Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 684: uninvited guest

Everyone was so dizzy, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng toasted a table.

Fortunately, they drink a lot, and after a few treats, dozens of glasses of wine made their faces flushed slightly.

"Lord Pingnan is here!"

With the paging outside, there was a commotion in the entire lobby.

Prince Pingnan is here, too. In terms of generation, Prince Pingnan is the emperor's uncle!

Even Prince Pingnan came to congratulate him. It seems that Lu Yang's fame is really well known all over the world.

Lord Pingnan was originally a very casual person, but he brought three or four followers.

After he walked in, all the civil and military palaces all rose to welcome the prince.

Lord Pingnan smiled and said, "You don't need to be polite." He walked to Lu Yang and said, "It's really terrifying for younger generations. I have achieved such a wealth at a young age. I can't wait for the old."

Lu Yang arched his hands and said, "It's really an honor for me to have Lord Pingnan to come today. Please, Lord, there is also a banquet in there, waiting for the Lord."

Looking at Lu Yang's situation, it seems that Lord Pingnan will appear in general.

After Lord Pingnan sat down, everyone sat down in order. In fact, only Lu Yang, Lu Xiaofeng, and Zhang Mu were the only ones who were not qualified to be on this table.

Lu Yang poured a full glass of wine for Lord Pingnan and said: "Lord Meng Pingnan is here today. It is a great honor for Sansheng. I will respect the Lord."

Lord Pingnan smiled and said: "From now on, Daling Yuanzhuang and Pingnan Palace will be the left and right arms of the emperor. Zhuang Master Lu, we must work harder in the future to return the emperor."

Lu Yang said: "Lv Yang keeps it in mind."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Lord Pingnan, since the last time I saw the little prince, I like it very much. I don't know why the little prince is not here today, so please come here?"

Lord Pingnan sighed and said: "It's not that after the children met you, I admired your pride, full of envy for the rivers and lakes, and pestered me to learn how to walk the rivers and lakes. I heard that I was in Jiangnan a few days ago. God doesn't know where to go."

Lu Yang smiled and said: "It seems that the little prince is also a man of temperament. If the prince of Pingnan does not dislike him, he can be sent to Daling Yuanzhuang, and I can give some pointers later."

Lord Pingnan smiled and said: "Then I will thank the boy for the first time. It is also a blessing for children to be able to get the guidance of Lv Zhuangzhu, which is also a child's blessing. No one in the world knows. "

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Prince Pingnan has praised him."

Lord Pingnan got up after drinking a few glasses of wine and left: "Lord Lv, I won't bother you. There are still some trivial matters. The next time the owner goes to my prince, he will definitely accompany you for a few drinks."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Thank you very much, Lord Pingnan. I will definitely visit him later."

Everyone got up and congratulated the departure of Lord Pingnan.

The departure of Lord Pingnan made everyone even more presumptuous, and the glasses of wine staggered, creating a lively scene.

Until late at night, the guests were sent off one after another.

The people in the village were exhausted, and Lu Xiaofeng returned to the room to rest.

As soon as he lay down, he heard a slight footstep on the roof, and Lu Xiaofeng immediately sat up.

A figure flashed past and sat down at the table in the room, but Sikong picked the stars.

Lu Xiaofeng said, "You stinky boy, only appeared at this time."

Sikong Zhanxing smiled and said, "Because you are here, I had to show up at this time."

Lu Xiaofeng also smiled and said, "You are afraid that a few people will come from the six doors and will catch you stealthily."

Sikong picked up the stars and said, "I'm not afraid of them."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Oh." Sikong said: "Because I am afraid of honest monks."

Lu Xiaofeng's expression changed: "He is here too?"

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "Yes."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Where is he? Then why doesn't he come in?"

Sikong picked the stars and said, "He is just sitting on the top of a restaurant in front of the manor, watching you eat and drink."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "How long has he stayed there?"

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "He should have stayed for about an hour."

Lu Xiaofeng sighed: "Then why didn't he just come in?"

Sikong picked up the stars and said, "Then why don't you ask him?"

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Then did he find you?"

Sikong picked the stars and said: "Absolutely not."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Absolutely not?"

Sikong picked up the stars and said, "The monk's eyes are poisonous. I'm afraid he will see something."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Then you have everything arranged?"

Sikong picked the stars and said: "Yes, they will be there tomorrow."

Lu Xiaofeng nodded in satisfaction and said: "Okay, you have worked hard, you go first, be careful."

"Yes." Sikong's figure picking the stars quickly disappeared.

Lu Xiaofeng lay on the bed after Sikong had picked up the stars and stared at the top of the bed in a daze.

The next day, Lu Xiaofeng woke up very late, and only when the sun was near mid-air did he get up to wash.

Seeing Lu Xiaofeng appearing in the courtyard, Zhang Fang walked up to say hello: "Daxia Lu, you are up."

Lu Xiaofeng saw Zhang Fang and said, "You are back."

Zhang Fang said: "Yes, it's dawn when I came back, so I didn't bother you."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Oh, where is Brother Lu?"

Zhang Fang said: "He got up early in the morning and went out."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Where did he go?"

Zhang Fang said: "He didn't say, we didn't ask."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Well, then you can walk around with me."

Zhang Fang said: "Yes."

Zhang Fang accompanied Lu Xiaofeng, walking casually on the street.

Lu Xiaofeng with four eyebrows, no one in the world knows no one.

The fame of Daling Yuanzhuang, such as the sky, is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

So when Lu Xiaofeng walked on the street, people kept coming up to say hello.

Lu Xiaofeng also responded with a smile one by one. He felt that his laughter was a little stiff. Who can laugh continuously without feeling tired? ..


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