Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 223: : Break into Quanzhen Sect 3

"Three fellow Taoists." Guo Jing saw the Taoist priests of Quanzhen, just like he had met his relatives. He immediately got up and arched his hands. "Under Guo Jing, come to Quanzhen to meet the Taoist Chief Qiu Chuji. I am very grateful for the trouble of the three Taoist leaders. ."

The three Taoist priests looked at each other, and the fat Taoist sipped, "I yuck! Daxia Guo is famous all over the world, how can he be a shameless and shameless villain like you! Hey, you go quickly, otherwise I won't blame Daoist and my subordinates for being merciless. !"

Guo Jing was scolded without thinking, with a look of error and shock on his face, saying, "The three Taoist friends are really Guo Jing, I don't know."

"Guo, you uncle! Master Dao hit you like Guo Jing!" The fat Taoist became angry, brandishing a long sword, which is exactly what Quanzhen teaches swordsmanship. After the Taoist priests saw the fat Taoist make a move, they also made a move. The three Taoists also formed a small sword formation, immediately encircling the prize.

This is the legendary Quanzhen Swordsmanship, and it looks pretty tricky. I just don't know how practical it is. Lu Yang held his arms and watched the game with great interest.

Seeing that the three of them started to fight, Guo Jing couldn't help but fight back. Immediately rushed through with a punch, and immediately became angry. The obsessed fat Taoist sword wielded unsmoothly. After Guo Jing's punch, his body turned abruptly, and at the same time he took off his robe and waved it in the air. The robe was originally very soft, but in Guo Jing's hands, it was as hard as a rock at this time. It swept a Taoist priest. He flew out sideways, and fell heavily to the ground.

The fat Taoist priest and the remaining two Taoist priests did not make two moves under Guo Jing's hands, and they all fell to the ground. Very embarrassed. Guo Jing defeated three Taoist priests in an instant, with a bit of apology on his face, he bowed and said, "Several Taoists, why do you start without asking?"

The fat Taoist got up, his face was blank, and he sipped, "You wait for the Taoist priest, let's go!" After he finished, the three Taoists ran away. The kung fu of this Quanzhen Sect was average, but the escape was first-rate, and the kung fu disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Guo Jing sighed, "I don't know why. I had to meet with Chief Qiu Chuji and explain again. Yang'er, let's go."

It seems that the news that the little dragon girl chooses her husband has spread. If I remember correctly, it should be the wind released by Li Mochou. That being said, it won't take long to see the big beauties again. Lu Yang was happy, and kept up with Guo Jing.

In the middle of the mountain, more than a dozen Taoist priests flew out. Surrounded by the three of Lu Yang. According to a certain formation of combat power, each Taoist priest formed the Tiangang Beidou formation of the Quanzhen Sect, but these Taoist priests were not able to use the power of this formation.

"Quie'er, Yang'er, you should retreat first. This formation is very powerful, don't let you hurt!" Guo Jing took advantage of the time to speak quickly to Lu Yang and Yang Guo.

Lu Yang didn't pay attention to these Taoist priests. Now his basic swordsmanship had five levels. Five Poison God's Palm is third level. Are you afraid of these stinky Taoists? However, he followed Yang Guo and hid in the woods next to him.

Naturally, Guo Jing didn't pay attention to these Taoist priests. He saw Guo Jing take a step forward, making a semicircle with his right hand in the air, shouting angrily, and pushing out his palm. It was Kang Long in the eighteen palms of Jianglong who had regrets and was extremely powerful, and immediately knocked off a little Taoist in the eyes of the Tiangang Beidou formation.

Lu Yang almost yelled out loud, this trick is too majestic. It seems that the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Dropping Dragon must be learned.

Lu Yang and Yang Guo both stared wide-eyed, completely unaware of the Taoist priests coming up from behind. It was the fat Taoist priest who met at the foot of the mountain. The fat Taoist placed the long sword on Lu Yang's neck, and the other Taoists also restrained Yang Guo.

The fat Taoist said with a big smile, "Two little thieves, go back with this uncle and die!!"

Lu Yang frowned and said with disdain, "You fat Taoist are so much nonsense. If it weren't for Guo Jing's mercy just now, you would have reported on Lord Yan at this time? Hey, I advise you to hurry up and get the long neck of this young man. The sword is withdrawn, otherwise, after Guo Jingqingli finishes the stinky Taoist priest outside, he will come back to clean you up!"

This fat Taoist priest is Lu Qingdu, the disciple of the dog Taoist Zhao Zhijing. Lu Yang had noticed it early in the morning, and he didn't even bother to think about the character of this servant.

As soon as Lu Qingdu heard this, murderous intent appeared on the chubby face, and he lowered his voice and said, "At this time, you still dare to pretend to be Guo Jing! Okay, this Daoist will kill you little thief first!" After speaking, he really shakes his wrists and immediately stabs him with a sword.

Lu Yang is so easy to deal with, anyway, his current Five Poison Palm is already at the third level. Lu Yang immediately shot his hand, rested his palm on Lu Qingdu’s wrist, and immediately resolved his sword strokes, and then turned his palm over, pressing his wrist with one hand, and standing the palm with the other, pushing it out. He put it heavily on Lu Qingdu's chest.

These moves changed and changed extremely fast. When Lu Qingdu reacted, he was already squatting on the ground. Lu Yang used the palm of the Five Poisons. He knocked Lu Qingdu down and slapped his palms. "What? Smelly Taoist, dare you dare to fight this young man? This palm is just for you. A lesson, if I use my internal strength, you will die long ago, so why don't you come over and thank you for not killing me?"

Lu Qingdu became furious, got up, and shouted to the remaining Taoist priests, "Come on, kill this kid for this Taoist master!!"

When Lu Qingdu said this, it also aroused a few little Taoist priests to feel the same hatred, and immediately turned the long sword upside down, and the point of the sword was aimed at Lu Yang. Lu Yang hadn't learned any great light skills at this time, and his internal strength was just plain. Suddenly confronting so many people, my heart suddenly lost.

Several Taoist priests shot at the same time. These Taoists practiced in Quanzhen Rapier. They usually practice in groups of several people. When they naturally use swords, they will show a sword formation intentionally or unintentionally, although these are just new disciples. But Quanzhen Sect Sword Formation also has his greatness.

Lu Yang was startled, and a Taoist priest opened a hole when the sword was stabbed. Lu Yang backed away again and again, avoiding the endless swordsmanship. ..

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