Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 588: The secret stone room

Looking at his posture, Lu Yang sighed, he was indeed a good player, but it was a pity.

Because Lu Yang knew that as long as his head stretched out of the water, he would suffer.

The water waves split abruptly in his movement, and an exclamation came from the surface of the water.

The figure with a very high cultivation base, like a fish, suddenly straightened his legs.

He had obviously been strangled by Goose's neck, and Lu Yang had already felt the power of that virtuoso.

That sudden blow is absolutely unavoidable, especially the sudden blow, absolutely impossible to avoid completely.

Lu Yang knew that this person must have been killed by the stranger.

However, Lu Yang didn't have time to sympathize with the person who appeared suddenly.

That person suddenly emerged from the bottom of the water, and there must be something strange in the bottom of the water. Lu Yang swam towards the place where the person appeared.

He searched carefully, searching for a while, and he found a cave where people could go into it.

And now, a slab of stone was sinking in that cave.

After the stone slab was one pass, the cave was gone.

What is going to be in that cave? Why is it so secretive? Are there other people in there?

All these questions rushed into his head at once.

However, he did not have time to think about it. Suddenly, the whole body swept up, rushed over, and got into the hole.

He heard a "boom" sound, and the stone slab was closed.

At this moment, the surrounding area became even darker, and the darkness was so dark that he could no longer see with his hand.

This time, Lu Yang thought that he had found a way out, but he did not expect that waiting for him was a more dangerous journey.

It's just that he hasn't noticed it yet.

If there is a regret medicine to take, he will definitely eat it and regret coming here.

Because that really just left Longtan and went to **** again.

But the flames of people who are not in the hell, there is no tauren, and no vicious ghost.

But there was water on all sides, no matter where he was swimming, he immediately hit the rock wall, and there was no place to breathe.

That is actually a secret room! Lu Yang went back to the entrance just now and found that the stones at the entrance had been completely closed.

There is no space in the middle, no air can penetrate.

Moreover, the stone slab seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and Lu Yang exerted real power, but did not move.

It would be better to be burnt to death just like that, to be suffocated in the water alive.

Such a situation is absolutely uncomfortable. Lu Yang was a little crazy.

He looked at the slate, intending to use the true power of his whole body to see if he could get through the slate.

At this moment, there was another "boom" from above, and a bright light came down, revealing a door.

Suddenly, a puff of fresh air poured in, and Lu Yang took a few greedily.

Even if it is really **** behind the door, he doesn't care about it, it's better than being held here. Lv Yang rushed out, and there was a tunnel made of slabs on it. There was not even a drop of water in the estate.

Even though the tunnel was so narrow and terrifying, to Lu Yang, it was no different from heaven.

Lu Yang finally found one thing he was afraid of, and that was suffocation. It was really uncomfortable to feel that way.

It seemed to be about to lose one's life, facing the extremely dark space, the whole person seemed to be completely squeezed.

Lu Yang vowed that next time, he would never break into an unfamiliar place so rashly and put himself in the Jedi again.

The dead people he saw were alive, but the living were dead, the real people were wooden people, and the wooden people were real people.

Now, it is true and false, false and true, it seems that there is more and more foggy here.

Ever since I came here, there have been really weird things one after another.

What he encountered this night was almost like a dream.

These experiences have already made him dizzy and unable to figure out the direction.

But now, he was able to take a breath, reluctantly let himself be relieved.

He just walked through that hell.

In that tunnel, there were a number of floor lamps burning, but there was no one.

Lu Yang wrung out his clothes, and walked forward slowly.

He has reached such a point, one step is one step, no matter where he goes, he can only resign himself now.

After a short walk, I saw the end of the tunnel, where was an iron gate.

The iron gate was not locked.

Lu Yang didn't break in Maoran this time. He tentatively knocked on the door, but there was no response.

Lu Yang pulled the door forcefully, but the door unexpectedly opened and Lu Yang walked in.

After entering the iron gate, Lu Yang saw that there was a very wide stone chamber inside.

The stone room was actually piled up with all kinds of Buddha statues and wooden fish.

Lu Yang felt dumbfounded. Of course he was familiar with these Buddha statues and wooden fish.

That's the goods the old fox went to sea this time.

Such a secret place is nothing more than a pile of Buddha statues and wooden fish. Who would believe such a thing?

This is absolutely impossible.

Lu Yang felt that it was getting more and more weird. Did the old fox specially transport this batch of Buddha statues and wooden fish here?

Didn't he say that it was going to Fusang? How come the destination is here?

At that time, didn't the old fox's big sea boat have been destroyed in the sea, didn't those Buddha statues and wooden fish have been poured into the sea?

How could it appear here?

Lu Yang exhaled long, he felt that his head could no longer react.

His strength is that he doesn't think about things that are unexpected, and he doesn't think about things that can't find results.

Lu Yang warned himself in his heart that he had better leave here as soon as possible. ..


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