Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 682: Guardian guard

Seeing Zhang Fang's expression, Lu Xiaofeng patted him on the shoulder and said, "Now you should fully understand why you can't reveal a single word."

Zhang Fang stammered: "Why...why, such a big thing, I picked me up."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "From the first time I saw you, I knew you were an absolutely loyal and trustworthy person."

Zhang Fang said, "Thanks...Thank you...Lu Daxia, it's's just too much of a relationship. Zhang Fang doesn't know...I don't know if he can be competent.

Lu Xiaofeng patted him on the shoulder again and said, "I believe you will be able to do it. You have always been a talent in my eyes. You will definitely be able to accomplish great things. Go ahead. When this matter is completely over, I can guarantee that you will Get everything you want."

Zhang Fang’s eyes burst into light and said, "Really? Then I want to be Brother Lu’s apprentice, okay?"

Lu Xiaofeng nodded and said, "I can completely agree to this point. Your wish will be fulfilled."

Zhang Zhangzhang said with joy: "Then thank you Daxia Lu, thank you Daxia Lu."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled: "I didn't expect that if you don't want money, name, or profit, you should be Brother Lu's apprentice. Being his apprentice is not easy, it will be very bitter."

Zhang Fang said: "As long as you can learn some skills of Brother Lu, no matter how hard you are, it is worth it."

Lu Xiaofeng patted him on the shoulder again and said, "I really didn't misunderstand you. Go ahead and remember, you can't go wrong in one link. If you make a mistake, you will lose all your previous efforts."

Zhang Fang patted his chest and said, "Daxia Lu, don't worry, everything is on my body, everything is according to your arrangement, and nothing will happen."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "You must be careful and careful, he is not an easy person to deal with."

Zhang Fang said: "Don't worry, Daxia Lu, I'm absolutely careful and I won't show any flaws."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Okay, you can take a good rest, there will be a lot of things tomorrow."

Zhang Fang said, "Yes, Daxia Lu." He stepped out and closed the door.

What is the secret, even the father can't tell? What exactly did Lu Xiaofeng tell him?

Why are they so careful?

Perhaps, all of this, except they know, only God knows.

"The emperor's emperor said: "Lv Yang is named the captain of the royal guards with swords, the first rank of Gong Cong, and Lu Xiaofeng is the deputy captain of the royal guards, and the second rank of Gong Cong is honored."

"Thank you Lord Longen."

Suddenly, Ye was completely shaken.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng, with four eyebrows, are well known all over the world. Now they are guarding them with swords, and the palace has become more stable ever since.

After the court, the emperor summoned Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng separately.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng walked toward the south study, and it was Wei Ziyun and Yin Xian who led the way.

I saw Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng's first- and second-grade guards with swords serving.

Wei Ziyun smiled: "Daxia Lu, Daxia Lu, I didn't expect that we would work together with the DPRK."

Lu Yang smiled: "It is easy to say that we have just entered the palace, and many rules and things are not familiar. We still need some guidance from Brother Wei in the future."

Yin Xian smiled and said: "Daxia Lu and Daxia Lu are famous all over the world. It is our honour to work with you. I hope you can help me in the future."

Lu Xiaofeng also laughed and said: "Everything is easy to say. Since we are working together in the same dynasty, we are all brothers, so we will have more contacts in the future."

Wei Ziyun said, "Daxia Lu is right. They are all brothers."

Wei Ziyun sent Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng to the South Study Room, while Wei Ziyun and Yin Xian waited.

Several eunuchs have tea.

The emperor looked at Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng, and said with a smile: "The two Aiqings don’t have to be polite. Since the last time you solved the crisis for me, I have regarded you as both hands and confidantes. Now that you have you guarding the palace, my heart is also It's much more stable."

Lu Yang said: "The emperor has won the prize, and I will do my best to protect the emperor's safety."

The emperor smiled and said: "Well, the two Aiqings can bring swords into the court at any time in the future, and they can see me at any time, Lv Aiqing, we haven't had a good drink in a long time. We have a chance to have a good drink with me."

Lu Yang said, "Thank you for the grace of the emperor."

This is a great gift, who can meet the emperor at any time?

Who can drink and chat with the emperor at any time?

It seems that the emperor treats Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng quite seriously.

The emperor looked at Lu Xiaofeng again and said, "Lu Aiqing, I will appoint you as a second-rank guard, so you won't feel wronged."

Lu Xiaofeng hurriedly replied: "The emperor is serious, how dare Lu Xiaofeng compare with Big Brother Lu? Since the first day he saw Big Brother Lu, Lu Xiaofeng has vowed to follow Big Brother Lu for life. As long as Big Brother Lu ordered, Lu Xiaofeng would be dead. Don't hesitate."

The emperor nodded and said, "That's great, Lu Aiqing, you haven't married yet."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Yes, the emperor."

The emperor nodded again: "If it's the daughter of a prince and minister you have fallen in love with, just talk to me and I will give you a marriage."

Lu Xiaofeng quickly knelt down and said loudly, "Thank you Lord Longen, long live the emperor!"

The emperor said: "Flat, Wei Aiqing, you take them around in the palace and get to know them. I still have some memorials to approve. You can use the dinner at the palace."

Lu Yang said, "Thank the emperor for grace. We entered the palace for the first time, and there are still many things we don't understand. There are also many things that need to be taken care of in Zhuang, so I won't bother the emperor today."

The emperor said: "Okay, you can withdraw first."

"Hey." Everyone stepped back.

Wei Ziyun and Yin Mei took Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng around randomly in the palace a few times and introduced the situation inside.

In fact, they don't need to give any pointers. They are already walking around in the palace for the first time, and they are basically familiar with them.

Lu Yang said to Wei Ziyun: "Thank you for your care today. We still have some affairs to deal with in the village, so we will leave first."


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