Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 603: Very strange emotion

Lu Yang has long heard that Tianzhu's yoga is extremely magical.

An ascetic monk from Tianzhu once showed it, was put in an iron box and sank under the water.

After the third day, others picked up the iron box and opened the iron box. He walked out of the iron box alive.

Beef soup said: "Although he is said to be eccentric and weird, but everyone likes him so much, because he will do a lot for others, but he doesn't ask for anything. There is no demand for those gold and silver jewelry, as long as you speak, as long as he has it, he will give it to you no matter how much you want!"

Lu Yang sighed and said, "That's why those girls are more fascinated by him."

Beef soup said: "However, he has never been tempted by a person, nor has he seen a person directly, but makes those women more tempted, except for one person. That is my future fool, but she has never No one else is in sight."

Lu Yang said, "Your future sister-in-law? Who is she?"

Beef soup said: "It's the woman you just held."

Lu Yang was completely stunned this time, and after a while, he couldn't help but said, "Could it be that they have already booked a kiss?"

Beef soup said: "Guess, where did my brother rescue her from?"

Lu Yang was reluctant to guess, because he had already guessed something.

Beef soup said: "She was rescued from a brothel."

Seeing Lu Yang's startled expression, Beef Soup continued: "At that time, she had just been sold to that brothel by her brother. If my brother hadn't rescued her, she might not know. What happened to being ruined."

Lu Yang only felt that his heart was tumbling, and he felt like he wanted to vomit.

Beef soup sighed and said: "My brother treated her this way and treated her wholeheartedly. At least, she should be grateful. She didn't expect that she kept showing my brother's face and made him angry. Say it’s strange that a man who is arrogant and cold like my brother would like a woman like that?"

Lu Yang said, "That's not strange at all."

Beef soup widened his eyes and stared at Lu Yang, "Why?"

Lu Yang said coldly: "She is a very cute woman. At least, she will not speak ill of people behind her back."

The beef soup sighed again: "It turns out that you already like her. That's a very troublesome thing. I thought you were going back, and secretly hid a boat for you."

Lu Yang shouted, "Really?"

The beef soup said calmly: "Since you like her, you will definitely stay here, then I have nothing to say."

The beef broth slowly stood up, as if preparing to leave.

Lu Yang stopped her and said, "Did you really find a boat?"

Beef soup said: "That's not a big boat, it's nothing, but."

Lu Yang said: "But how?"

Beef soup said: "Assholes like you, it shouldn't be a problem to install twenty or thirty." Lu Yang said: "Where is the ship?"

Beef soup said: "Since you plan to stay here, why do you need to ask?"

Lu Yang really didn't know what to say about this little witch.

Beef soup said, "Since you like her, why should you leave? Would you make her sad again?"

The beef soup station was about to leave, and Lu Yang held her back, and now he also felt a special feeling for this little witch.

Lu Yang took her hand, but didn't know what to say.

The beef soup broke free of his hand and said, "But, I'm leaving, otherwise, someone will be jealous when they come back and see it."

Lu Yang really didn't know what it was like. Seeing that the beef soup had reached the door, he couldn't help but rushed forward and said, "Okay, I'll follow you."

Before Lu Yang had finished speaking, he saw Sharman standing outside the door looking at Lu Yang.

At this time, the night is already a bit deep, and in the twilight, the flowers and shadows are more hazy.

Sharman stood quietly among the flowers, her face seemed to be paler, and her beautiful eyes were filled with immense sadness.

When Lu Yang saw her, she lowered her head, walked past Lu Yang, and walked into the room.

She seemed too lazy to look at Lu Yang again, and she didn't say a word to him either.

What else can Lu Yang say?

Beef Soup looked at the expressions of Lu Yang and Sharman, and suddenly said, "Since you have decided to leave, what are you doing here?"

Lu Yang suddenly rushed to Sharman, took Sharman's hand, and said loudly, "Go! Let's go together! I will take you away from this place!"

Lu Yang didn't know why, and suddenly this thought came up. She must take her away, as far as possible.

Sharman did not look at him, but Lu Yang felt her body trembling.

It took a long time for Sharman to say coldly: "You go! The faster you go, the better! I, I will get married tomorrow, I can't see you again."

Lu Yang's hands and heart became cold at the same time, and after a while, he slowly released Sharman.

Lu Yang laughed suddenly, choked with laughter, and coughed several times: "This is a great event, congratulations! It's a pity that I can't drink your wedding wine."

Lu Yang took out all the silver slips on his body and put them on the table in front of him, saying, "This is just a little meaning, it's my gift to you."

"Thank you." Sharman actually shook away Lu Yang's hand coldly, picked up the bank note on the table, and carried it into his arms.

This is really a wonderful thing. The two people who had just handed over everything to each other suddenly became so polite.

Isn't this the most laughable thing in the world?

Even the beef soup on the side was unspeakable for a while, just staring at them both blankly. ..


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