Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 663: The pain of waiting

Seeing this, Ximen Chuuxue quickly carried Xiaoyu back to his carriage.

At this time, he saw that Xiaoyu's right hand was tightly clasped, so that it took a lot of effort for Simon Chuuxue to release Xiaoyu's right palm.

After releasing Xiaoyu's tight right hand, a ball of paper fell from her hand.

Only seven words were written on the note, and it was written in blood.

-Honest monk is not honest.

Lu Yang was still enjoying the sunshine and the fragrance of flowers, no one would bother him.

He didn't know that the cabin on the cliff had undergone tremendous changes.

He also didn't know that Shaman and the honest monk no longer knew where they were.

He didn't even know that Xiaoyu had been seriously injured and his life was hanging by a thread.

He didn't even know that Ximen Chuuxue didn't rush back to report in order to save Xiaoyu.

Ximen Chuuxue went to live in the small town as a whole, and hired a replacement to treat Xiaoyu.

So Lu Yang waited for a few days, and after enjoying the silence for a few days, he became extremely anxious.

Because based on the road, even if Ximen Chuuxue is used for walking, it should be almost time.

But he stayed outside the village and looked through the road. He didn't see the shadow of the carriage, let alone Ximen Chuuxue.

At this time, Lu Yang couldn't help but feel extremely worried, and a thick shadow appeared.

What happened?

Will Ximen Chuuxue have any accidents? Will Sharman have any surprises? Will they have any surprises?

Could it be that they were discovered? Has fallen into Gong Jiu's hands?

Or is it that they have been seriously injured, or even lost their lives?

In the morning, the sun rises to the middle of the sky, then climbs from the middle of the sky to the west, and finally sinks below the horizon from the west.

Lu Yang was still shrouded in the shadow of incomparable doubt.

A crescent moon rose again and climbed to the mid-sky.

But Lu Yang was not at all sleepy, sitting still in front of the door, stretching his neck anxiously and looking into the distance.

His mood is so irritable, so worried, so anxious.

At this time, only one person can fully understand his mood.

Of course Ximen Chuuxue could understand Lu Yang's feelings, and he also knew that Lu Yang must be looking forward to it incomparably.

But Ximen Chuuxue could not rush back to Wanmei Mountain Villa. It's not that he doesn't hurry, but that he has no way to hurry.

Because Xiaoyu lost too much blood and needed to take care of her body, she could never bear the bumps on the carriage anymore.

Therefore, even though Ximen Chuuxue knew that Lu Yang must be anxious, there was nothing to do.

Ximen Chuuxue himself was very anxious.

The seven blood words "The Honest Monk is not Honest" that Xiaoyu held tightly in his hand were obvious.

Xiaoyu's injury and Sharman's disappearance must all have a lot to do with the honest monk.

But where is the honest monk now, where is Shaman, is she hurt? What is the truth?

There is no answer to these things for a while.

Ximen Chuuxue wanted to see Lu Yang a little earlier, and handed all the doubts to Lu Yang so that Lu Yang could think about and solve it.

But Xiaoyu's face was so pale, even lying on the bed quietly, she would often groan in pain.

How can such a situation hurry?

And it is impossible for Ximen Chuuxue to leave her here alone and entrust her to the doctor to take care of her.

So now Ximen Chuuxue can only do one thing, and that is to wait patiently.

Waiting for Xiaoyu to be completely out of danger, waiting for Xiaoyu to speak, tells everything.

Lu Yang had already waited quite impatiently.

In three days, he almost couldn't help leaving Wanmei Villa to search for it.

Three days ago, he felt that Ximen Chuuxue should have brought Shaman, Xiaoyu and the honest monk back to Wanmei Villa.

Having waited for three days, he felt that those three days were very difficult.

With his temperament, he can wait for three days, it is indeed quite remarkable, and he admires himself somewhat for this.

So when Lu Yang stood up and was about to look for it, he decided again.

Waiting for another day, the last day, he admires himself for waiting for another day.

However, such patience rarely appeared in Lu Yang's heart.

This is the last thing Lu Yang thinks he can wait for.

On the sixth day, Lu Yang waited for two more days.

In these two days, he walked one hundred and twenty-four steps in front of Nawanmei Villa, and wanted to leave one hundred and twenty-four times.

But those one hundred and twenty-four departures were not successful.

Because every time he wants to leave, an idea pops up in his mind.

If he just left, then Ximen Chuuxue brought Sharman and the others back, what should we do?

What if Sharman does not see himself when he is here?

The most important thing is that Lu Yang believed that Ximen Chuuxue would be able to do what he entrusted to him.

Ximen Chuuxue will surely be able to do it.

This is the idea in Lu Yang's mind. Therefore, he has repeatedly said in his heart: "Ximen Chuuxue will definitely be able to do it, and Ximen Chuuxue will definitely be able to do it."

So Lu Yang stayed again and waited bitterly.

It's already dusk, and dusk is often very comfortable and pleasant.

Because it is often dusk, when family members return to their kind home.

Those plowing the fields with their hoes on their backs, facing the fiery red sunset, walked on the path home, and gathered with their families.

People from all walks of life, seeing the sunset sinking into the horizon, know that it is the end of another busy day, and the tired life of the day can end and get a rest.

Those who date have already begun to dress up and equip them for the evening date.

Because strolling under the sunset, watching the sunset and sunset is another beautiful scenery. ..


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