Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 646: Was arbitrated

Looking at the faces of the three of them, I feel that they do have a lot of things to say.

Lu Yang looked at Shaman and said, "You said."

Sharman said: "Do you know why I didn't wait for you on the beach, nor did I watch the sea from the edge of the cliff?"

Lu Yang said, "Of course I don't know."

Sharman said: "Because this time, you are in big trouble."

Lu Yang said, "I'm in big trouble? I'm in big trouble. That's my business. Does it have nothing to do with whether you wait for me on the beach?"

Sharman said: "Of course there is a relationship, and there is a big relationship."

Lu Yang said, "Tell me, what kind of relationship does it have?"

Sharman said: "First, you have a big trouble, of course I am not in the mood."

Lu Yang nodded: "What about the second one?"

Sharman said: "We were together just now, just before you came back here. We happened to be studying your troubles."

Lu Yang said: "Looking at you being so cautious, it seems that my trouble is not too small."

Xiaoyu said: "Yes, it's big, as big as a thing."

Lu Yang said: "It's as big as something?"

Xiaoyu said: "It's as big as your head."

Lu Yang said, "But my head is not big at all."

Xiaoyu said: "But after you know your troubles, I promise you will have three big heads. A"

When listening to them, Lu Yang felt that his head was a little bigger.

At this time, the honest monk suddenly said: "You must have gained nothing when you return to the island this time?"

Lu Yang looked at the honest monk strangely and said, "How did you know?"

The honest monk said: "When you went to sea, a lot of things happened on land."

Lu Yang said: "What is it?"

The honest monk said: "Among the robbed treasures, some of the most valuable have been sold."

Lu Yang said: "Oh? Really sold it?"

The honest monk said: "Moreover, some people have discovered Chen Ping, Li Dazhong, and Sun Wutong."

Lu Yang said: "Wait a moment, who are Chen Ping, Li Dazhong, and Sun Wutong?"

The honest monk said: "They are not a few people, but they happened to be the bodyguards of those treasures, and they were among the one hundred and three missing men."

Lu Yang said, "You mean, they have been discovered?"

The honest monk said: "No."

Lu Yang said: "Not so?"

The honest monk said: "It is not their people who were found, but their bodies were found."

Lu Yang lost his voice: "The body?"

The honest monk said: "It is also impossible to say that it is a corpse, because when others find them, they can still say a word."

Lu Yang said: "A word? What is it?"

The honest monk said: "A sentence that makes your head bigger than three and causes you endless troubles."

Lu Yang stared at the honest monk, waiting for the honest monk to say the following.

However, the honest monk looked at Lu Yang, but he didn't say anything.

Lu Yang looked at Xiaoyu again, and Xiaoyu said: "The one thing Chen Ping said before he died was, "The jewelry was stolen by Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng."

Lu Yang was completely stunned.

Sharman also went on to say: "Li Dazhong's last sentence is the same."

The honest monk said: "Sun Wutong's last sentence is no different from this."

Xiaoyu sighed and said, "This is called Zhongshuo Jin."

Lu Yang said, "But except for my mouth."

Sharman said: "Unfortunately, no one will listen to your explanation."

Lu Yang said: "They? Who are they?"

Shaman said: "The officers and soldiers, the masters sent by the Taiping Prince."

Lu Yang said: "They plan to arrest me and bring me to justice?"

Sharman said: "Yes, they are here to arrest you."

Lu Yang said: "When Chen Ping, Li Dazhong and Sun Wutong were discovered by them, were the three of them together?"

Sharman said: "Not only are they not together, but they are hundreds of miles away."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "It's terrible!"

Sharman said, "What is terrible?"

Lu Yang said: "Gong Jiu's trick."

Sharman said: "You can be absolutely sure that this is Gong Jiu's conspiracy?"

Lu Yang said, "Yes, because of Chen Ping, Li Dazhong, and Sun Wutong, I have seen them on the island."

The honest monk sighed with a wry smile and said, "Look, you can't clean it even if you jump into the Yellow River now."

Lu Yang said, "I don't worry about this. What I am most worried about right now is Jin Jiuling, Huo Xiu and the others."

Shaman said, "And your beautiful and beautiful wives."

Lu Yang sighed.

Sharman said: "Don't worry, I'm not jealous."

Sure enough, she is a considerate girl, I believe she can get along with them very happily.

The honest monk said: "Don't worry, they will be fine."

Lu Yang said, "Oh, why?"

The honest monk said: "Because of Princess Jian'an."

Only then did Lu Yang relax. As long as the matter is not completely closed, no one dares to attack them, but their situation is also quite dangerous.

It seemed that he was still a step late, but he believed that Lu Xiaofeng's wisdom and talents would surely get them out of danger.

It seemed that Gong Jiu's big net had been fully expanded, and Lu Yang felt that he was being led by the nose by Gong Jiu.

Sure enough, it was a terrible character, and it was a terrible opponent.

Lu Yang sneered. In this way, wouldn't things be more interesting? As long as Lu Xiaofeng arranges everything, he can fight Gong Jiu wholeheartedly.

Isn't it a very pleasant thing to have such a terrible opponent?

Lu Yang only felt that his whole body was boiling. ..


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