Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 700: Peerless Hero Lu Xiaofeng

Along the way, Lu Xiaofeng knew that someone had been following.

After returning to the manor, Lu Yang came up and said, "Lu Xiaofeng, is there anything from Guan Xing."

Lu Xiaofeng touched the place with the two beards and said, "He said, there is no need to say anything."

Lu Yang laughed: "You can rest early, there are still many things to do tomorrow."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Thank you, Brother Lu."

Lu Xiaofeng returned to the room to rest, but saw Zhang Fang walking towards him. Lu Xiaofeng gestured slightly, but Zhang Fang said, "Daxia Lu is back, do you want to warm up the wine?"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled: "That's not necessary, I've drunk a lot today, so I need to take a good rest."

Lu Xiaofeng lay on the bed, staring at the roof in a daze.

There was a very weak breathing on the roof, Lu Xiaofeng sneered and fell asleep deeply.

The Living Buddha's visit to Beijing is a great event!

Suddenly, the alleys of the capital were empty, and ten thousand people gathered to welcome the Living Buddha.

A carriage came slowly to the palace, and in that carriage was the Living Buddha and the Protector Lama of the Western Regions.

The Living Buddha was very young, he looked only thirteen or fourteen years old, and he was white and tender. Although he tried his best to pretend to be serious, he couldn't hide his childishness.

The lamas who protect the Dharma are all dressed in red, holding a pair of golden wheels in their hands, and guarding them tightly beside the Living Buddha.

Everyone suddenly knelt down: "Welcome to the living Buddha, the living Buddha helps the world, the blessing of all people."

The living Buddha looked around with round eyes.

All the princes and ministers have arrived, and the living Buddhas help the world are also a major event in the court.

The emperor's grace, entertaining the officials, such a grand event, how could those princes and ministers be absent?

Lu Xiaofeng followed Lu Yang and followed the emperor closely.

After the emperor was seated, everyone knelt together: "See the emperor, long live my emperor!"

The emperor said: "All love is flat."

An **** waved his whisk: "Play music!"

The palace band played wonderful and soothing music.

The ministers all held the cup together, and Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng also held the cup.

Xiangguo said loudly: "Let me wait for the emperor to wish the emperor great prosperity, long live long live long live long live!"

All the ministers said in unison: "I wish the emperor Hong Fu Qitian, long live long live long live long live!"

The emperor and his ministers drank the wine from the glass together.

The emperor said: "Lu Aiqing."

Lu Yang said: "The minister is here."

The emperor said: "Why don't you see the emperor attend this event?"

Lv Yang bowed and said, "Prince Qi told the emperor, Princess Jian'an is close to giving birth. It is really inconvenient to move. I order people to take care of them, so I dare not neglect."

The emperor said: "Then congratulations to Lv Aiaiqing."

Lu Yang said: "Thank you Lord Longen."

The emperor was very interested and drank several cups.

The **** waiting next to him said: "My lord, you have already drunk a lot."

The emperor smiled and said: "Well, all Aiqing, you don't have to be polite today, and you don't need to be too courteous." finished speaking, the emperor got up and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, Ding Ao, Wei Ziyun, Yin Xian, and Tu Wan surrounded the emperor.

The emperor's face changed drastically, and he yelled, "What do you want to do?"

Wei Ziyun smiled and said: "The emperor calms down, please stay here for a while."

The emperor shouted: "You are so bold."

Lu Yang also smiled: "The emperor, if you want to go, I'm afraid you won't be able to go." He raised his hand, "Kill!"

Suddenly, I heard a few screams. Some of the surrounding guards and guards drew out their swords, and some people had their heads chopped off before they could react.

The emperor roared: "Bold! You can't rebel if you want to rebel!"

Lu Yang smiled: "The emperor, yes, we just want to rebel! Lu Xiaofeng, what are you waiting for!"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and stood in front of the emperor: "Don't be afraid of the emperor, there are ministers here."

Lu Yang glared at Lu Xiaofeng, and there was fire in his eyes: "Lu Xiaofeng, you can't rebel if you want to!"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "I don't think it was you, Zhuangzhu Lu, who rebelled. You shouldn't be called Zhuangzhu Lu, you should be called Gongjiu, or Prince Taiping."

Everyone was stunned. Lu Yang was Gong Jiu, the Prince of Taiping?

Gong Jiu looked at Lu Xiaofeng, and finally couldn't laugh anymore, his face changed drastically: "Are you Lu Yang?"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said: "You still see it, you are so smart."

Gong Jiu had restored his true colors, and the officials were in an uproar and started talking.

Gong Jiu's face was extremely terrified: "You, aren't you dead? I saw your body with my own eyes. It hit your chest, and your heart should have been broken long ago. Are you a ghost?"

Lu Yang also recovered his original face and smiled: "Yes, I am a ghost, a ghost who came here to kill!" His face became cold, "For those who died unjustly under your conspiracy."

Gong Jiu was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Sikong picked up the stars and approached and said, "Don't you know that Brother Lu's disguise is the best in the world, and I am far behind him."

Lu Yang said, "It just so happens that I know a little bit of tortoise-breathing power, and your so-called palm is just tickling me."

Gong Jiu said: "Hmph, so what? You are only a few people. Didn't you see, are my people everywhere now?"

Lu Yang said indifferently, "Really? Take a closer look."

Gong Jiu looked around, only to find that all his people had fallen.

The four great masters in Ouchi also erased their disguise, and they were exactly the four great masters that Lu Yang had seen on the island.

Zhang Fang smiled and walked forward to Lu Yang: "Brother Lu, everything is under control."

Lu Yang patted him on the shoulder and said, "You did a great job."

Gong Jiudao: "How did you do it?"

Lu Yang said indifferently: "It's very simple, because I know that the person I killed was definitely not Young Master Jiu, but Xiao Jiu. He died for you."

Gong Jiu's face showed incomparable fear, he swung his sword and attacked Lu Yang.

Lu Yang sneered and flashed, Gong Jiu fell to the ground, one move! This is the greatest trick.

A few months later.

"Brother Lu, discovered a new island." Lu Xiaofeng exclaimed with joy.

Lu Yang nodded: "This island is really good, let's use it as our new residence."

"Great!" Xue Bing, Zhang Ling, and Princess Jian'an exclaimed joyfully with their children sleeping deeply.

Ouyang Qing's belly has also slightly bulged, she looked at Lu Xiaofeng, her face was full of happiness. ..


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