Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 19: Nie Feng

Lu Yang immediately rolled his eyes when he heard this, and said to his heart, what are you talking about!

Kong Ci was also aware of his own language problems and immediately explained: "I mean, it's the bad one, not the bad one!"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes again, and smiled bitterly: "I understand what you mean," he said, sniffing into the air: "I'm going to the top, your clothes, tidy up!"

Hearing that his face blushed, Kong Ci felt like he had done a bad thing sincerely, and hurriedly arranged his clothes. Then looked at Lu Yang.

Lu Yang glanced at her, stood up suddenly, walked up to her, and arranged her hair like a big brother.

Strangely, she didn't even mean to resist...

When they got to the top, as soon as the door opened, the two people returned to the way they were when they first met.

Kong Ci politely made a please gesture, and Lu Yang raised his head tacitly and walked out.

Outside the door is another world, different from the mountain, the scenery here is a hundred times better. Especially looking down from above, the feeling of being condescending from the bottom of my heart, as if everyone was being stepped under their feet.

No wonder Xiongba likes here, you can see that his ambition is not small.

Lu Yang followed Kong Ci into the attic, and there was already a white-faced man waiting there. As soon as he saw Lu Yang, the white-faced man immediately put on a warm smile and said: "Oh, Master Lu has worked **** this journey, hurry up and follow me in!"

When he came over, Kong Ci consciously stepped aside, obediently being a wooden man.

Lu Yang didn't even look at her, but smiled and said: This gentleman is...""

The white-faced man immediately put on a habitually flattering smile, covered his mouth and smirked: "The son has never heard of me, my name is Chou Chou, I am the person next to the helper!"

Lu Yang suddenly realized that he was the jester around Xiongba. It is no wonder that if there is not a person with Xiongba's character who makes him feel very powerful, it is not normal.

People always like to make themselves appear smart with others' stupidity.

As soon as the man came over, he enthusiastically took Lu Yang's arm and said, "Quickly, follow me up, don't let the helper wait!"

Lu Yang was really unkind to this yin and yang person, and he shook his arm unconsciously.

Chou Chou seemed to realize that he didn't like it anymore, and immediately let go of him, and said in a serious manner, "Master Lu, please!"

Lu Yang nodded, glanced at him, and said nothing.

Although this kind of person is serving in front of the male tyrant, he is just a jester and can't play any role at all. So the world will be polite to him, without much awe.

However, he was loyal to the Xiongba when he arrived, otherwise the Xiongba would not keep him by his side, so Lu Yang was not easy to behave too disgusted.

Two people entered the attic and walked for a long time before they passed into a hall.

This attic is really not small, something is based on Shanshi's resume, so it won't work if it's not grand. Especially the ventilation above is very good, you can feel the mountain breeze, but it is not very big, it is very comfortable.

When Lu Yang arrived in the hall, he saw that Yanyan was already talking and laughing at the banquet.

When he arrived, he didn't attract much attention, only a few pairs of eyes looked at him.

The first pair was dominated by the male, he was the first to discover that Lu Yang had arrived. After a flash of light in his eyes, he stopped looking at him.

Then came Xiongba's three apprentices. They looked at Lu Yang's eyes a little badly, especially Bu Jingyun, whose eyes were cold, and they felt like they were about to kill.

The last one is the altar master who recommended him, and the one with the best wink here.

When he saw Lu Yang, he immediately greeted Lu Yang to be by his side.

Lu Yang was neither humble nor arrogant, smiled and walked over for a few polite words. Just sit and drink.

Although the whole banquet process was lively, but basically no one ignored him, only the altar master said a few words to him. But his interest is mainly in favoring Xiongba and his three disciples.

Lu Yang was originally boring, but the singing and dancing at the banquet was really good, and even though the dancers who danced weren't a role, all of them were pretty good. The dancing posture is also beautiful and gorgeous, which makes people look pleasing to the eye.

Although Lu Yang has seen a lot of stunning scenery, seeing the refreshing mountain breeze, beautiful scenery, and delicious wine and food, he was unconsciously immersed in it. While being at ease, I suddenly felt a cold eye looking at me.

Lu Yang moved in his heart and immediately found those eyes.

Those eyes came from Bu Jingyun, who was expressionless at this time, but his handsome face had cold and terrifying eyes. Even in this lively place, people have a feeling of being trapped in an icy cave and facing a terrifying beast.

But Lu Yang didn't care. He knew why Bu Jingyun was angry, and he didn't bother to pay attention to him. This wood does not care if you help him or not, as long as you design Dao Kongci, he will not hesitate to be a native of Luyang!

When Lu Yang was doing nothing, suddenly a man in white clothes and gray hair came over.

Lu Yang saw him for a moment, and knew that he was Fengshen Leg Nie Feng. I don't understand what he is looking for.

As soon as Nie Feng came over, he said to Lu Yang, "This is Master Lu Yang!"

Lu Yang nodded and smiled: "Please sit down!"

Nie Feng laughed, sat down in front of Lu Yang, took up his glass and said, "Master respects you so much, and Nie Feng also admires you very much. Come on, I will respect Master Lu!"

Lu Yang laughed, picked up the wine glass, and was about to drink. Nie Feng had already drunk it, and approached him with an intimate appearance, but said in his mouth: "You hurt Junior Brother Yun, you are frivolous, sister Kong Ci, Nie Feng is inconvenient to turn his face with you in front of the master, but you must remember that I will avenge them in the future!"

Not only was Lu Yang not angry when he heard this, but his eyes brightened, and he thought, it turns out that this guy is also a black-bellied person!

Lu Yang looked at him in surprise. He couldn't imagine that this person would make small movements under straight eyes. He was worried that Nie Feng's eyes were too straight!

But in this way, his own plan can be implemented. Bu Jingyun is not easy to communicate, maybe he can be used.

The key step Jingyun is not only not good at communication, but also like to be alone! ..


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