Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 31: Contest

Lu Yang didn't know that the two didn't see each other, so he thought Duan Lang cared about him!

Seeing the two people caring about themselves, Lu Yang pondered for a while and said, "Well, let me talk to the leader of the male tyrant!"

Kong Ci nodded in relief, but she was not worried about Lu Yang, but about Bu Jingyun.

Duan Lang was a little disappointed. To be honest, he still wanted to see the contest between Lu Yang and Bu Jingyun.

Soon Lu Yang's second match began, and Broken Lang took him to the match platform. His opponent was a normal-looking person. A black dress will be more conspicuous.

When Lu Yang arrived, a lot of people had already gathered under the competition platform. Because Bu Jingyun challenged Lu Yang, many people were very curious about him, wanting to see who this face was that Bu Jingyun wanted to fight.

But few people know Lu Yang, he has always been low-key, not ostentatious like Duan Lang.

So when he arrived at the contest, he almost couldn't wait to lift it. Because the underside of the table was crowded with people, many people stretched their scalps to see Lu Yang's face.

Lu Yang looked at the crowd and smiled bitterly. Broken Lang was a little excited when seeing the crowds here, as if these people came to see him.

I was excited, but there was no expression of excitement on his face. Instead, Gao Han said with an unhappy look: "Let's let him go! Let Young Master Lu pass!"

When he talked about Master Lu, everyone looked over. Set his eyes on him.

Duan Lang raised his head suddenly, with a proud look.

But he didn't feel proud for too long, because it was obvious that other people didn't need him emotionally. Soon his eyes fell on Lu Yang.

The man on the stage also looked at Lu Yang curiously. He heard what the man whose face was always challenged by Young Master Yun was like!

Lu Yang smiled slightly and said, "Everyone, please let me go!"

As soon as his voice fell, the people under the stage recovered and took the initiative to make way for him, but they still looked at him curiously.

Lu Yang smiled politely, with a low-key look.

Everyone's eyes began to look a little contemptuous, and some people even disdain.

"This person has been actively challenged by Young Master Bu Jingyun, can't you tell!"

"You can't be mistaken, Young Master Bu Jingyun challenged him with such a distinguished status!"

"Whether it is wrong, he will definitely die this time!"

At this time, a person suddenly shouted: "Hurry up and tell the gang leader to cancel the game! You can only die in a duel with Young Master Bu Jingyun!"

When this person spoke, he immediately caused a burst of laughter, and everyone looked at Lu Yang with disdain.

Duan Lang's expression began to look a little ugly. Lu Yang didn't change his face until then, but walked onto the stage with a smile and bowed his hand to the man in black.

The man in black also despised a little, he smiled coldly and looked at Lu Yang disdainfully.

Lu Yang smiled slightly and said, "In Xia Luyang!"

The man in black sneered, but he didn't even have Dali.

There was a roar of laughter, sneer, and disdain in the audience, and the face of the broken wave was blue and white when listening!

Suddenly, he finally couldn't help it, and shouted, "Master Lu, you are not more merciful than his men!"

He originally wanted to give Lu Yang a long face, but when he didn't want his words to fall, he immediately remembered a violent laughter.

"Just him, he is merciful, there are such shameless people in the world!"

"Trash, come down quickly! Don't be ashamed of it!"

"Get off! The world doesn't need this kind of waste to be embarrassing!"

Duan Lang's face became even more ugly, and the man in black heard the following words, his sneer intensified! But Lu Yang didn't change his face.

Laugh, anyone can. The key is to laugh at the end, it's not that simple!

Suddenly, the black-clothed man raised his hand and beckoned to Lu Yang, acting casually.

There was a burst of laughter in the audience, but their smiles didn't last long and stopped abruptly. Because Lu Yang, who was laughed at by them just now, suddenly appeared on the other side of the competition stage.

Everyone blinked, and some people rubbed their eyes in disbelief, thinking they were mistaken.

However, when they widened their eyes to confirm, they did find Lu Yang standing in another section. But the place where Luyang Station was just now was empty!

what's the situation! Damn it?

Panic appeared on everyone's faces, when did he do it!

Duan Lang was also shocked, he was angry just now because of those people! Now not only is not angry, but also forgot to be happy.

Lu Yang's martial arts is so high!

As for Lu Yang's opponent, the man in black, his eyes widened, lying on the ground.

He didn't know when he was sent here. He was clearly standing on the stage just now.

And his opponent, that seemingly ordinary Lu Yang, appeared where he stood just now.

what happened!

He didn't know, he just felt like he had a dream suddenly, he just lost like that.

Suddenly, he touched his body, but he was not injured.

There is no wound, and there is no pain all over the body. He did this!

If you knock a person off the competition platform, you can't vent your anger, and even the craftsman can knock down in an instant.

The key is that someone shot down the martial arts stage in an instant, and that person didn't feel any pain, and there were no wounds all over his body. This is simply a myth!

Everyone stared at Lu Yang blankly, the whole competition field seemed to freeze, and there was no sound.

They looked at Lu Yang with unbelievable eyes, but Lu Yang stood blankly.

A breeze blew, and a scattered autumn leaves fell on his shoulders.

Lu Yang moved!

He showed a cold smile, raised his hand and flicked his fingers, and talked about the autumn leaves that had fallen off his shoulders!

Then he waved his sleeves, and walked off the stage amidst his many surprised eyes.

Acting in front of brother, brother will let you sit for a while!

Lu Yang smiled coldly, ignoring everyone's gaze, walked up to Duanlang and said, "Let's go!"

Only then did Duanlang come back to his senses. He glanced at Lu Yang in surprise, and said like a dream: "Oh...go...go!"..


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