Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 630: The terrible Gong Jiu

Lu Yang sneered: "What do I like has to do with you?"

The man laughed wildly: "I know, you like Sharman? If you are a good woman, a pure woman in the future, then you are wrong! She is a stinky woman who has been slept by countless people, and you still think of her as Baby, she has been thirteen years old..."

Lu Yang didn't wait for him to finish, so he picked up the whip and rushed over.

How to insult him, he may not be so angry, but insulting the one he loves is absolutely unbearable for him!

No matter what kind of man he is, he will definitely be intolerable, unless he is a bastard, a **** like the Flying Jade Tiger.

The man laughed wildly again: "I know you are angry, because you also understand that what I said is not false.

Lu Yang gritted his teeth and drew down his whip fiercely, and drew it on his body.

The first whip was drawn, the second whip followed, the third whip, and the fourth whip.

Lu Yang didn't know how many whips he had smoked.

There was a strange light in the man's eyes, but his mouth was still cursing.

When he found that the more severe the cursing of Sharman, the heavier Lu Yang's whip, the more vicious he cursed Sharman.

His body stretched out suddenly, lying on the ground, motionless.

Lu Yang knew that he was not injured or dead, because it was a tranquility after satisfaction.

No one said anything. Lu Yang also sat on the ground. He felt that his whole body was soaked in sweat, and his anger had been completely vented.

At this time, Lu Yang suddenly felt extremely refreshed, the feeling was so strange and evil.

But that feeling made him want to vomit again.

Lu Yang closed his eyes and couldn't bear to look at the people on the ground again.

When Lu Yang opened his eyes, the people on the ground were nowhere to be seen, and the cabin felt like death.

Lu Yang thought he was dreaming. Here, a man walked out of the cabin.

The man's hair was black and shiny, not messy.

He was also wearing a snow-white dress, which was not wrinkled at all.

His face is so cold, so conceited, his expression is so determined, his eyes are as sharp as an eagle.

He seems to be able to penetrate people's hearts, this is the man lying on the ground just now.

Is this the man lying on the ground just now? Who can believe it?

Lu Yang had to believe it, because he had seen it with his own eyes.

It's not a miracle or a nightmare, but it's so real, so real that makes people feel terrible.

The man stared at Lu Yang like a sharp blade: "I am Gong Jiu."

Lu Yang just said indifferently, "Of course I know."

Now Lu Yang has fully understood what kind of person Gong Jiu is.

Now he felt that Gong Jiu was not a god, let alone a superman, but a poor snail.

Snails like to stay in their shells and only come out to breathe when they are bored.

Gong Jiu is like this, so he uses such a disgusting method to satisfy himself, because there are so few things in this world that satisfy him.

Now Gong Jiu was back in his cold, hard and glamorous shell, but Lu Yang no longer had to fear this person.

When a person truly sees through the other person, he will naturally not be so afraid.

Lu Yang said, "You are Gong Jiu!"

Gong Jiu said: "I am!"

Lu Yang said: "You must have never thought that I would come to you."

Gong Jiu said coldly: "There are many people in this world who are not afraid of death."

Lu Yang said, "Of course I will also be afraid of death."

Gong Jiudao: "So you must regret it now."

Lu Yang said, "What do you regret?"

Gong Jiu said: "You must be regretting why you didn't kill me just now."

Lu Yang sighed deeply and said, "I did have a chance to kill you just now."

Gong Jiu said: "But you don't."

Lu Yang smiled, looked at the whip in his hand, and threw it to the ground.

Gong Jiu's face is still so cold, it seems that the whips just didn't hit him.

Lu Yang said: "It was my mistake that I didn't kill you, but I don't need you to be grateful."

Gong Jiu suddenly did a very strange thing. He untied his clothes and completely exposed his upper body.

His skin is so smooth, as white as jade, and brighter than many women.

Lu Yang was stunned again. Where did the so many whip marks and bloodstains go?

Where are his needlestick injuries?

In the arena, there seems to be a kind of kung fu that can restore the creation of the body in an instant.

But in Lu Yang's mind, it was just a fabulous.

He couldn't help asking himself, if he had just suffered so many injuries, would he be able to fully recover in this moment?

The answer is no, but he doesn't need to be inferior, because kung fu is always wonderful.

It's just that I have seen a strange kind of kung fu again.

Gong Jiu looked at Lu Yang quietly and said, "So, do you understand now?"

Lu Yang said: "What do you understand?"

Gong Jiu said: "You didn't do anything wrong just now, because you never had a chance to make a move."

Lu Yang said, "So, you don't need to thank me at all."

Gong Jiu said coldly: "So you must die."

Lu Yang laughed, "Because I did something that I shouldn't do."

Gong Jiudao: "I also saw some things that shouldn't be seen."

Lu Yang smiled again.

Gong Jiu sighed: "Unfortunately, I can't kill you yet."

Lu Yang smiled: "Then how sure are you that you can kill me?"

Gong Jiu looked at Lu Yang for a long, long time before slowly saying: "Five points."

Lu Yang smiled, it seems that he is not completely conceited either.

Such a person is indeed the most dangerous, he will not underestimate all opponents, he will definitely estimate his own strength completely, and then give the opponent a fatal blow. ..


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