Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 614: idea

Hearing what Lu Yang said, Sharman also understood: "You mean Gong Jiu?"

Lu Yang said: "Because he is the biggest bastard, his shell must of course be the largest and thickest. No matter who hides in, it will definitely be an extremely safe place."

There was light in Sharman's eyes, and now she had completely understood Lu Yang's meaning.

Since Gong Jiu came out to hunt them, there must be no one in his own house.

If they could hide in Gongjiu's house, it would indeed be a very safe place.

Because no one would have thought that they would hide there, even Gong Jiu would do the same.

Naturally, a place where no one wants it will be the safest place.

Sharman said: "Then there is only one problem to be solved."

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Yes."

Sharman said: "You have thought of a way, let us find a way to hide in?"

Of course Lu Yang knew that this problem was quite big and troublesome. There was no more troublesome problem than this.

However, Lu Yang knew that they would definitely figure out a way. Because he is a clever bastard.

Moreover, in his eyes, there is nothing absolutely impossible in this world.

Sharman said: "You have thought of a way to solve this problem?"

Lu Yang asked, "Of course you know where the eggshell is?"

Sharman said: "Of course."

Lu Yang said, "Then, this problem has already been resolved."

Sharman said: "Could it be that we can walk in falteringly and let others not arrive?"

Lu Yang said, "We don't need to walk in swaggeringly, let alone take a step forward."

Sharman said: "You don't need to take a step? Could it be that we became two flies and flew there?"

Lu Yang said: "I won't change at all, let alone become a fly."

Sharman said: "How is that?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I'm a little tired from flying, so I prepared to hide in there comfortably."

Sharman looked at Lu Yang with widened eyes, as if he was looking at a monster, and like a child listening to someone telling a myth.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I know that you will not believe me in your heart, but I can assure you that you don't need to worry about this problem at all."

Sharman said: "Do you have any other things that are really worth worrying about?"

Lu Yang said, "There is one thing."

Sharman said: "What did you say?"

Lu Yang said, "I can hide in, but I didn't think of a way to get out."

Sharman said: "So, even if we can hide for eighteen hours, he will definitely be able to find us in the end."

Lu Yang said: "So, at that time, he wants to kill us, and we can't just tie our hands, so there will be a battle of life and death."

Sharman said, "This is not something you need to worry about."

Lu Yang: "Why?"

Sharman said: "That's because there is still an important big thing waiting for him to do outside, and he has to do it."

Lu Yang pondered for a moment and said, "In addition to killing, what else would he have to do?"

Sharman said: "It's really gone."

Lu Yang said: "Then who is he going to shoot now?"

Sharman said: "Above the rivers and lakes, there are probably not many people worthy of his shot. That must be a very remarkable person."

Lu Yang said, "Who would it be?"

Sharman said, "I don't know this."

Maybe she knew but she didn't want to say it, or maybe she didn't know it.

Many things about men, indeed, will not let the women around them know.

There will be two situations, one is that they don't want to worry about it, and the other is that these things don't make much sense to women.

So there is no need to tell them everything, even if they are their dearest people, the most beloved ones are the same.

No matter what it is, Lu Yang will not ask any more questions.

He didn't want any woman to betray their previous men for him.

No matter how hateful that man is, no matter how good he is, this is what Lu Yang didn't want to see.

If a woman does this, she is not worthy of the trust and love of men.

If Sharman said it, maybe Lu Yang would still feel a change in her feelings, and perhaps feel disgusted.

But she didn't say it, but it made Lu Yang even more sympathetic to her.

Such a woman is the most likable, the most adorable, and the most exciting for men.

Sharman was such a woman, and Lu Yang felt that he had not misunderstood the person.

She really is a lovely woman.

Sharman looked at Lu Yang: "Then what kind of thing are you going to become and get into?"

Lu Yang said, "What do you think?"

Sharman said: "In my opinion, only the dead can simply lie down and get into Gongjiu's house."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "You forgot a little bit."

Sharman asked, "Which point?"

Lu Yang said: "There are many things that die, and it is not necessarily only people who die."

Indeed, things without life are dead.

Such as soil, such as wood, such as stones.

Trees are alive, but if they are cut and sawn into wood chips and then made into boxes, they will become dead.

Therefore, the wood and the box became dead.

Of course, there are many things that are dead, and the more valuable things are, the more dead.

For example, jewelry, for example, gold, for example, calligraphy and painting, or weapons, all of which are the same. ..


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