Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 55: The secret of woodcarving

She couldn't believe that her lifelong TOEFL person turned out to be such a erotic, but this really happened. There was only anger in her heart.

Before Lu Yang came, she thought for a long time, and thought of how to question Lu Yang. If Lu Yang denies or finds a reason, how can she expose him.

Originally thought that Lu Yang would have a lot of comfort, but he did not expect that this man would not comfort or defend himself, so he simply admitted it!

Kong Ci stared at him blankly for a while, suddenly his eyes flushed and his heart broke.

Seeing that she was about to cry again, Lu Yang said angrily, "Why are you crying!"

Kong Ci snorted coldly, and some of his thoughts were frustrated: "Kong Ci has lost you, a shameless person, and you don't expect you to admit your mistakes. Isn't it OK to grieve alone?"

Lu Yang was taken aback, wondering: "Why am I shameless?"

Kong Ci smiled coldly, pointed at him and said angrily: "You just took office, and if you don't ask anything else, you have two maids, and you say you're not mean and unjust!"

Lu Yang gave her an angry look and said, "I asked them for you!"

Kong Ci was taken aback for a moment, and still angrily said: "Huh! You said it nicely then, I will ask you, how do you..."

Before she finished speaking, Lu Yang pulled her into his arms and moved his hands, feeling uncomfortable.

Kong Ci was embarrassed and angrily said: "Let go of me!"

Lu Yang glared at her, and said in a bad mood: "I drank the wine, you are safe, and angered me, you will suffer tonight!"

Kong Ci certainly understood what he meant, and didn't dare to resist. He knew Lu Yang, but he did what he said.

When Lu Yang saw her calm down, he said patiently: "Others don’t know about you and me, but those two girls are very clear. We are full of this gang of masters! But when this competition is over, they just I'm going to return to my own position, in case the wind leaks..."

Kong Ci shook his whole body when he heard it, and his face became suspicious.

Yes, why didn't she think of this, so to speak...

She looked at Lu Yang in surprise, her eyes full of questions.

Lu Yang nodded, seeming to be sure that his question seemed to be true, and then said: "Yes, I took the opportunity to ask them, just to keep these two people who know our affairs. Of course, they must not stay here anymore. God I will send them to Surabaya City!"

Kong Ci heard these words, how could he not trust him?

Thinking that when she took office, she would take the world's worst and relieve her hidden dangers. She also misunderstood others. Her eyes were red again, and she was moved and guilty.

She wrapped Lu Yang's neck and said, "Master, Kong Ci misunderstood you!"

Lu Yang curled his lips and said: "What's the misunderstanding? You are sad because you like me. But you know I know this, and others can't. I came tonight because I thought that you would misunderstand me, so I will inform you in advance. !"

When Kong Ci heard this, he was touched again, and Lu Yang took a risk when she came to her. He just became the hall master, and came to her as a woman on the first night. What if he let others know that Xiongba would not be angry?

Thinking of this, she felt more guilty, and lowered her head, embarrassed to look at Lu Ang.

Lu Yang seemed to see his thoughts, hehe smiled and said, "Don't be sad, fortunately I came in time, you have no impulse! But this matter needs to be hidden!"

Kong Ci nodded, glanced at Lu Yang, and suddenly said softly: "Actually, Kong Ci is not a jealous person. If you are good to me, I am satisfied. If you like other women, I have no right to ask!"

Lu Yang laughed at this, and joked: "What? Is it possible that it was not my Miss Kong Ci who got angry just now!"

Kong Ci knew that he was teasing himself, but he was not angry. He bit his lip and said, "Who told you not to say it beforehand!"

After thinking about it, she sighed again: "People know that you are a great hero. There must be a lot of women around you in the future. They are born better than Kong Ci, and they are much more beautiful. Kong Ci dare not force you to be mine. , I just hope that you won't be burdened by others in the future!"

Seeing her affectionate appearance, Lu Yang was also a little emotional, and he stopped his strength in his hand movements, and he smiled: "What do you want to do so far? I have just become the hall master now and there are a lot of busy things. How can I think about it! "

Kong Ci listened and knew that he comforted himself, and his heart was warm. Suddenly she seemed to think of something, frowning and saying: "The two maids, it is better not to be sent to Surabaya, it is better to stay by your side!"

Lu Yang listened for a moment, then pondered for a while before saying: "Yes! You are right, they are gone, and we won't find anyone we can trust when we meet!"

Kong Ci's face blushed when he heard it, and he gave him an angry look: "What do you think? People mean that they are also maids like Kong Ci. It is also sad to live in Surabaya where people are unfamiliar with each other. Kong Ci can't send them somewhere just because of herself!"

Lu Yang listened for a moment, and was amused by the meek little woman. He did agree with her face: "So did you!"

After speaking, he let go of Kong Ci, stretched his waist and said, "I'm really a little drunk tonight. Get me some tea!"

Kong Ci quickly stood up and poured him a cup of tea.

Lu Yang drank in one breath, his eyes falling on the wood carvings.

"Huh? One more today!"

After hearing what he said, Kong Ci was taken aback, took a quiet look at his face, and said, "Master Bu Jingyun just sent another eagle. Look, it's very delicate!"

Lu Yang nodded, looked carefully for a while, and exclaimed: "It's really exquisite," he looked for a while, then shook his head and said, "What a pity!"

Seeing him complimenting the wood carving, Kong Ci was relieved just now. Hearing what he said, his heart raised again, and he couldn't help saying, "What a pity?"

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, I am a little lonely!"

Kong Ci was taken aback for a moment, and said in surprise: "Why do you say that?"

Lu Yang frowned and thought about it: "I don't know, I always feel lonely!"

Kong Ci sighed and told Lu Yang what Bu Jingyun had said.

After hearing this, Lu Yang frowned and thought for a while, suddenly moved in his heart, took a step back, and looked at the wood carvings on the wall. ..


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