Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 4: Hands on

The two of them couldn’t help laughing, and sarcastically said: “We are a dog’s eye, and you are the son of Nan Lin’s sword head, but you are just a handyman in the world. I don’t know if Nan Lin sword head knows. Now, don’t you think we’re looking down?"

Duan Lang was furious, and was about to get angry, but heard someone inside say: "What are you doing noisily!"

Talking about a bloated person walking over with an angry face!

Seeing that man's face changed, Duan Lang immediately said, "Altar Lord!"

Without raising his eyelids, the man glanced at Broken waves, turned his head and said to the two guards: "What are you doing noisily, this is the World Club, not yours!"

When the two heard this, they were shocked, and immediately said, "Tell the altar master, this kid wants..."

"What do you want to do!" The altar master said angrily before they finished speaking: "Duanlang is a person of Laozi, what do you mean by stopping him from seeing me? Don't you put me in your eyes!"

After all, these two people are directly under the **** of the world, they really don't put these altar masters in their eyes, but they can't give up face. So respectfully said: "Help has been ordered, anyone can enter and leave the Yanwu Hall at will! Subordinates are also ordered to act!"

The altar master snorted coldly, and he didn't even dare to get angry, and he could see that Xiongba was also very majestic in the world.

He turned his head to Duanlang and said: "What are you looking for me for?"

Only then did Duanlang smile, and there was some flattery on his face. He smiled and said to the altar master: "Report to the altar master that this brother wants to participate in the competition and asks the altar master's recommendation!"

The altar master frowned and gave Lu Yang a lot. Lu Yang smiled slightly, but he didn't even mean any respect, but looked directly at the altar master.

He knew that he himself would have no reputation in the world now, and he would directly let others agree that they had to consider it. The tone was respectful and respectful like Duanlang, it was better to show his true side, the more rebellious, maybe he would pay more attention to it.

Sure enough, when the altar master saw him looking at him, he showed no respect at all, and there was a difference on his face. He looked at Lu Yang and said coldly, "What is your name? Your division of the altar?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "In Xia Luyang, I just joined the World Club, and I haven't followed that altar master."

His tone was neither humble nor arrogant, neither respectful nor arrogant. It's like a conversation between two normal strangers.

The altar master's expression became a little serious when he heard that, he nodded and said: "The altar master can recommend it to you at that time, but the altar master needs to know about your martial arts!"

Lu Yang listened to this and smiled, "Then please look forward to the altar master!"

Saying that the figure flashed, suddenly hit the two guards! The two guards were caught off guard, and Lu Yang's movements were so fast that they did not see clearly. As a result, one of them received a palm and both flew out.

Everyone was shocked, and Duan Lang was also shocked when he saw it. He not only marveled at Lu Yang's martial arts, but also marveled at his courage. Although his atmosphere is two people, he still needs to weigh it when he starts. Those two people are directly under the tyrant.

The two people were even more startled and angry, but Lu Yang's palm was really hit, and they received internal injuries, and they were unable to speak.

Lu Yang flew two people, and then he flicked his clothes, and said in a leisurely manner: "Excuse me, Lord Altar, how is your martial arts?"

The altar master was also shocked when he saw it, and immediately laughed.

Lu Yang's shot this time seemed reckless, but it was actually not unreasonable. He himself said that he is not affiliated with any sub-altar, so he doesn't care about his altar master if he hurts someone. Moreover, the Tianxia Club has always only valued strength. Although he hit the hero in the face of the hero, but with his skill, the hero might move the mind of Ai Cai.

Moreover, although these two people did not clearly offend him, they actually did not give him face. If you use this as a reason, at most the male tyrant will say that two people offend him when he is angry, and Lu Yang can't see it. It won't really hurt him.

Therefore, with this move, Lu Yang not only revealed the martial arts, but also pleased him. Although the male tyrant would be angry, his martial arts were so high, the male tyrant's cause is not necessarily the cause. It can be said to kill three birds with one stone, courageous and strategic. He also appreciates such a person.

He didn't even look at those two people, but smiled at Lu Yang: "Yes, the old man recommended you! When help comes, I will tell him, find a place to rest first!"

Lu Yang nodded immediately, knowing that he had the mind to love talent. Don't want to face the anger of the tyrant, so he left Yanwu Hall with Duan Lang.

As soon as he left the Yanwu Hall, Duan Lang said in admiration: "Brother, you are really a dragon and a phoenix among people. I sweated for you just now!"

Lu Yang looked at him and saw that his eyes were full of admiration, knowing that he really admired himself. So he smiled and said: "I did a great favor to me, how could I thank you, these two people are too rampant, and they are so rude to the son of the sword head Nan Lin. I really can't see it!"

Duan Lang's eyes blushed, and he was really moved. Lu Yang said that he might not care about others, and said his father, how could he remain unmoved. Since coming to the Tianxiahui, he has been suppressed by the tyrant. Other people in the world saw that Xiongba looked down on him, and they all ridiculed him. The son of his generation of knights, how could he live comfortably these years. Although he had Nie Feng's support, he just comforted himself, never fighting for injustice, and Lu Ang was the first person to fight for him.

Duanlang sighed in his heart, and said sincerely to Lu Yang: "Duanlang has never convinced anyone, brother, you are the first!"

Lu Yang laughed, and he was also funny in his heart. It seemed that this baby was really abused by the tyrant, and it was so touched.

He chuckled, and just about to speak, he saw a woman hurriedly approaching here.

When Lu Yang saw this woman, his eyes lit up and he immediately greeted him.

Duan Lang was still moved just now, seeing the beauty of his house and forgetting himself, he was also taken aback for a while and smiled bitterly at random.

The woman kept walking with her head down, as if she didn't dare to look ahead. Yes, she was shocked when someone appeared in front of her. She couldn't stand one step and fell backward! ..


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