Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 612: unexpected

Sharman saw Lu Yang's expression and suddenly asked, "Lu Yang, what are you thinking about?"

Lu Yang said: "I'm thinking of you."

Sharman said: "Thinking of me?"

Lu Yang said, "I wonder if you are jealous."

Sharman bit his lip and whispered: "I, why should I be jealous?"

Lu Yang said, "That's because you have a reason to be jealous."

Sharman said: "Is it because you spent time with her?"

Lu Yang said: "I have had a good time with many girls, and now I have three wives, and they are all pregnant with children, and she is just one of them, you..."

Lu Yang stopped and said nothing.

Shaman said: "And I, just one of them, not even a lover for the time being."

Lu Yang didn't admit or deny it, as if he didn't want to say anything, Sharman understood it well.

Sharman looked at Lu Yang, looked at his expression, looked away for a long time, and asked: "Then why don't you ask me if we have been together."

Lu Yang said, "I don't need to ask at all.:

Sharman said: "Because you don't care?"

Lu Yang not only did not deny this, but also nodded.

Sharman stared at him for a long, long time. Suddenly, Sharman sighed softly and said: "If you think I don't know what you mean, then you are absolutely wrong."

Lu Yang said, "What do I mean?"

Sharman said: "You want to deliberately **** me away."

Lu Yang said: "Oh."

Sharman said: "You think you anger me away, I can live to be one hundred, two hundred years old."

This time, Lu Yang did not admit or deny, but remained silent.

Sharman said: "Unfortunately, you don't know a woman's heart."

Lu Yang did not speak, and Sharman continued: "If a woman really lives to be one hundred, two hundred, unless she is with someone she loves."

Lu Yang said: "At least, it is much better than living eighteen hours."

Sharman said: "I know, you are not sure about Gong Jiu."

Lu Yang was silent for a long time and said, "How is Gong Jiu better than the little old man Wu Tian?"

Sharman said: "You mean?"

Lu Yang nodded.

Sharman sighed: "The reason Gong Jiu is called a genius is because he is an idiot besides martial arts."

Lu Yang said, "I know this." Shaman said: "But you don't know how far his martial arts is."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "That's because we have never confronted it head-on."

Sharman said: "However, I have seen his horror, no matter how powerful or complicated martial arts, in his hands, it is like a child playing, within three months, he will be able to master so skillfully."

Lu Yang's face changed this time, and it was a big change, a real change.

Sharman said: "So, you should be able to imagine how terrible he is."

Lu Yang nodded heavily and sighed: "Yes, I have never seen such a terrible person. It seems that he is much more powerful than the little old man Wu Tian."

Sharman nodded: "Yes, Wu Tian once said that he already thinks he is a genius, but he is compared with Gong Jiuyi, and he can't compare with Gong Jiu for ten."

Lu Yang sighed and said with a wry smile: "He is indeed the most powerful character I have ever seen. I also believe that I have seen countless geniuses, and that I am also a genius, but I have to deal with him from the bottom of my heart. Admire."

Sharman said: "So, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to escape this disaster."

Lu Yang suddenly smiled and said, "I am also very curious about this person, and now I think more and more, and I'm fighting him."

Sharman shook his head and said, "Not good."

Lu Yang said: "Why is it bad?"

Sharman looked at Lu Yang, his eyes full of tenderness, but full of worry.

Lu Yang sighed and said, "Are you afraid of me hurting him?"

Sharman sighed and said, "I don't want to see whoever you are hurt."

When two masters compete, someone will be hurt. Obviously, one is the beloved and the other is the benefactor. Who would want one of them to be hurt.

Sharman said: "So you want me to leave, and you also want me not to get involved, but to be able to stay out and let the two of you fight each other."

Lu Yang was silent. He knew that Sharman was actually quite painful.

If it were him, it might be more uncomfortable than Sharman.

Sharman said: "But, at least in my eyes, I hope that the two of you will never meet face to face. That will definitely be the biggest regret."

Indeed, two top masters, life and death are between life and death.

If one is hurt, it is an irreparable loss.

Lu Yang was silent for a long time and said: "So, you'd better leave. Gong Jiu is the most terrifying and powerful opponent I have ever seen. Now I don't dare to despise him at all, nor is it full. I’m sure, although I haven’t seen his martial arts, I have seen the skills of Wu Tian, ​​the little old man."

Lu Yang looked at Shaman and said, "No matter what the outcome of the two of us is, I don't want you to see it."

Sharman said: "But you can avoid meeting him."

Lu Yang smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid I can't help it."

Lu Yang sighed, "Since you know what I mean, why don't you leave?"

Sharman sighed and said, "Men’s matter, I know that many of us cannot avoid it, because once you decide something, it will not change."

Lu Yang nodded: "This is the fact that people are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves. Many things can't help their own thoughts."

Sharman said: "So, that's just your personal wishful thinking."


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