Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 660: The purpose of Hawkeye Old Seven

Old Qi Yingyan called out for a while, and saw that no one responded. He knew that Ximen Chuuxue was not here.

He has such a mid-air cry, even people who don't understand martial arts should have heard it.

If Ximen Chuuxue did not respond, it meant that Ximen Chuuxue was not there, or he was unwilling to pay attention to it. No matter what the reason, there was no need to stay any longer.

Therefore, Yingyan Laoqi left the villa soon.

Listening to the voice of Yingyan Lao Qi begging to see Ximen Chuuxue, it seems that Ximen Chuuxue did not reveal his whereabouts.

Friends are always friends, and only friends are the most reliable.

You must trust your friends, and you must have complete trust in your friends.

Lu Yang breathed deeply, breathing the fragrance of flowers from the breeze.

The situation was so restful, quiet, and comfortable.

However, Lu Yang did not sit down peacefully or lie down to enjoy the silence.

He swiftly performed his light work, chasing in the direction where Yingyan Lao Qi disappeared.

Because he really didn't understand, what did Yingyan Laoqi come to find Ximen Chuuxue for?

Not to mention the power of Eagle Eye Old Seven, he is the master of the Twelve Linked Dock, the power spreads beyond the Great Wall, and even the black and white have his disciples.

No matter where you go, it should be very coverable. Why do you come to Ximen Chuuxue?

Ximen Chuuxue, everyone on the rivers and lakes is the one who doesn't talk about roofing the least. No one can mobilize him, let alone ask him for help.

As Yingyan Lao Qi came to find Ximen Chuuxue, he probably encountered something unsolvable again, so he went to the doctor in a hurry.

The matter must be serious, beyond people's imagination.

By the time Lu Yang remembered to chase after him, the figure of Yingyan Lao Qi was gone.

However, Yingyan Laoqi is the master, it should be a big town or village, and he lives in a luxury hostel.

But Lu Yang didn't expect it. He was completely wrong, which was unexpected.

Because Lu Yang followed the trace of the carriage, he found that the direction that Yingyan Lao Qi was going was not a road at all.

Yingyan Laoqi and his entourage actually walked on a trail. And where they settled is a very casual place.

It's like he's too tired to walk and find a place to sit down casually.

It was just a tortuous mountain road, and the place where they rested was just an empty place.

But in the empty place, they all got off the horse and got together, talking about something.

Their voices were very low and low, as if they were discussing an extremely confidential matter.

Lu Yang walked forward quietly, only to find that they were not talking about important things at all.

They were actually sitting together, with a pile of dried food and stewed vegetables in front of them, eating and drinking.

The food is a good dish with wine, and the drink is a burning knife, which seems very restful.

At this time, it was already noon, and the sun had risen to the top of the sky. Lu Yang only realized at this time that his stomach was groaning with hunger.

But he couldn't sit there and eat and drink with them.

Now he didn't even know what the purpose of their group was? They originally came to Ximen to blow the snow, but now they are eating and drinking here.

They won't come to Wanmei Mountain Villa to enjoy the mountains and water.

But now Lu Yang himself didn't have anything at all, he could only be hungry, even though he had silver.

But in this situation, what can the silver do?

The silver is on the mountain, it's useless at all, so he dived closer again, watching them eating and drinking.

Now Lu Yang is already closer to them, not only can he see their rough eating appearance, but he can even hear their voices.

"How about my brothers going to read the book tonight, and then find that Chunhong and Tao Niang have a good time?" one of the big guys said.

"Turn your big-headed ghost!" said another rough man.

"What's the matter with you?" someone said again.

"Do you know what I fear the most in my life?" someone else said.

"What is it?" someone asked again.

"Just touch the door nail. Once he went to do something, but he didn't find anyone. In the end, I played a few Pai Gow. Haha, do you know the result?"

Another asked: "What kind of strange thing is it? It's just a loss of money at best."

"Haha, I played twenty-seven in a row, and all I got were crappy!"

"Haha, it seems that your luck is not normal."

"So, if you can't see Ximen Chuuxue today, it's best not to gamble."

"Never gamble!"

"I advise you to gamble on the best one."


"Because if you saw Ximen Chuuxue, then I'm afraid there is no chance to gamble, so your luck is really good."

"You mean, with so many of us, there is no way to kill him?"

"I think it is impossible for us." Another interface said.

"You don't believe in our strength so much? You must know that if twenty of us suddenly emit twenty different hidden weapons without any defense, even the gods will not be able to escape, let alone say, Ximen Chuuxue is just alone."

"I think so."

Now Lu Yang listened to their conversation and finally realized that these people were here to deal with Ximen Chuuxue.

Gong Jiu must be because Ximen Chuuxue blocked him for himself, making him unable to find his trace, so he sent Yingyan Lao Qi to plot against Ximen Chuuxue.

But, when did Yingyan Laoqi be bought by Gong Jiu?

But Lu Yang soon felt relieved. It was not surprising that people like Yingyan Laoqi would be bought by money. ..


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