Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 60: Slaying

Xiong Ba coldly snorted, seeming to understand what he meant, and said coldly, "Let go and do it!"

Lu Yang shook his whole body when he heard it, and raised his head to look at Xiongba.

Xiongba nodded coldly in his eyes.

Lu Yang also nodded.

Suddenly, he ignored the etiquette, waved his big hand, suddenly turned and walked out.

The three dazed sons were left behind, and the male tyrant with a sneer.

The cleaning of Qingmutang has begun.

Lu Yang didn't do it, the person who did it was Dalang!

He knows the martial arts of Duanlang, except for the three masters in the world, his martial arts is the highest!

Broken Lang took a group of disciples, killed another city from one city, and then another small city from this city.

It took more than two months to kill it all.

In just two months, Duanlang has become the killer of the world. Let the people in the world have hatred and fear!

However, when he came back, Lu Yang made him a handyman.

In front of Duanlang, Lu Yang said that it was the command of Xiongba, so Duanlang would not think much about it.

But secretly, he did it for the hero.

Broken wave dragged his hatred for two months, and then he slapped him, can he not die? Even if he doesn't die, he won't be able to stand in the world.

During this period, Lu Yang kept changing his horses and arranging for him to go down.

After two months of busy work, everything was finally rectified, and Lu Yang was relieved.

At the same time, Qingmutang was clean again.

Only a few days after Lu Yang took a rest, the accounts and other things from various places were also delivered, and many of them were ordered and arranged by him personally.

Lu Yang didn't pay much attention, and left it all to others.

Just kidding, someone doesn't need to do anything. He has already killed a sensation in the world, who dares to offend him as a murderer?

That night, Lu Yang was reading a book, and a figure slipped to Lu Yang quietly.

The figure arrived in front of Lu Yang's door and knocked gently.

Lu Yang laughed, as if he knew the identity of that person.

With a light wave of his hand, they opened.

Kong Ci hurriedly arrived with a smile.

As soon as she came in, she closed the door with a guilty conscience. Then he directed at Lu Yang with a smile on his face as he had done something bad.

Lu Yang laughed, and said angrily: "How many times have I been here, and I still have such a guilty conscience!"

Kong Ci blushed and threw himself into his arms and said: "People are afraid of pulling!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "What are you afraid of, the door here is open for you!"

Kong Ci chuckled, and suddenly remembered something, blushing and said: "If you propose a marriage earlier, people don't need to blush!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly. He also wanted to propose marriage to Xiongba, but now that he hasn't worked hard, he made a big mistake, Xiongba may not agree.

Thinking of this, he sighed and said: "I can't help it, I still have the confidence that things don't happen in Surabaya, and now I don't have any confidence."

Kong Ci heard that there were some things, but he still comforted Lu Yang and said, "You don't have to worry, you will always be fine."

She suddenly remembered something and said to Lu Yang: "That's right! The gang leader said this morning that Master Nie Feng would send someone to support you, for fear that you will not have enough manpower!"

Lu Yang laughed, and Xiongba finally relieved him. He was in a good mood, just about to speak, suddenly frowned.

Seeing his look, Kong Ci knew something had happened, and immediately said, "What's wrong?"

Lu Yang frowned and said, "Someone is coming!"

Kong Ci listened for a moment and said, "It's so late, who is looking for you?"

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "I didn't come to see me, to be more precise, he was not a member of the world!"

Kong Ci was shocked when he heard this, and said in a panic: "There are assassins!"

Lu Yang nodded and said to Kong Ci: "You stay here, I'll take a look!"

When he said he was about to go out, Kong Ci grabbed him and said, "Be careful!"

Lu Yang laughed, and kissed her little mouth, "Don't worry!" He hurried out after saying.

In one place, he heard movement outside and quickly followed.

After chasing for a while, I saw a few dark shadows quickly leaving the Blue Eye Hall and heading towards Feiyun Hall.

Lu Yang saw a few dark shadows and became a little puzzled.

It stands to reason that he is the one who will kill the most people in the world recently. If someone wants revenge, he should find himself. Why did they go to Feiyuntang?

Thinking of this, he quietly followed.

Several people walked around Feiyuntang and went to Shenfengtang unexpectedly.

Only then did Lu Yang understand that several people didn't recognize the way!

He quietly followed, just after every frame, suddenly there was movement behind.

Lu Yang stayed quietly for a while, and saw Bu Jingyun quietly coming over.

When he came over, he saw Lu Yang, frowned and said, "Why are you here!"

Lu Yang said in a huff: "Didn't you follow me too?"

Bu Jingyun snorted coldly, "Do you know the identities of those people?"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and said, "Do you know?"

Bu Jingyun gave him a cold look, and followed him without saying a word.

A few people circled in the Kamikaze Hall, and then they went to Xiongba.

The two were shocked when they saw each other, and Bu Jingyun followed suit for a while.

When the three of them got to the tyrant, they would kill them all, and they broke in directly.

Bu Jingyun heard the sound of fighting, but stopped instead.

When Lu Yang saw it, his heart moved, and he said, as expected, he and Xiongba have an enemy!

He quietly touched it, and said to Bu Jingyun: "Don't you want Hall Master Yun to do it?"

Bu Jingyun snorted coldly: "The martial arts of these people are not the opponents of the gang leader, I am looking at their identities!"

Lu Yang laughed, his words were a little vague and said: "Since the gang leader cannot be killed, let's take them quickly. In case the gang leader is angry!"

Bu Jingyun listened for a moment, his face changed randomly, and looked at Lu Yang in amazement.

Lu Yang’s words sound ambiguous. If the mindless people sound like they can’t kill the hero, there is no need to waste time watching them fight.

And to put it another way is that they can't kill the hero, so there is no need to waste time and give them a good time.

However, no matter what it means, Lu Yang seems to have the meaning of temptation, Bu Jingyun is careful, can he be careful not to be alert? ..


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