Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 595: Amazing little old man

The little old man said: "Those people are just the outer shell and skin, and they will never be able to touch the core."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "Your daughter killed them because they have revealed their identity in front of me, so you are about to do it."

The little old man sighed and said, "The little girl is indeed a genius, but she has a bad problem because she likes killing people too much."

Lu Yang said, "What about He Shangshu and Xiao Jiu?"

The little old man said: "I said, she is definitely a genius, especially for men."

Lu Yang finally understood that He Shangshu and Xiao Jiu wanted to kill him, just to please the beef soup!

They don't hesitate a life to please the beef soup, how cold their hearts are.

However, that is also normal. Who wouldn't be tempted to see a girl like beef soup?

Here, there is really a hidden dragon and a tiger, and anyone who comes out casually is actually incredibly powerful.

Their cultivation base really has become a realm.

The little old man smiled bitterly again: "It's just that she is not like me, that is a natural talent."

Lu Yang said, "However, the Ruyi orchid hand is absolutely impossible to be born with."

Ruyi orchid hand and bone-changing palm are the same, both are secret martial arts secrets that have been lost for a long time.

Not only has no one ever used it on the rivers and lakes, but no one has seen it.

The little old man drank another drink and said, "Her martial arts qualifications are definitely second to none, but her body is not good enough and weaker, so I just taught her one or two kung fu to defend herself."

Lu Yang's expression changed a little and said, "You taught her Ruyi Orchid Hand?"

The little old man smiled and said: "This kind of kung fu is not difficult. Although some people say that it will never be possible to practice, if they understand the tricks, plus some cleverness and patience, it will only take five years at most. Can be trained."

Lu Yang said: "Five years?"

The little old man said: "Back then, it took only three years to practice Ruyi Orchid Hand with the Fairy Ruyi, who was as famous as the bone fairy. However, the little girl was a little lazy, and only practiced for five years."

Fairy Ruyi was originally a peerless talented woman above the rivers and lakes, no matter which martial arts school, she could learn it as long as she saw it once or twice.

But the daughter of Fairy Ruyi followed her mother to practice the Ruyi orchid hand for thirty years, and finally died of vomiting blood due to exhaustion.

This is known to everyone in the rivers and lakes, and it is also the reason why everyone talks about the face of Ruyi Lanhuashou.

It was a miracle that the beef soup had been practiced after only five years.

Lu Yang couldn't help asking the little old man, "Then how long did you spend practicing this kind of kung fu yourself?"

The little old man said: "I am faster."

Lu Yang asked: "How fast is it?"

The little old man seemed hesitant, not willing to speak out. But Lu Yang wanted to break the casserole and ask the end, so the old man could only smile and said, "I practiced for three months."

Lu Yang was a little dumbfounded, what kind of person was that! In three months, I became a Ruyi orchid hand!

In Lu Yang's mind, there has never been such a person in this world, including in the past 100 years.

The little old man said again: "As for the bones and palms, it is much harder to practice. I have also practiced for more than a year before I have achieved little success, and the finger knife and Hunyuan Qigong are not easy."

The shock on Lu Yang's face was already extremely big.

The little old man said again: "As for those martial arts that use changes in their moves to win, they can only be regarded as children's games."

The little old man said so lightly, but Lu Yang was dumbfounded.

If a person is really proficient in all these martial arts, then it is definitely a miracle among miracles, and it is really incredible.

Lu Yang couldn't help but ask: "You have completely successfully practiced all the kung fu you said yourself?"

The little old man said indifferently: "It's not a success, it's just a little knowledge."

Lu Yang said, "Then He Shangshu, Xiaojiu, and Moustache, all their kung fu are taught by you?"

The little old man smiled indifferently: "They just know a little bit of fur, that's nothing."

Lu Yang sighed and said with a wry smile: "I have seen their kung fu, no matter who they are, as long as they are placed in the rivers and lakes, they are absolutely masters. If you say, they are nothing. Don’t those heroes who have become famous in the arena have become waste?"

The little old man said indifferently: "Those people are a bunch of waste."

If this sentence were spoken from someone else's mouth, Lu Yang would never believe it, and would think that person was the biggest lunatic in the world.

However, after seeing the martial arts of so many people, Lu Yang could only sigh now when speaking from the mouth of the little old man.

The little old man said: "I was only interested in you, but after seeing your martial arts, it was quite unexpected to me."

Lu Yang smiled bitterly: "I don't dare to do this. You really have been rewarded. Compared with you, it's too far behind."

The little old man said: "Unfortunately, I don't know how deep your martial arts are."

Lu Yang's eyes lit up and said, "You will know if you try it."

The little old man sighed, "I want to try, but I can't, nor can I try."

Lu Yang said: "Why?"

The little old man said: "Because I am afraid of hurting you."

If this sentence was spoken from someone else's mouth, then Lu Yang would definitely slap him all over the floor.

However, this sentence came out of the little old man's mouth, but he took it seriously and would not think it was just a joke.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Could it be possible that I hurt you?"

The little old man smiled and said, "So, no matter what, I won't try."..


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