

A pair of dead fish eyes stared at him again in the pool, as if he was like that black cat.

Lu Yang felt a little horrified by looking at each other like that.

Lu Yang suddenly decided. He flew around and swept in through the open window.

In any case, the person sitting under the lamp and watching the painting is always cuter than the person lying at the bottom of the pool waiting to kill the cat.

At least, the person who sat down and looked at the painting looked like a normal person.

And the person under the water really makes people afraid to take another look.

In that room, the lights were not too bright, but the man still sat there attentively, still staring at the painting.

It seems that there is something unusual in that painting that makes him so fascinated.

Lu Yang watched outside for so long, and that person also watched for so long, keeping his state unchanged.

Lu Yang was already extremely curious. He had long wanted to go in and take a look at what was painted on that painting.

The person actually kept that posture and watched for so long, making people feel like he was asleep, or as if he had been spotted on the acupoint.

Therefore, there should always be something to see in that painting. If you look at it for so long in front of a blank sheet of paper, that's not because of his problems.

As soon as his mind moved, Lu Yang had already calculated the angle, and as soon as he swept into the window, a swallow flew up in the air.

He just landed at that person's table.

When Lu Yang had already flown in, he thought of something that made people feel happy.

If friends listened to those words, they would be very pleasant.

In such a dark night, after touching for so long, of course, I hope that the owner is happy, not only does not drive him away, but also has a good glass of wine.

It's better to treat him well, like a distinguished guest. ..


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