Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 601: Melting ice

Lu Yang couldn't help but want to hug her again. He knew her feelings and also his own feelings.

Suddenly, someone was knocking on the door outside.

Sharman seemed to be too lazy to pay attention, but the knock on the door remained unbroken.

Sharman asked, "Who?"

Someone outside said quietly: "I'm Xiaoyu. The Nine Young Master specially asked me to come and invite Girl Man to eat with him."

The smile on Sharman's face suddenly disappeared, and she said coldly: "I am not going, I am not free now."

That Xiaoyu refused to leave, and still begged outside the door: "Ms. Man won't go, Young Master Nine will punish me."

Sharman opened the door suddenly, and Xiaoyu was so haggard that he fell into the door and almost fell to the ground.

Sharman said coldly, "Don't you see anyone here?"

That Xiaoyu was a pretty girl, but her face was full of horror. It seems that there is also a hard-working person here.

How many people who serve the master can live comfortably?

Xiaoyu looked at Sharman, then looked at Lu Yang in surprise, muttering: "I...I..."

Sharman lowered his face and said: "You should have seen it, and he himself has seen it. If he really wants to invite me to dinner, then he has already told me personally just now."

Seeing such a situation and seeing Sharman's face, Xiaoyu didn't dare to say one more word.

She didn't even dare to say goodbye, so she dropped her head and left quietly.

But when she walked to the door, she suddenly turned her head and glanced at Lu Yang secretly, her eyes seemed to be very curious and quite surprised.

It seemed that she had never expected that she would see other men in that girl's room.

But Sharman does things like that, never taking into account the feelings of others.

Moreover, what she wants to do is beyond the imagination of others and can't be experienced.

Moreover, when she decides what to do, she never cares about what others think.

After closing the door, Sharman suddenly said to Lu Yang, "Can you wait for me here for a while, I'll go out and be back soon."

Lu Yang nodded lightly, she should indeed go.

In any case, they also have feelings. When Lu Yang first came here, he saw Nashaman's expression when he heard the nine young masters.

The expression was like looking forward to the return of the lover, so real and so enthusiastic.

The most important thing is that Young Master Nine has just returned, and so painstakingly brought her an ice flower, she should have gone there too.

Now Lu Yang felt that he could not see through her at all.

Sharman quickly arranged his clothes, picked up the ice flower that was starting to melt, and walked out the door.

Just when she walked out, she looked back at Lu Yang and said, "You must be here and wait for me. Don't go anywhere until I come back."

Lu Yang nodded, and her figure gradually left.

Seeing her going away, Lu Yang's heart was full of tenderness.

It would not feel as if the sweetheart went to meet his beloved, because he knew that Sharman's heart was already on his body.

So he doesn't need to worry at all, and he doesn't need to worry about it.

"There is wine in the counter, I will accompany you for a few drinks later." Lu Yang began to look for it in the cabinet.

I found the wine soon, but unfortunately there was no food to go with, but Lu Yang didn't care about it. Wine is a good thing.

He was sitting at the table, but he didn't know why, he couldn't drink after one sip, and he always felt that drinking was not a good taste.

He suddenly thought of Sharman. What would Sharman say when he saw the nine young masters?

Now he suddenly felt that this exquisite and elegant room was suddenly full of emptiness and loneliness.

Now he couldn't help but ask himself: "What kind of person am I? Will this harm both himself and her?"

Now Lu Yang didn't know how to think about it.

Although the little old man can decide on his own everything he says, does he completely control his own destiny?

Is he capable of protecting her? Did he completely care for her in his arms, and never let her be harmed?

The Nine Young Master is definitely not an ordinary person, here, he must be the person who controls the fate of others.

Moreover, the Nine Young Masters must regard the people here as servants, let alone put the people here in his eyes, what about himself? What will happen to him?

Lu Yang wanted to leave, but was reluctant to leave. Sharman told him to wait here for her to come back.

Lu Yang stood up, but sat down again.

He drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and was about to pour himself another glass.

Suddenly, he heard a person's laugh: "How boring to drink alone, why not pour more and let me drink a few drinks with you?"

The laughter was so sweet, but it was the sound of beef soup.

The voice was so familiar, even though he hadn't heard her smile for a long time, she could still hear her smile.

The smile of beef soup is as sweet as a silver bell, so fascinating and so nice.

No matter who it is, hearing her voice, he will definitely think about what kind of girl is the person who can have such a beautiful voice.

But Lu Yang doesn't think that smile is not beautiful now, but rather feels a little strange.

At this moment, here, under such circumstances, she could actually laugh, and smile so happily.

From the time she came here, from the first time she saw her, she had never looked at Lu Yang directly.

Her cold face is like looking at a stranger or a strange person.

Now her voice and situation are completely different from the beef soup that Lu Yang had seen before.

And she actually appeared here again, like the beef soup that Lu Yang had known before, but Lu Yang felt even more weird. ..


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